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本书收集了全球濒危物种东北豹的基础生态学资料,结合近年开展的关于我国东北豹的样线调查、信息网络监测、自动相机监测和非损伤取样 DNA检测等工作的相关成果,综合描述了东北豹的食性、家域、栖息地特征等基础生态学知识,历史分布区的动态变化,种群密度空间分布特征,与猎物及同域分布的东北虎种群之间的作用关系,适宜栖息地的分布和潜在分布的种群数量等内容。本书通过物种空间分布模型技术对各种调查数据进行科学分析与预测,全面地描述了东北豹的各种生态学特征,并以本项研究结果为基础,制定了东北豹保护行动计划。
This book includes fundamentals of ecology information about the globally endangered species Amur leopard. Combined with achievements in transect-line surveys, information network monitoring, automatic itoring and noninvasive sampling DNA detection of Amur leopard in China in recent years, we syntheticacamera monlly described Amur leopard fundamental ecology knowledge like feeding, home range and habitat characteristics, dynamic changes of historical area, spatial distribution, interaction between prey and sympatric Amur tiger population, distribution of suitable habitat and potential distribution of population size. Through species-space distribution model technology to scientifically analyze and forecast various survey data, we roundly described various ecological characteristics in this book. Based on the results of the study, we have made an Amur leopard conservation plan recommendation.
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  • 目录
    序 Ⅰ
    序 Ⅱ
    前 言
    概 要 第 1章 中国东北豹概况 1
    1.1 东北豹 2
    1.2 中国东北豹种群及栖息地 4
    1.3 东北豹的生存需求 6
    1.4 中国东北豹种群面临的主要威胁 8
    1.5 政策法规 12
    1.6 本章小结 14
    第 2章 东北豹种群密度空间分布的驱动因子 17
    2.1 方法 21
    2.1.1 研究区域 21
    2.1.2 野外调查 22
    2.1.3 数据分析 24
    2.2 调查结果 26
    2.2.1 东北豹的种群丰富度及有蹄动物密度、生物量估计 26
    2.2.2 东北豹种群大小及密度评估 29
    2.2.3 有蹄动物密度(或生物量)与栖息地因子之间的关系 30
    2.2.4 东北豹种群密度对猎物及栖息地因子的响应 32
    2.3 讨论 36
    2.4 本章小结 40
    第 3章 东北豹猎物种群和栖息地的分布 43
    3.1 方法 45
    3.1.1 研究地区 45
    3.1.2 有蹄类动物出现数据的收集 46
    3.1.3 栖息地景观和生物变量 46
    3.1.4 模型建立 49
    3.2 结果 50
    3.2.1 有蹄类动物调查数据 50
    3.2.2 出现概率预测模型 50
    3.3 讨论 60
    3.4 本章小结 63
    第 4章 同域分布东北虎种群及其栖息地的分布 67
    4.1 方法 69
    4.1.1 东北虎出现数据的收集 69
    4.1.2 环境和人为干扰变量 70
    4.1.3 模型的建立和潜在适宜栖息地的识别 71
    4.2 结果 73
    4.2.1 东北虎出现数据 73
    4.2.2 东北虎出现模型 74
    4.3 讨论 77
    4.4 本章小结 81
    第 5章 中国东北地区东北豹潜在栖息地和种群的分布 83
    5.1 研究方法 86
    5.1.1 东北豹、东北虎和有蹄类数据的收集 86
    5.1.2 景观和生物变量 88
    5.1.3 模型的建立和潜在适宜栖息地斑块的识别 89
    5.1.4 自动相机调查和潜在种群数量的评估 91
    5.1.5 斑块的连接度及其与东北豹密度分布的关系 93
    5.2 结果 95
    5.2.1 东北豹、东北虎和猎物的出现证据 95
    5.2.2 东北豹、东北虎和猎物出现模型 99
    5.2.3 潜在种群评估及其与斑块连接度的关系 103
    5.3 讨论 107
    5.4 本章小结 114
    第 6章 中国东北豹保护行动计划 117
    6.1 保护行动计划编制的背景 118
    6.1.1 东北豹的保护地位 118
    6.1.2 东北豹生物学特征和生存需求 119
    6.1.3 东北豹的种群和栖息地分布 121
    6.1.4 东北豹种群和栖息地的保护管理 123
    6.1.5 制定保护行动计划开展的前期研究工作 124
    6.2 行动目标 127
    6.3 保护行动框架和内容 128
    6.3.1 建设东北豹种群和栖息地监测体系,扩大和提升东北豹栖息地的面积和质量 130
    行动 1:建设东北豹生态监测站网络,建立并完善监测体系 130
    行动 2:提高东北豹保护管理部门的监测技术能力 131
    行动 3:新建、扩建东北豹自然保护区,开展自然保护区网络建设 132
    行动 4:保护和恢复东北豹的猎物种群,促进东北豹与同域分布的东北虎共存 132
    行动 5:严格控制东北豹栖息地内的人为干扰活动 134
    6.3.2 建设和健全东北豹保护行政管理体系和法律、法规体系,保障保护行动计划的有效实施 135
    行动 6:建立“东北豹国家级生态保护特区”,制定高效的保护管理制度和法律、法规体系 135
    行动 7:预防东北豹对家畜的伤害,合理补偿经济损失,减缓人兽冲突 137
    行动 8:东北豹友好型区域经济发展示范 137
    6.3.3 开展东北豹种群及栖息地的本底调查和东北豹保护生物学研究 138
    行动 9:开展东北豹种群及栖息地的本底调查 138
    行动 10:猎物和栖息地对东北豹种群分布的影响及其恢复技术研究 139
    行动 11:人为干扰对东北豹种群和栖息地分布的影响及其减缓措施研究 140
    行动 12:东北豹和东北虎之间相互作用关系及大型捕食者集团整体保护研究 141
    6.3.4 切实加强保护宣传教育,并促进东北豹保护国际合作与交流 141
    行动 13:广泛开展保护宣传教育 141
    行动 14:建立中、俄、朝三国东北豹保护国际合作机制 142
    6.4 保护行动计划执行的相关部门和主体部门 144
    6.5 资金筹措及来源 146
    6.6 本章小结 146
    参考文献 148
    附图 东北豹个体的自动相机影像识别信息 165
    致谢 201
    Foreword Ⅰ
    Foreword Ⅱ
    Summary CHAPTER 1 Status of Amur leopard in China 1
    1.1 Amur leopard 2
    1.2 Population and habitat of Amur leopard in China 4
    1.3 Survival requirements of Amur leopard 6
    1.4 Key threats to Amur leopard in China 8
    1.5 Policy context 12
    1.6 Summary 14
    CHAPTER 2 Spatial distribution drivers of Amur leopard populationdensity 17
    2.1 Methods 21
    2.1.1 Study area 21
    2.1.2 Field surveys 22
    2.1.3 Data analysis 24
    2.2 Results 26
    2.2.1 Estimates of Amur leopard abundance, ungulate density and biomass 26
    2.2.2 Amur leopard population size and density assessment 29
    2.2.3 Relationships between ungulate density or biomass and habitat factors 30
    2.2.4 Response of Amur leopard density to prey and habitat factors 32
    2.3 Discussion 36
    2.4 Summary 40
    CHAPTER 3 Amur leopard prey population and habitat distribution 43
    3.1 Methods 45
    3.1.1 Study area 45
    3.1.2 Ungulate presence data collection 46
    3.1.3 Landscape and biotic-covariates 46
    3.1.4 Model development 49
    3.2 Results 50
    3.2.1 Survey data for ungulate 50
    3.2.2 Occurrence model 50
    3.3 Discussion 60
    3.4 Summary 63
    CHAPTER 4 Population and habitat distribution of sympatric Amurtiger 67
    4.1 Methods 69
    4.1.1 Amur tiger presence data collection 69
    4.1.2 Environmental and anthropogenic variables 70
    4.1.3 Model development and potential suitable habitat identification 71
    4.2 Results 73
    4.2.1 Occurrence data for Amur tiger 73
    4.2.2 Amur tiger occurrence model 74
    4.3 Discussion 77
    4.4 Summary 81
    CHAPTER 5 Potential habitat and population distribution of Amur leopard in Northeast China 83
    5.1 Methods 86
    5.1.1 Amur leopard, tiger and ungulate presence data collection 86
    5.1.2 Landscape and biotic-covariates 88
    5.1.3 Model development and potential suitable habitat patch identification 89
    5.1.4 Camera trap survey and estimating potential leopard population size 91
    5.1.5 Patch connectivity and its relation to Amur leopard density distribution 93
    5.2 Results 95
    5.2.1 Occurrence evidence for Amur leopard, Amur tiger and prey 95
    5.2.2 Amur leopard, Amur tiger and prey occurrence model 99
    5.2.3 Potential population assessment and its relation to connectivity 103
    5.3 Discussion 107
    5.4 Summary 114
    CHAPTER 6 Amur leopard conservation action plan of China 117
    6.1 Background of conservation plan compilation 118
    6.1.1 Significance of Amur leopard conservation 118
    6.1.2 Biological characteristics and survival needs of Amur leopard 119
    6.1.3 Distribution of Amur leopard population and habitat 121
    6.1.4 Protection and management on Amur leopard population and habitat 123
    6.1.5 Previous research for protection action plan compilation 124
    6.2 Protection action goal 127
    6.3 The framework and content of protection actions 128
    6.3.1 Construct the monitoring system of the Amur leopard population and habitat, enlarge the area of habitat and improve its quality 130
    Action 1: Construct the ecological monitoring station network of the Amur leopard, establish and perfect the monitoring system 130
    Action 2: Improve the capability of the monitoring of the Amur leopard’s protection and administration departments 131
    Action 3: Construct and expand the Amur leopard nature reserve and carry out its network construction 132
    Action 4: Protect and recover the prey population of the Amur leopard, promote the coexistence between the Amur leopard and the sympatric Amur tiger 132
    Action 5: Rigorously control the human disturbance activities in the Amur leopard habitat 134
    6.3.2 Construct and perfect the administrative management system, laws and legal system for Amur leopard protection, and ensure the effective implement of the protection plan 135
    Action 6: Establish the national ecological special zones of the Amur leopard and draft effective protection and management systems, as well as improving laws and the legal systems 135
    Action 7: Prevent the damage on livestock by the Amur leopard, compen-sate economic loss reasonably, alleviate the conflicts between the human and wild animals 137
    Action 8: Demonstrate regional economic development which is favorable for Amur leopard 137
    6.3.3 Carry out Amur leopard population and habitat background survey and conservation biology research 138
    Action 9: Carry out Amur leopard population and habitat back ground survey 138
    Action 10: Study on the influence of prey and habitat on Amur leopard population distribution and habitat recovery technology 139
    Action 11: Study the influence of human disturbances on Amur leopard population and habitat distribution, and alleviation measures 140
    Action 12: Study the inter Actions between Amur leopard and Amur tiger, and large predator guild integral conservation 141
    6.3.4 Strengthen protection publicity and education, and international cooperation and communication for Amur leopard conservation 141
    Action 13: Carry out protection publicity and education widely 141
    Action 14: An international tripartite conservation cooperation mechanism established among China, Russian and North Korea 142
    6.4 Relevant departments and subject departments in conservation Action plan implementation 144
    6.5 Fund raising and sources 146
    6.6 Summary 146
    References 148
    Attached photos Individual of identification Amur leopard by camera trap 165
    Acknowledgements 201