当前位置: 本科教材 > 理学 > 0703 化学 > 分析化学实验(英汉双语版)



  • 书号:9787030611826
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  • 装帧:平装
  • 页数:7,241
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:
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    售价: ¥46.61元
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  • 目录
    Chapter 1 Basic Knowledge of Analytical Chemistry Experiments 1
    1.1 Basic Requirements for Analytical Chemistry Experiments 1
    1.2 Basic Knowledge of the Laboratory 1
    Chapter 2 Basic Operation for Quantitative Analysis 8
    2.1 Analytical Balance 8
    2.2 Pipetting and Constant Volume Operation 10
    2.3 Burette and Basic Operations for Titration Analysis 13
    2.4 Basic Operations of Gravimetric Analysis 16
    Chapter 3 Quantitative Analysis Experiments 23
    3.1 Basic Operation Practices 23
    Exp.1 Practices of Analytical Balance 23
    Exp.2 Practices of Basic Operation for Titration Analysis 24
    3.2 Acid-base Titration Experiments 27
    Exp.3 Preparation and Standardization of NaOH Standard Solution 27
    Exp.4 Preparation and Standardization of HCl Solution 29
    Exp.5 Determination of Boric Acid in Food Additives 31
    Exp.6 Analysis of Mixed Alkali 33
    Exp.7 Determination of Nitrogen in Ammonium Salts 35
    Exp.8 Determination of Total Phosphorus in Phosphate Fertilizer 37
    Exp.9 Determination of Total Acidity in Edible Vinegar 39
    Exp.10 Determination of the Molar Mass of Organic Acids 41
    3.3 Complexometric Titration Experiments 43
    Exp.11 Preparation and Standardization of EDTA Standard Solution and Determination of Water Hardness 43
    Exp.12 Determination of Calcium and Magnesium in Industrial Raw Materials 46
    Exp.13 Determination of Pb2+ and Bi3+ in Mixture of Pb2+ and Bi3+ 49
    Exp.14 Determination of Aluminum and Magnesium in Gastropine Tablet 51
    Exp.15 Determination of EDTA in Detergents 54
    Exp.16 Determination of Iron, Aluminum, Calcium and Magnesium in Cement Clinker 56
    Exp.17 Determination of Aluminum in Industrial Aluminum Sulfate 60
    3.4 Redox Titration Experiments 63
    Exp.18 Preparation and Standardization of Potassium Permanganate Standard Solution and Determination of H2O2 63
    Exp.19 Determination of Iron in Iron Ore by Potassium Dichromate Method(Mercury-Free Method) 65
    Exp.20 Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Environmental WaterSamples (KMnO4 Method) 67
    Exp.21 Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand in Sewage (K2Cr2O7 Method) 70
    Exp.22 Determination of Copper in Copper Salt by Indirect Iodimetry 74
    Exp.23 Determination of Calcium in Calcium Preparations 76
    Exp.24 Determination of Dissolved Oxygen in Water 78
    Exp.25 Determination of Vitamin C in Juice 81
    Exp.26 Determination of Glucose in Glucose Injection 83
    3.5 Precipitation Titration and Gravimetric Analysis Experiments 85
    Exp.27 Determination of Chlorine in Soluble Chloride by Mohr Method 85
    Exp.28 Determination of Chlorine in Soluble Chloride by Vollhard Method 87
    Exp.29 Determination of Barium in Barium Salt by Gravimetric Method 89
    Exp.30 Determination of Barium in Barium Salts (Microwave Drying Gravimetric Method) 91
    Exp.31 Determination of Potassium in Fertilizer 93
    Exp.32 Determination of Nickel in Steel 95
    Chapter 4 Spectrophotometry and Common Separation Methods Experiments 98
    Exp.33 Spectrophotometric Determination of Iron with Phenanthroline 98
    Exp.34 Determination of NO2– in Food 101
    Exp.35 Determination of Available Phosphorus in Soil 103
    Exp.36 Determination of Total Flavonoids in Bamboo Leaves by Spectrophotometry Coupled with Microwave-assisted Extraction Technique 105
    Exp.37 Determination of Trace Lead in Environmental Water Samples by Extraction Separation-spectrophotometry 107
    Exp.38 Separation and Identification of Amino Acids by Paper Chromatography 110
    Exp.39 Separation of Food Pigments by Paper Chromatography 112
    Chapter 5 Comprehensive Design Experiments 115
    5.1 Acid-base Titration Design Experiments 115
    Exp.40 Determination of SiO2 by Potassium Fluosilicate Method 115
    Exp.41 Determination of NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 in Biscuits 116
    Exp.42 Determination of Boron Trioxide of Slag 116
    5.2 Complexometric Titration Design Experiments 117
    Exp.43 Determination of ZnO in Calamine Lotion 117
    Exp.44 Determination of Nickel and Magnesium in Nickel-magnesium Alloys 117
    Exp.45 Determination of Each Component in Mixture of Mg2+ and EDTA 118
    5.3 Redox Titration Design Experiments 118
    Exp.46 Determination of Chromium in Alloys 118
    Exp.47 Determination of Iodine in Iodized Salt 119
    Exp.48 Determination of Ferrous Oxide in Iron-containing Steel Slag 119
    5.4 Precipitation Titration Design Experiments 120
    Exp.49 Determination of Sodium Chlorine in Food 120
    Exp.50 Determination of Chloride Ion in Complex Fertilizer 120
    Exp.51 Determination of Silver in Nylon Silver-plated Fiber 121
    5.5 Spectrophotometry Design Experiments 121
    Exp.52 Determination of Chromium and Manganese in Steel by Spectrophotometry 121
    Exp.53 Determination of Trace Chlorine in Air 122
    Exp.54 Determination of Lead in Plant Leaves by Spectrophotometry 122
    5.6 Comprehensive Experiments 123
    Exp.55 Preparation and Composition Determination of Potassium Copper (Ⅱ) Dioxalate 123
    Exp.56 Preparation of Sodium Thiosulfate and Determination of Product Content 124
    Exp.57 Determination of Zinc Oxide and Boron Trioxide in Flame Retardants 126Appendix 127
    Appendix 1 Preparation of Commonly Used Buffer 127
    Appendix 2 Commonly Used Indicator 127
    Appendix 3 Concentrations and Densities of Common Acid-base Solutions 130
    Appendix 4 Common Primary Standard and Their Drying Conditions and Applications 130
    Appendix 5 Molecular Weight of Common Compounds 131
    第1章 分析化学实验基本知识 133
    1.1 分析化学实验的基本要求 133
    1.2 实验室基本知识 133
    第2章 定量分析基本操作 139
    2.1 分析天平 139
    2.2 移液和定容操作 140
    2.3 滴定管及滴定分析基本操作 143
    2.4 重量分析法的基本操作 146
    第3章 定量分析实验 151
    3.1 基础操作练习 151
    实验1 分析天平称量练习 151
    实验2 滴定分析基本操作练习 152
    3.2 酸碱滴定实验 154
    实验3 NaOH标准溶液的配制和标定 154
    实验4 HCl溶液的配制和标定 156
    实验5 食品添加剂中硼酸含量的测定 157
    实验6 混合碱的分析 159
    实验7 铵盐中氮含量的测定 161
    实验8 磷肥中全磷的测定 163
    实验9 食用醋总酸度的测定 164
    实验10 有机酸摩尔质量的测定 165
    3.3 络合滴定实验 167
    实验11 EDTA标准溶液的配制、标定和水硬度的测定 167
    实验12 工业原料中钙、镁含量的测定 170
    实验13 铅、铋混合溶液中铅、铋含量的测定 172
    实验14 胃舒平片中铝和镁含量的测定 174
    实验15 洗涤剂中EDTA含量的测定 176
    实验16 水泥熟料中铁、铝、钙、镁含量的测定 178
    实验17 工业硫酸铝中铝含量的测定 181
    3.4 氧化还原滴定实验 183
    实验18 高锰酸钾标准溶液的配制、标定和H2O2含量的测定 183
    实验19 重铬酸钾法测定铁矿石中的铁含量(无汞法) 186
    实验20 环境水样中化学需氧量的测定(KMnO4法) 187
    实验21 污水中化学需氧量的测定(K2Cr2O7法) 190
    实验22 间接碘量法测定铜盐中的铜含量 193
    实验23 钙制剂中钙含量的测定 195
    实验24 水中溶解氧的测定 196
    实验25 果汁中维生素C含量的测定 199
    实验26 葡萄糖注射液中葡萄糖含量的测定 201
    3.5 沉淀滴定及重量分析法实验 202
    实验27 莫尔法测定可溶性氯化物中的氯含量 202
    实验28 福尔哈德法测定可溶性氯化物中的氯含量 204
    实验29 重量分析法测定钡盐中的钡含量 206
    实验30 钡盐中钡含量的测定(微波干燥重量法) 208
    实验31 肥料中钾含量的测定 210
    实验32 钢铁中镍含量的测定 211
    第4章 分光光度法及常用分离方法实验 214
    实验33 邻二氮菲分光光度法测定铁 214
    实验34 食品中NO2-含量的测定 216
    实验35 土壤中有效磷的测定 218
    实验36 微波辅助萃取-分光光度法测定竹叶中总黄酮 219
    实验37 萃取分离-分光光度法测定环境水样中微量铅 221
    实验38 纸色谱法分离和鉴定氨基酸 223
    实验39 纸色谱法分离食用色素 225
    第5章 综合设计实验 227
    5.1 酸碱滴定设计实验 227
    实验40 氟硅酸钾法测定SiO2 227
    实验41 饼干中NaHCO3和Na2CO3含量的测定 227
    实验42 矿渣中三氧化二硼的测定 228
    5.2 络合滴定设计实验 228
    实验43 炉甘石洗剂中ZnO含量的测定 229
    实验44 镍镁合金中镍、镁的测定 229
    实验45 Mg2+-EDTA混合液中各组分的测定 229
    5.3 氧化还原滴定设计实验 230
    实验46 合金中铬含量的测定 230
    实验47 加碘食盐中碘含量的测定 230
    实验48 含铁钢渣中氧化亚铁含量的测定 230
    5.4 沉淀滴定设计实验 231
    实验49 食品中氯化钠的测定 231
    实验50 复合肥料中氯离子含量的测定 231
    实验51 尼龙镀银纤维中银含量的测定 231
    5.5 分光光度法设计实验 232
    实验52 分光光度法测定钢样中的铬和锰 232
    实验53 空气中微量氯气的测定 232
    实验54 分光光度法测定植物叶中的铅含量 233
    5.6 其他综合实验 233
    实验55 二草酸根合铜(Ⅱ)酸钾的制备及组成测定 233
    实验56 硫代硫酸钠的制备及产物含量的测定 234
    实验57 阻燃剂中氧化锌和三氧化二硼的测定 235
    附录 236
    附录1 常用缓冲溶液的配制 236
    附录2 常用指示剂 236
    附录3 常用酸碱溶液的浓度和密度 239
    附录4 常用基准物质及其干燥条件与应用 239
    附录5 常用化合物的分子量 240
    主要参考文献 242