目录 前言 关于高科技的本质的反思 高技术及其基础科学中的哲学与伦理学问题 波塞尔 3 马克思关于技术伦理和经济伦理关系的思想及启示 刘则渊 11 论现代技术的思想性特征与实践智慧 孔明安 20 高技术的发展与社会公正 朱葆伟 33 明智伦理与高科技 卢克纳 42 我们需要什么样的工程哲学 盛晓明 王华平 48 信息与网络伦理问题 扩展的技术可能性导致更多的冲突——以普适计算为例 考尔瓦克斯 59 信息传播中的伦理冲突 甘绍平 71 网络经济民主的脆弱性伦理学反思——一个案例研究 刘钢 77 网络功能设计的伦理学反思 王前 刘文宇 李良敏 85 伦理学也要与时俱进——克隆技术和伦理学问题 何祚庥 95 干细胞研究及其临床应用的伦理管治 翟晓梅 邱仁宗 104 混合生命体的伦理与认识论问题 尼克·C.卡拉菲利斯 118 生物和信息技术背景下的智能人 格哈德·甘姆 133 胚胎干细胞研究能否得到伦理辩护 沈铭贤 142 基因技术中人的内在自然和外在自然评价的方法论问题 乔治·罗曼 152 转基因技术伦理问题 绿色基因技术调节的伦理标准和尺度 胡比希 163 大规模推广转基因食品技术的若干伦理问题 曹南燕 168 从预防原则看转基因技术及其伦理问题 杨通进 175 从和谐伦理看转基因植物的风险与机遇 王国豫 187 纳米技术伦理问题 纳米技术的研究和应用——伦理学视角 邱仁宗 199 纳米科技对社会影响的可能性分析 洪晓楠 209 戴克尔 格鲁恩瓦尔德 221 灰色忧伤——纳米技术的社会风险 费多益 231 感知纳米技术伦理问题的文化条件 舒迈尔 238 后记 253 Contents Preface REFLECTIONS ON THE ESSENCE OF HIGH-TECH Philosophical and Ethical Problems of High-Tech and Its Foundamental Sciences POSER Hans 3 The Relationship between Technology Ethics and Business Ethics from Marx and ItsInspiration LIU Ze yuan 11 Concerning the Ideological Characteristics of Modern Technology and Phronesis KONG Ming’an 20 Development of High-Tech and Social Fairness ZHUBaowei 33 PhronesisandHigh-Tech LUCKNERAndreas 42 What kind of Engineering Philosophy we need SHENG Xiaoming,WANG Huaping 48 ETHICAL ISSUES OF INFORMATION & NETWORK Extensions of Technological Possibilities Lead to More Conflicts:The case of Ubiquitous Computing KORNWACHS Klaus 59 The Ethical Conflicts in the Information Dissemination GAN Shaoping 71 A Case Study:Reflections on the Fragility of Networked Economy Democracy LIU Gang 77 Ethical Retrospection on Network Function Design WANG Qian,LIU Wenyu,LI Liangmin 85 ETHICAL ISSUES OF BIOTECHNOLOGY Ethics Needs to Keep With Time:Cloning Technology and Ethical Problems HE Zuoxiu 95 The Ethical Governance of Stem Cells Research and Its Application in the Clinic. ZHAI Xiaomei,QIU Renzong 104 Ethical and Epistemological Problems of Hybridizing Living Beings KARAFYLLIS Nicole C. 118 Artificial Man. His Nature in the Context of Biological and Information Technologies GAMM Gerhard 133 Do Embroyic Stem Cell Studies Deserve Ethical Defence:To Lookat Transgenetic Technology and Its Ethical Problems SHEN Mingxian 142 Evaluations of the Inner and Outer Nature of Humans within Biotechnology. A Request to wards Chinese colleagues LOHMANN Georg 152 ETHICAL ISSUES OF GENETIC TECHNOLOGY Ethical Criteria and Standards for the(Social)Regulation of Green Genetic Engineering HUBIG Christoph 163 Ethical Problems of Massive Spread of GM Food CAO Nanyan 168 Transgenetic Technology and Its Ethical Problems from the Perspective of Precautionary Principle YANG Tongjin 175 Risks and Benefits of GM-Crop from the Perspective of Harmonious Ethics WANG Guoyu 187 ETHICAL ISSUES OF NANOTECHNOLOGY The Research and Application of Nanotechnology:From the Ethical Perspective QIU Renzong 199 Analysis of Nano-ST’s Possible Influence on Society HONG Xiaonan 209 Ethical Aspects of Nanotechnology DECKER Michael,GRUNWALD Armin 221 Gray Anxious:Social Risks of Nanotechnology FEI Duoyi 231 Cultural Conditions for Perceiving Ethical Issues of Nanotechnologies SCHUMMER Joachim 238 Postscript 253