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  • 书号:9787030539274
  • 外文书名:
  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:509
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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    售价: ¥157.21元
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  • 目录
    前言 ii
    凡例 iv
    绪论 1
    档案 39
    喀尔喀部分 41
    一 崇德帝为斥责喀尔喀扎萨克图汗出口不逊敕谕崇德三年九月二十四日 42
    二 崇德帝为斥责喀尔喀扎萨克图汗言行并约定会盟日期敕谕崇德五年三月初八日 43
    三 喀尔喀扎萨克图汗为政体协和延请达赖喇嘛事致顺治帝书顺治四年十一月二十五日 47
    四 喀尔喀汗等为苏尼特巴林事致顺治帝书顺治四年十二月初十日 48
    五 喀尔喀七旗诺颜为政体一致事致顺治帝书顺治六年八月初八日 49
    六 顺治帝著扎萨克图汗土谢图汗丹津喇嘛鄂木布额尔德尼等进九白之贡敕谕顺治七年十一月二十二日 51
    七 顺治帝为诘责拒来朝欠九白之贡赐喀尔喀丹津喇嘛敕谕顺治十一年三月二十日 54
    八 顺治帝命喀尔喀俄木布额尔德尼立誓敕谕顺治十四年十一月十九日 60
    九 顺治帝以嘉朝贡事颁喀尔喀土谢图汗敕谕顺治十五年七月二十三日 61
    一〇 顺治帝以嘉朝贡事颁喀尔喀车臣汗敕谕顺治十五年七月二十三日 62
    一一 康熙帝以喀尔喀扎萨克图汗部逃民事颁车臣汗敕谕康熙三年七月二十四日 63
    一二 内秘书院奏请颁给喀尔喀六处圣旨格式朱批奏折康熙八年八月初一日 66
    一三 喀尔喀土谢图汗为索扎木素公之子奏康熙帝书康熙十六年九月二十一日 67
    一四 康熙帝著复立誓通好颁喀尔喀土谢图汗等敕谕康熙十七年二月初五日 68
    一五 康熙帝为索逃人事颁喀尔喀土谢图汗等敕谕康熙十七年二月二十四日 70
    一六 喀尔喀土谢图汗为索《甘珠尔》经奏康熙帝书康熙十八年五月十九日 76
    一七 奉旨前往赏赉喀尔喀罗卜藏台吉之一等侍卫多尔济扎卜等奏折康熙二十一年七月初五日 78
    一八 康熙帝以严禁逃人事颁赐喀尔喀车臣汗敕谕康熙二十一年七月初十日 80
    一九 康熙帝以遣使给赏颁喀尔喀土谢图汗敕谕康熙二十一年七月初十日 82
    二〇 喀尔喀韦正哈丹巴图尔以进献礼物奏康熙帝书康熙二十二年七月二十七日 84
    二一 康熙帝为调解两翼纷争颁给喀尔喀七旗汗济农诺颜台吉等敕谕康熙二十五年三月二十七日 85
    二二 哲布尊丹巴呼图克图为归还喀尔喀扎萨克图汗失散人众奏康熙帝书康熙二十五年六月初二日 89
    二三 哲布尊丹巴呼图克图以喀尔喀诸部盟誓和解事奏达赖喇嘛书康熙二十五年六月初二日 94
    二四 哲布尊丹巴呼图克图为报库伦伯勒齐尔盟誓等情奏书康熙二十六年正月初五日 97
    二五 喀尔喀土谢图汗为报库伦伯勒齐尔盟会情形奏书康熙二十六年正月初七日 100
    二六 喀尔喀土谢图汗为报扎萨克图汗不按盟约归还所掠之众等情奏书康熙二十六年正月初七日 106
    二七 喀尔喀墨尔根济农为报身世之奏书康熙二十六年二月二十四日 114
    二八 康熙帝为车臣汗长子伊尔登阿喇布坦承袭汗位事颁土谢图汗敕谕康熙二十六年三月初一日 116
    二九 喀尔喀土谢图汗为报厄鲁特噶尔丹及俄罗斯犯喀尔喀奏书康熙二十六年五月二十日 119
    三〇 哲布尊丹巴呼图克图为报完结喀尔喀纠纷及噶尔丹俄罗斯声息奏书康熙二十六年五月二十日 121
    三一 哲布尊丹巴呼图克图为车臣汗嗣立奏康熙帝书康熙二十六年五月二十日 122
    三二 喀尔喀土谢图汗为报扎萨克图汗与噶尔丹会盟情事奏书康熙二十六年六月二十八日 126
    三三 喀尔喀土谢图汗等为报应敌噶尔丹奏书康熙二十六年九月二十四日 128
    三四 康熙帝令喀尔喀厄鲁特罢兵事赐喀尔喀土谢图汗敕谕康熙二十六年九月二十八日 131
    三五 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗质询哲布尊丹巴呼图克图降斥噶尔席勒图奏书康熙二十六年十一月十日 133
    三六 喀尔喀墨尔根诺颜密报土谢图汗举兵奏书康熙二十六年十一月二十日 135
    三七 领侍卫内大臣费扬古等奏为遵旨分拨畜群散给罹难喀尔喀情形事折康熙二十八年七月初三日 137
    三八 康熙帝为定法督察南下喀尔喀赐车臣汗等敕谕康熙二十八年十月初八日 143
    三九 喀尔喀诺颜伊拉古克三呼图克图等为报迎战厄鲁特情形奏书康熙二十八年十月二十一日 146
    四〇 喀尔喀戴青诺颜额尔德尼阿海为乞附致康熙帝奏书康熙二十八年十一月十五日 149
    四一 喀尔喀土谢图汗为乞请救助贫困属民事致康熙帝奏书康熙二十八年十二月十七日 152
    四二 喀尔喀额尔德尼伊拉古克三罗布藏陀音为报未受封扎萨克奏书康熙二十九年二月二十六日 155
    四三 喀尔喀扎萨克额尔克阿海敖卜等为乞请救助事致康熙皇帝奏书康熙二十九年三月三十日 157
    四四 喀尔喀信顺额尔克戴青诺颜为报人畜减少等事奏书康熙二十九年五月初三日 175
    四五 喀尔喀土谢图汗为报恩乞觐奏书康熙二十九年十月十九日 182
    四六 喀尔喀土谢图汗为乞取粮于呼和浩特奏书康熙三十年正月二十一日 184
    四七 喀尔喀策旺扎布台吉为报来投及乞助奏书康熙三十年正月二十一日 185
    四八 喀尔喀阿喇布坦那木扎尔台吉为报家世及乞封扎萨克奏书康熙三十年正月二十一日 187
    四九 喀尔喀伊拉古克三呼图克图为报鄂罗会诺尔战功奏书康熙三十年二月二十二日 191
    五〇 喀尔喀土谢图汗为陈偏袒噶尔丹事致达赖喇嘛书康熙三十四年正月初三日 194
    五一 喀尔喀汗等为诘责离间事致厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦书康熙五十五年闰三月二十八日 200
    五二 哲布尊丹巴呼图克图为令悔罪事致厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦书康熙五十五年闰三月二十八日 202
    阿拉善部分 207
    一 康熙帝为察询厄尔德尼和硕齐等劫吴喇忒事赐达赖巴图尔台吉墨尔根台吉敕谕康熙十八年四月初四日 208
    二 巴图尔厄尔克济农为乞救助奏书康熙十八年六月十九日 210
    三 巴图尔厄尔克济农为解所掠之物并悔罪奏书康熙二十年八月二十六日 212
    四 达赖巴图尔台吉为解罕都及盗窃马匹奏书康熙二十一年八月二十六日 213
    五 巴图尔厄尔克济农为偿解盗窃马匹奏书康熙二十一年八月二十六日 215
    六 巴图尔厄尔克济农为请赐黄册金印奏书康熙二十二年十二月初五日 218
    七 巴图尔厄尔克济农为乞康熙帝保护奏书康熙二十三年十月十九日 220
    八 额尔德尼和硕齐为悔掠边之罪奏康熙帝书康熙二十三年十月十九日 223
    九 罕都台吉为额尔德尼和硕齐劫掠事悔罪奏书康熙二十三年十月十九日 226
    一〇 巴图尔厄尔克济农为报未入觐之故及再乞金印黄册奏书康熙二十四年十二月十二日 228
    一一 巴图尔厄尔克济农为报出征噶尔丹博硕克图情形致哲布尊丹巴呼图克图书康熙二十八年六月初三日 232
    一二 巴图尔厄尔克济农为报助喀尔喀御噶尔丹博硕克图奏书康熙二十八年九月二十八日 235
    一三 巴图尔厄尔克济农为报罕都等行掠之状奏书康熙三十年正月二十一日 239
    一四 巴图尔厄尔克济农为乞住阿拉善奏书康熙三十一年三月二十七日 240
    一五 巴图尔厄尔克济农为乞归故地阿拉善奏书康熙三十一年十二月三十日 242
    一六 巴图尔厄尔克济农为乞招抚逃人奏书康熙三十一年十二月三十日 245
    厄鲁特部分 247
    一 顺治帝问候厄鲁特巴图尔台吉之敕谕顺治四年九月初十日 248
    二 顺治帝令厄鲁特鄂齐尔图台吉终止与喀尔喀交往敕谕顺治七年四月十二日 248
    三 顺治帝为不能遣匠前往事晓谕厄鲁特巴图尔台吉敕谕顺治九年十一月二十八日 251
    四 康熙帝遣使存问厄鲁特鄂齐尔汗敕谕康熙二年八月二十二日 252
    五 厄鲁特噶尔丹台吉问安康熙帝书康熙十二年十一月初一日 253
    六 厄鲁特噶尔玛戴青和硕齐奏书康熙十二年十一月初一日 254
    七 厄鲁特噶尔丹台吉问安康熙帝书康熙十六年五月初一日 256
    八 厄鲁特噶尔丹台吉问安康熙帝书康熙十六年十月二十五日 257
    九 厄鲁特噶尔丹台吉问安康熙帝书康熙十七年九月二十九日 258
    一〇 厄鲁特噶尔丹台吉为辟谣事致康熙帝书康熙十八年九月初一日 259
    一一 厄鲁特噶尔丹台吉问安康熙帝书康熙十八年九月初一日 260
    一二 厄鲁特噶尔丹台吉为回子佟噶尔代诈冒一案复康熙帝书康熙十八年九月初一日 261
    一三 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为请安康熙帝奏书康熙二十年九月初七日 262
    一四 康熙帝以遣使给赏事颁厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗敕谕康熙二十一年七月初十日 263
    一五 理藩院咨往使厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗大臣文康熙二十一年七月初十日 266
    一六 厄鲁特噶尔丹台吉问安康熙帝书康熙二十二年七月二十七日 268
    一七 康熙帝宣谕厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗约束贡使敕谕康熙二十二年十月十四日 269
    一八 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为遣使贸易事奏康熙帝书康熙二十三年正月二十六日 272
    一九 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为复五大臣出使奏康熙帝书康熙二十三年正月二十六日 274
    二〇 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为驳斥限定入关人数奏书康熙二十四年七月十七日 276
    二一 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗问安康熙帝书康熙二十五年正月初六日 277
    二二 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为复额尔德尼和硕齐情事奏康熙帝书康熙二十五年正月初六日 278
    二三 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗问安康熙帝书康熙二十五年十月初六日 280
    二四 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗问安康熙帝书康熙二十五年十二月初三日 281
    二五 厄鲁特噶勒丹多尔济为迁近边游牧事致康熙帝书康熙二十六年正月十三日 282
    二六 厄鲁特罕都为迁近边游牧事致康熙帝书康熙二十六年正月十三日 283
    二七 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗奏事三书康熙二十六年四月初五日 284
    二八 厄鲁特罗卜藏衮布阿喇布坦为谢恩赐牧奏康熙帝书康熙二十六年四月十九日 288
    二九 厄鲁特霍洛穆玺台吉为请赐牧安置奏康熙帝书康熙二十六年四月十九日 290
    三〇 厄鲁特杜噶尔台吉为遣使贸易奏康熙帝书康熙二十六年九月初六日 291
    三一 康熙帝为罢兵修好事给厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗敕谕康熙二十六年九月二十七日 293
    三二 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗诘责哲布尊丹巴呼图克图书康熙二十六年十一月初九日 296
    三三 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为前会盟事致哲布尊丹巴呼图克图书康熙二十六年十二月二十七日 297
    三四 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为捕哲布尊丹巴土谢图汗奏康熙帝书康熙二十七年七月初四日 298
    三五 康熙帝令厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗奏入喀尔喀之因敕谕康熙二十七年七月初八日 300
    三六 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为诘责喀尔喀土谢图汗哲布尊丹巴呼图克图奏书康熙二十七年十一月初八日 303
    三七 康熙帝为调停厄鲁特喀尔喀纷争颁厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗敕谕康熙二十八年四月十三日 304
    三八 理藩院尚书阿喇尼等奏出使准噶尔情形折康熙二十八年十月二十二日 311
    三九 厄鲁特噶勒丹多尔济为未能移牧事奏康熙帝书康熙二十八年十一月十五日 322
    四〇 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为喀尔喀事致康熙帝书康熙二十九年正月十四日 324
    四一 康熙帝为讯噶尔丹与策妄阿喇布坦交恶情由赐策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙二十九年四月初三日 326
    四二 康熙帝诘问厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗入边敕谕康熙二十九年六月二十五日 328
    四三 康熙帝为诘责入边劫掠事赐噶尔丹博硕克图汗敕谕康熙二十九年七月十九日 332
    四四 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗誓书康熙二十九年八月初十日 336
    四五 康熙帝令厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗出界而居敕谕康熙二十九年八月十八日 337
    四六 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为入边劫掠谢罪复康熙帝书康熙二十九年十月二十七日 341
    四七 康熙帝为招降厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗敕谕康熙三十年二月十七日 343
    四八 康熙帝为讯噶尔丹情形赐厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙三十一年六月初一日 346
    四九 康熙帝为清使马迪遇害事赐厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙三十二年二月十三日 348
    五〇 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗申复喀尔喀纷争及清使马迪遇害情由奏书康熙三十二年四月十八日 350
    五一 康熙帝以戕害员外郎马迪事诘问厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗敕谕康熙三十二年五月初二日 356
    五二 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为索喀尔喀事奏康熙帝书康熙三十三年五月十二日 363
    五三 厄鲁特杜噶尔阿喇布坦为乞赏银奏康熙帝书康熙三十三年五月十二日 368
    五四 康熙帝为谕亲来会阅赐厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗敕谕康熙三十三年闰五月十六日 370
    五五 康熙帝为诘责噶尔丹赐厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙三十三年六月初三日 378
    五六 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图汗为复清使马迪遇害等事奏康熙帝书康熙三十四年二月十四日 384
    五七 康熙帝为正法害马迪之人赐厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图敕谕康熙三十四年二月二十三日 388
    五八 厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图为会阅事奏康熙帝书康熙三十四年七月十九日 392
    五九 理藩院为遵旨讯实檄厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦文康熙三十四年孟冬初六日 397
    六〇 康熙帝著陈进驻喀尔喀巴颜乌阑之因赐厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图敕谕康熙三十四年十月二十六日 400
    六一 康熙帝诘问厄鲁特噶尔丹博硕克图劫掠喀尔喀敕谕康熙三十四年十二月初十日 401
    六二 康熙帝为发兵征讨噶尔丹著安抚属众事赐策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙三十五年二月二十八日 404
    六三 康熙帝为著擒拿噶尔丹给厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙三十五年八月初八日 409
    六四 康熙帝令厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦获解噶尔丹属下要人及噶尔丹尸骨敕谕康熙三十六年八月十二日 413
    六五 厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦为诘责第巴隐匿达赖喇嘛圆寂奏书康熙三十七年正月初六日 416
    六六 厄鲁特谷莽喇嘛为助噶尔丹谢罪书康熙三十七年正月初六日 418
    六七 厄鲁特罕都台吉为报未能觐见康熙帝奏书康熙三十七年二月二十七日 421
    六八 康熙帝为斥责第巴掩匿达赖喇嘛圆寂事赐厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙三十七年三月十八日 423
    六九 康熙帝为索噶尔丹女钟齐海赐厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙三十八年六月二十日 425
    七〇 厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦诘责第巴奏书康熙三十八年五月十七日 429
    七一 厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦为请免解钟齐海奏康熙帝书康熙三十九年九月二十三日 431
    七二 哈密扎萨克额贝杜拉达尔汉白克移喇嘛商南多尔济与侍卫阿南达文康熙四十年正月二十八日 433
    七三 哈密扎萨克额贝杜拉达尔汉白克为探悉厄鲁特声息呈理藩院文康熙四十年三月十二日 435
    七四 厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦为处置第巴事奏康熙帝书康熙四十年七月十四日 439
    七五 康熙帝为索丹津阿喇布坦属众赐厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙四十一年九月二十一日 441
    七六 康熙帝嘉厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦恭顺之敕谕康熙四十二年十月二十七日 444
    七七 康熙帝诘责厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦多疑之敕谕康熙四十七年五月十三日 447
    七八 厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦为拒受封号奏康熙皇帝书康熙四十七年十月二十六日 451
    七九 康熙帝著厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦请封敕谕康熙四十七年十二月二十一日 454
    八〇 康熙帝为保持相安无事赐策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙五十年九月初十日 459
    八一 康熙帝为诘责拒见清使及离间蒙古诸部等事赐策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙五十五年十一月二十三日 462
    八二 蒙古汗王贝勒诺颜等致厄鲁特策妄阿喇布坦书康熙五十五年十一月二十三日 466
    八三 康熙帝诘问厄鲁特台吉策妄阿喇布坦攻破招地敕谕康熙五十七年五月十五日 470
    八四 康熙帝诘责准噶尔台吉策凌敦多布入侵招地并令其奏明缘由敕谕康熙五十七年五月十五日 475
    八五 康熙帝为遣兵入藏事及催还所掠诸物赐厄鲁特台吉策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙五十七年六月初十日 479
    八六 康熙帝为诘责袭取西藏并约地会盟事赐厄鲁特台吉策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙五十七年闰八月二十二日 484
    八七 康熙帝为讯新达赖喇嘛坐床等事赐厄鲁特台吉策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙五十八年正月二十九日 492
    八八 康熙帝为著班禅主教及催送拉藏遗属事赐策妄阿喇布坦敕谕康熙五十八年十月二十七日 498
    主要参考文献 503
    后记 507
    Rules and Standards
    Khalkha Mongolia
    1. Order of Rebuke from Emperor Chongde to Khan Zasagt of Khalkha for His Rude Wording Sep. 24, Chongde' s 3rd year(Oct. 30, 1638)//42
    2. Order of Rebuke from Emperor Chongde to Khan Zasagt of Khalkha for His Wording and Behavior and Arrangement of the Date for Alliance Mar. 8, Chongde' s 5th year(Apr. 28, 1640)//43
    3. Letter to Emperor Shunzhi from Khan Zasagt of Khalkha for Political Coalition and Banquet Invitation to Dalai Lama Nov. 25, Shunzhi' s 4th year(Dec. 20, 1647)//47
    4. Report to Emperor Shunzhi from Khan of Khalkha for the Sake of Sonid and Bairin Dec. 10, Shunzhi' s 4th year(Jan. 4, 1648)//48
    5. Report to Emperor Shunzhi from the Seven Banners' Noyans in Khalkha on United Political Body Aug. 8, Shunzhi' s 6th year(Sept. 14, 1649)//49
    6. Order from Emperor Shunzhi to Khan Zasagt, Khan Tusheet, Lama Danjin Ombo-Erdene for the Articles of Tribute in Nine Whites Nov. 22, Shunzhi' s 7th year(Dec. 14, 1650)//51
    7. Order of Rebuke from Emperor Shunzhi to Lama Danjin in Khalkha for Refusal of Tributes in Nine White Mar. 20, Shunzhi' s 11st year(May 6, 1654)//54
    8. Order from Emperor Shunzhi to Ombo-Erdene of Khalkha as for Making Commitments Nov. 19, Shunzhi' s 14th year(Dec. 23, 1657)//60
    9. Order from Emperor Shunzhi to Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Praise of Tributes Jul. 23, Shunzhi' s 15th year(Aug. 21, 1658)//61
    10. Order from Emperor Shunzhi to Khan of Setsen of Khalkha on Praise of Tributes Jul. 23, Shunzhi' s 15th year(Aug. 21, 1658)//62
    11. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Zasagt of Khalkha on Praise of Tribute Jul. 24, Kangxi' s 3rd year(Sept. 13, 1664)//63
    12. Letter of Request from the Secretary of Cabinet for Emperor' s Rescript Granted to Khalkha Aug. 1, Kangxi' s 8th year(Aug. 26, 1669)//66
    13. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on the Claim of Jamsu' s Son Sept. 21, Kangxi' s 16th year(Oct. 17, 1677)//67
    14. Letter of Re-promise from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Commitment to Good Relationship Feb. 5, Kangxi' s 17th year(Feb. 25, 1678)//68
    15. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Claim of the Captives Feb. 24, Kangxi' s 17th year(Mar. 16, 1678)//70
    16. Letter of Request to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Claim of the Canon of Ganjuur May 19, Kangxi' s 18th year(Jun. 26, 1679)//76
    17. Report to Emperor on Reward of Tayiji Lobsang and First-class Body-guard, Dorji-jav and Others Jul. 5, Kangxi' s 21st year(Aug. 7, 1682)//78
    18. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Setsen of Khalkha on Refrain People from Running away Jul. 10, Kangxi' s 21st year(Aug. 12, 1682)//80
    19. Order from Emperor Kangxi on Sending an Envoy for Award of Khan Tusheet of Khalkha Jul. 10, Kangxi' s 21st year(Aug. 12, 1682)//82
    20. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Uizen Khatanbaatar of Khalkha on Articles of Tribute Jul. 27, Kangxi' s 22nd year(Sept. 17, 1683)//84
    21. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khans of the Seven Banners in Khalkha and Tayiji Jononnoyan on Mediatation of Conflicts between the Two Wings Mar. 27, Kangxi' s 25th year(Apr. 19, 1686)//85
    22. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khutuktu Jebtsundamba for the Return of the Missing People to Khan Zasagt of Khalkha Jun. 2, Kangxi' s 25th year(Jul. 21, 1686)//89
    23. Report to Dalai Lama from Khutuktu Jebtsundamba on Promise of Alliance and Reconciliation among Khalkha and Other Tribes Jun. 2, Kangxi' s 25th year(Jul. 21, 1686)//94
    24. Report on the Kulunboler Alliance from Khutuktu Jebtsundamba Jan.5, Kangxi' s 26th year(Feb. 16, 1687)//97
    25. Report on the Alliance in Khuren Belchir from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha Jan.7, Kangxi' s 26th year(Feb. 18, 1687)//100
    26. Report from Knan Tusheet of Khalkha on Khan Zasagt' s Failure in Return of the Missing People in Line with the Alliance Agreement Jan.7, Kangxi' s 26th year(Feb. 18, 1687)//106
    27. Report from Mergen Jonon of Khalkha on His Family Background Feb. 24, Kangxi' s 26th year(Apr. 5, 1687)//114
    28. Order from Emperor Kangxi on Adopting Tusheet Khan' s Position by the First Son of Setsen Khan Yeldeng Alatan Mar. 1, Kangxi' s 26th year(Apr. 12, 1687)//116
    29. Report from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Invasion from Galdan of Olot and Russia May 20, Kangxi' s 26th year(Jun. 29, 1687)//119
    30. Report from Khutuktu Jebtsundamba on the Settlement of Conflicts in Khalkha on the Affairs of Galdan and Russia May 20, Kangxi' s 26th year(Jun. 29, 1687)//121
    31. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khutuktu Jebtsundamba on Adoption of an Heir May 20, Kangxi' s 26th year(Jun. 29, 1687)//122
    32. Report from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on the Alliance between Khan Zasagt and Galdan Jun. 28, Kangxi' s 26th year(Aug. 5, 1687)//126
    33. Report from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Invasion from Galdan Sept. 24, Kangxi' s 26th year(Oct. 29, 1687)//128
    34. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Cessation of Hostilities between Olot and Khalkha Sept. 28, Kangxi' s 26th year(Nov. 2, 1687)//131
    35. Letter of Request from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Inquiry of Khutuktu Jebtsundamba for Emperor' s Rebuke of Galdan Shireet Nov. 10, Kangxi' s 26th year(Dec. 14, 1687)//133
    36. Secret Report from Mergen of Khalkha on Invasion from Khan Tusheet Nov. 20, Kangxi' s 26th year(Dec. 24, 1687)//135
    37. Report from Feiyanggu of Palace Guard in-chief and Others on Allocation of Domestic Animals to Disaster-stricken Khalkha Jul. 3, Kangxi' s 28th year(Aug. 17, 1689)//137
    38. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Setsen for Inspection and Order-restore in Khalkha Oct. 8, Kangxi' s 28th year(Nov. 19, 1689)//143
    39. Report from Noyan Ilaghughsan Khutuktu of Khalkha on Confrontation with Olot in Battle Fields Oct. 21, Kangxi' s 28th year(Dec. 2, 1689)//146
    40. Letter of Request to Emperor Kangxi from Noyan Daichin and Ahai Erdene of Khalkha Requesting for Affiliation Nov. 15, Kangxi' s 28th year(Dec. 26, 1689)//149
    41. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Aid to the Impoverished Subjects Dec. 17, Kangxi' s 28th year(Jan. 26, 1690)//152
    42. Report from Erdene Ilaghughsan Lobsang Toin of Khalkha on Title-granting to Jasagh Feb. 26, Kangxi' s 29th year(Apr. 5, 1690)//155
    43. Letter of Request to Emperor Kangxi from Jasagh Erniahaiaopu and Others of Khalkha on Seek of Aid Mar. 30, Kangxi' s 29th year(May 8, 1690)//157
    44. Report from Noyan Xinshun Erkhdaichin of Khalkha on Diminished People and Animals May 3, Kangxi' s 29th year(Jun. 9, 1690)//175
    45. Letter of Request from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha for Meeting with Emperor Oct. 19, Kangxi' s 29th year(Nov. 19, 1690)//182
    46. Letter of Request from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha for Food Provision to Hohhot Jan.21, Kangxi' s 30th year(Feb. 18, 1691)//184
    47. Letter of Request from Tayiji Tseveenjav for Granted Surrender and Aid Jan.21, Kangxi' s 30th year(Feb. 18, 1691)//185
    48. Report from Rabtan Namjal Tayiji of Khalkha on Family Background and Title-granting for Jasagh Jan.21, Kangxi' s 30th year(Feb. 18, 1691)//187
    49. Report from Khutuktu Ilaghughsan of Khalkha on Military Achievements in Erluohuinuoer Feb. 22, Kangxi' s 30th year(Mar. 21, 1691)//191
    50. Report to Dalai Lama from Khan Tusheet of Khalkha on Favor of Galdan Jan. 3, Kangxi' s 34th year(Feb. 15, 1695)//194
    51. Letter from Khan of Khalkha to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Rebuke of Alienation the second Mar. 28, Kangxi' s 55th year(May. 19, 1716)//200
    52. Report to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot from Khutuktu Jebtsundamba on Confession of Crimes the second Mar. 28, Kangxi' s 55th year(May. 19, 1716)//202
    Alxa Mongolia
    1. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tayiji of Olot, Dalai Baatar, Taiji Mergen for Inquiry of Looting of Urad Conducted by Erdene Khoshunch Apr. 4, Kangxi' s 18th year(May 13, 1679)//208
    2. Letter of Request for Aid from Jonon Erkebaatar Jun. 19, Kangxi' s 18th year(Jul. 26, 1679)//210
    3. Report from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Confession of Crimes in Looting Aug. 26, Kangxi' s 20th year(Oct. 7, 1681)//212
    4. Report from Tayiji Dalaibaatar on Recapture of Handu and Stolen Horses Aug. 26, Kangxi' s 21st year(Sept. 27, 1682)//213
    5. Report from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Awarding for Recaptured Horses Aug. 26, Kangxi' s 21st year(Sept. 27, 1682)//215
    6. Report from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Granting Royal Books and the Gold Seal Dec. 5, Kangxi' s 22nd year(Jan. 21, 1684)//218
    7. Letter of Request to Emperor Kangxi from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Seek for Protection Oct. 19, Kangxi' s 23rd year(Nov. 25, 1684)//220
    8. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Erdene Khoshunch on Confession of Crimes in Looting of the Borders Oct. 19, Kangxi' s 23rd year(Nov. 25, 1684)//223
    9. Letter of Confession from Tayiji Handu for the Looting Conducted by Erdene Khoshunch Oct. 19, Kangxi' s 23rd year(Nov. 25, 1684)//226
    10. Report from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Failure of Appearance in front of the Throne and Request for Granting Royal Books and the Gold Seal Dec. 12, Kangxi' s 24th year(Jan. 6, 1686)//228
    11. Letter to Khutuktu Jebtsundamba from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Attack on Boshugtu Galdan Jun. 3, Kangxi' s 28th year(Jul. 19, 1689)//232
    12. Report from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Support of Khalkha against Boshugtu Galdan Sept. 28, Kangxi' s 28th year(Nov. 9, 1689)//235
    13. Report from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Looting of Handu and Other Places Jan. 21, Kangxi' s 30th year(Feb. 18, 1691)//239
    14. Letter of Request from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Stay in Alxa Mar. 27, Kangxi' s 31st year(May 12, 1692)//240
    15. Letter of Request from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Return to Homeland, Alxa Dec. 30, Kangxi' s 31st year(Feb. 4, 1693)//242
    16. Letter of Request from Jonon Erkhbaatar on Recruit of the Escaped People Dec. 30, Kangxi' s 31st year(Feb. 4, 1693)//245
    Olot Mongolia
    1. Order of Greeting from Emperor Shunzhi to Tayiji Baatar of Olot Sept. 10, Shunzhi' s 4th year(Oct. 7, 1647)//248
    2. Order from Emperor Shunzhi to Tayiji Ochirtu in Olot to Break off Relationship with Khalkha Apr. 12, Shunzhi' s 7th year(May 12, 1650)//248
    3. Order from Emperor Shunzhi to Inform Olot Tayiji Baatar of the Impossibility of Sending Artisans Nov. 28, Shunzhi' s 9th year(Dec. 28, 1652)//251
    4. Order from Emperor Kangxi of Expressing Sympathy to Khan Ochirtu of Olot by Sending an Envoy Aug. 22, Kangxi' s 2nd year(Sept. 23, 1663)//252
    5. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Galdan in Olot Nov. 1, Kangxi' s 12th year(Dec. 8, 1674)//253
    6. Report from Germa Daichin Khoshuuch of Olot Nov. 1, Kangxi' s 12th year(Dec. 8, 1674)//254
    7. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Galdan of Olot May 1, Kangxi' s 16th year(May 31, 1677)//256
    8. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Galdan of Olot Oct. 25, Kangxi' s 16th year(Nov. 19, 1677)//257
    9. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Galdan of Olot Sept. 29, Kangxi' s 17th year(Nov. 13, 1678)//258
    10. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Galdan of Olot on Denying Rumors Sept. 1, Kangxi' s 18th year(Oct. 5, 1679)//259
    11. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Galdan of Olot Sept. 1, Kangxi' s 18th year(Oct. 5, 1679)//260
    12. Letter of Reply to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Galdan of Olot on the Cheating Case of Khoton Tongardai Sept. 1, Kangxi' s 18th year(Oct. 5, 1679)//261
    13. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Sept. 7, Kangxi' s 20th year(Oct. 17, 1681)//262
    14. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Sending an Envoy for Awarding Jul. 10, Kangxi' s 21st year(Aug. 12, 1682)//263
    15. Letter from Lifan Yuan to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Jul. 10, Kangxi' s 21st year(Aug. 12, 1682)//266
    16. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Galdan of Olot Jul. 27, Kangxi' s 22nd year(Sept. 17, 1683)//268
    17. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Articles of Tribute Oct. 14, Kangxi' s 22nd year(Dec. 1, 1683)//269
    18. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Dispatch of Trade Envoys Jan. 26, Kangxi' s 23rd year(Mar. 11, 1684)//272
    19. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Dispatch of Five Ministers as Diplomats Jan. 26, Kangxi' s 23rd year(Mar. 11, 1684)//274
    20. Report from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Disproval of Limiting the Number of People to Pass the Fortress Jul. 17, Kangxi' s 24th year(Aug. 16, 1685)//276
    21. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Jan. 6, Kangxi' s 25th year(Jan. 29, 1686)//277
    22. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Affairs of Erdene Khoshuuch Jan. 6, Kangxi' s 25th year(Jan. 29, 1686)//278
    23. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Oct. 6, Kangxi' s 25th year(Nov. 21, 1686)//280
    24. Letter of Greeting to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Dec. 3, Kangxi' s 25th year(Jan. 16, 1687)//281
    25. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdandorj on Herd Close to the Border Jan. 13, Kangxi' s 26th year(Feb. 24, 1687)//282
    26. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Handu in Olot on Herd Close to the Border Jan. 13, Kangxi' s 26th year(Feb. 24, 1687)//283
    27. Three Reports from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Apr. 5, Kangxi' s 26th year(May 15, 1687)//284
    28. Letter of Gratitude to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Apr. 19, Kangxi' s 26th year(May 29, 1687)//288
    29. Letter of Request to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Horomshin of Olot Requesting for Nomadic Settlement Apr. 19, Kangxi' s 26th year(May 29, 1687)//290
    30. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Tayiji Duger of Olot on Dispatch of a Trade Envoy Sept. 6, Kangxi' s 26th year(Oct. 11, 1687)//291
    31. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Cessation of Hostilities Sept. 27, Kangxi' s 26th year(Nov. 1, 1687)//293
    32. Letter of Rebuke to Khutuktu Jebtsundamba from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Nov. 9, Kangxi' s 26th year(Dec. 13, 1687)//296
    33. Letter about the Former Alliance to Khutuktu Jebtsundamba from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Dec. 27, Kangxi' s 26th year(Jan. 29, 1688)//297
    34. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Capture of Khan Tusheet and Jebtsundamba Jul. 4, Kangxi' s 27th year(Jul. 30, 1688)//298
    35. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on the Report of Intrusion of Khalkha Jul. 8, Kangxi' s 27th year(Aug. 3, 1688)//300
    36. Report from Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Concerning Rebuke of Khan Tusheet and Khutuktu Jebtsundamba of Khalkha Nov. 8, Kangxi' s 27th year(Nov. 30, 1688)//303
    37. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Mediation of Disputes between Olot and Khalkha Apr. 13, Kangxi' s 28th year(May 31, 1689)//304
    38. Report from Alani, Lifan Yuan on the Visit to Dzungar Oct. 22, Kangxi' s 28th year(Dec. 3, 1689)//311
    39. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Galdandorj of Olot on Failure of Moving Nomadic Settlement Nov. 15, Kangxi' s 28th year(Dec. 26, 1689)//322
    40. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Affairs Concerning Khalkha Jan. 14, Kangxi' s 29th year(Feb. 22, 1690)//324
    41. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan on the Hostile Relationship between Galdan and Tsewang Rabtan Apr. 3, Kangxi' s 29th year(May. 11, 1690)//326
    42. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Inquiry of Intrusion of the Border Jun. 25, Kangxi' s 29th year(Jul. 30, 1690)//328
    43. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Inquiry of Intruding and Looting of the Border Jul. 19, Kangxi' s 29th year(Aug. 23, 1690)//332
    44. Letter of Promise from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Aug. 10, Kangxi' s 29th year(Sept. 12, 1690)//336
    45. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Concerning Moving Out of the Border Aug. 18, Kangxi' s 29th year(Sept. 20, 1690)//337
    46. Letter of Regret to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Apology for the Looting Oct. 27, Kangxi' s 29th year(Nov. 27, 1690)//341
    47. Order from Emperor Kangxi on Invitation of Surrender from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot Feb. 17, Kangxi' s 30th year(Mar. 16, 1691)//343
    48. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Inquiry of Galdan Jun. 1, Kangxi' s 31st year(Jul. 14, 1692)//346
    49. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on the Murder Case of Envoy, Madi Feb. 13, Kangxi' s 32nd year(Mar. 19, 1693)//348
    50. Reply of Appeal from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Disputes in Khalkha and the Murder Case of Envoy, Madi Apr. 18, Kangxi' s 32nd year(May 22, 1693)//350
    51. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Inquiry of the Murder Case of an Envoy, Madi May 2, Kangxi' s 32nd year(Jun. 5, 1693)//356
    52. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Disputes in Khalkha May 12, Kangxi' s 33rd year(Jun. 4, 1694)//363
    53. Letter of Request to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Requesting for Rewards May 12, Kangxi' s 33rd year(Jun. 4, 1694)//368
    54. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on the Emperor' s Appearance the second May 16, Kangxi' s 33rd year(Jul. 7, 1694)//370
    55. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Inquiry of Galdan Jun. 3, Kangxi' s 33rd year(Jul. 24, 1694)//378
    56. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on the Murder Case of an Envoy, Madi Feb. 14, Kangxi' s 34th year(Mar. 28, 1695)//384
    57. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Punishment of the Murderer of an Envoy, Madi Feb. 23, Kangxi' s 34th year(Apr. 6, 1695)//388
    58. Letter of Request to Emperor Kangxi from Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Meeting Appointment Jul. 19, Kangxi' s 34th year(Aug. 28, 1695)//392
    59. Letter of Rebuke on Behalf of Emperor from Lifan Yuan to Alacewang in Olot on Confirmation of the Case Oct. 6, Kangxi' s 34th year(Nov. 12, 1695)//397
    60. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot on Invasion of Bayanulan of Khalkha Oct. 26, Kangxi' s 34th year(Dec. 2, 1695)//400
    61. Order of Inquiry from Emperor Kangxi on Khan Galdan Boshugtn of Olot for Looting of Khalkha Dec. 10, Kangxi' s 34th year(Jan. 14, 1696)//401
    62. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan Concerning Military Attacks on Galdan for Comfort of the Subordinates Feb. 28, Kangxi' s 35th year(Mar. 30, 1696)//404
    63. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Capture of Galdan Aug. 8, Kangxi' s 35th year(Sept. 3, 1696)//409
    64. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Capture of Galdan' s Chief Subordinates and Galdan' s Corpse Aug. 12, Kangxi' s 36th year(Sept. 26, 1697)//413
    65. Report from Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Rebuke of Cover-up of the Death of Dalai Lama Jan. 6, Kangxi' s 37th year(Feb. 16, 1698)//416
    66. Letter of Regret from Gumang Lama for the Support of Galdan Jan. 6, Kangxi' s 37th year(Feb. 16, 1698)//418
    67. Report from Tayiji Handu in Olot on Failure of Meeting with Emperor Feb. 27, Kangxi' s 37th year(Apr. 7, 1698)//421
    68. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Rebuke of Depa for Cover-up the Death of Dalai Lama Mar. 18, Kangxi' s 37th year(Apr. 28, 1698)//423
    69. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Claim of Galdan' s Daughter Zunchihai Jun. 20, Kangxi' s 37th year(Jul. 27, 1698)//425
    70. Report from Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Rebuke of Depa May 17, Kangxi' s 38th year(Jun. 14, 1699)//429
    71. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on the Pardon of Zunchihai Sept. 23, Kangxi' s 39th year(Nov. 3, 1700)//431
    72. Negotiation between Kumul Jasagh Abdullah Darhan Beg on the Affairs of Lama Shangnandorj and Body-guard Ananda Jan. 28, Kangxi' s 40th year(Mar. 7, 1701)//433
    73. Letter of Inquiry from Kumul Jasagh Abdullah Darhan Beg to the Lifan Yuan Seeking Information about Olot Mar. 12, Kangxi' s 40th year(Apr. 19, 1701)//435
    74. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Disposal of Depa' s Case Jul. 14, Kangxi' s 40th year(Aug. 17, 1701)//439
    75. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan in Olot on Claim of Tendzin Rabtan' s Subordinates Sept. 21, Kangxi' s 41st year(Nov. 10, 1702)//441
    76. Order of Award from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot for Obedience Oct. 27, Kangxi' s 42nd year(Dec. 5, 1703)//444
    77. Order of Rebuke from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Suspicion May 13, Kangxi' s 47th year(Jun. 30, 1708)//447
    78. Report to Emperor Kangxi from Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Reject of the Granted Title Oct. 26, Kangxi' s 47th year(Dec. 7, 1708)//451
    79. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on the Requested Title Dec. 21, Kangxi' s 47th year(Jan. 31, 1709)//454
    80. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on His Peace-keeping Sept. 10, Kangxi' s 50th year(Oct. 21, 1711)//459
    81. Order of Rebuke from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Refusal of Meeting Diplomats and Alienation of Different Mongol Tribes Nov. 23, Kangxi' s 55th year(Jan. 5, 1717)//462
    82. Letter to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot from Mongol Khan, Beil and Noyan Nov. 23, Kangxi' s 55th year(Jan. 5, 1717)//466
    83. Order of Inquiry from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Intrusion of the Surrendered Area May 15, Kangxi' s 57th year (Jun. 13, 1718)//470
    84. Order of Rebuke from Emperor Kangxi to Tayiji Tseren Donduk of Dzungar on Intrusion of the Surrendered Area and Reply for the Reasons May 15, Kangxi' s 57th year(Jun. 13, 1718)//475
    85. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tayiji Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Dispatch of Troops to Tibet and Return of the Looted Jun. 10, Kangxi' s 57th year(Jul. 7, 1718)//479
    86. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tayiji Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Rebuke of Surprise Attack on Tibet and Decision of Meeting-place for Alliance the second Aug. 22, Kangxi' s 57th year(Oct. 15, 1718)//484
    87. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tayiji Tsewang Rabtan of Olot on Enthronement of New Dalai Lama and Other Affairs Jan. 29, Kangxi' s 58th year(Mar. 19, 1719)//492
    88. Order from Emperor Kangxi to Tsewang Rabtan on the Return Trip for Panchen Lama and Lhazang' s Surviving Dependants Oct. 27, Kangxi' s 58th year(Dec. 8, 1719)//498