Preface Ma Shijun Foreword Yin Wenying Part 1.General Account Chapter 1.Introduction Yin Wenying 1.A brief historical review 2.Recent development in soil zoological research 3.Main substances of soil zoology Chapter 2.Soil fauna in relation to subtropical natural environment Yin Wenying,Yang Fengchun and Wang Zhenzhong 1.The properties of natural environment 2.Faunal composition of soil animals 3.Characteristics of subtropical soil fauna Chapter 3 Ecology of soil animals 1.Overview Luo Zhiyi 2.Community ecology of soil animals Ⅰ.Community ecology of Protozoa in Tianmu mountain Shen Yunfen Ⅱ.The Community structure of Oribatei and their dynamics in Tianmu Mountain Hu Shenghao and Wang Xiaozu Ⅲ.Study on the community of soil Collembola in forest of Tianmu Mountain Zhao Lijun Ⅳ.The seasonal change of soil Nematodes and their feeding habitual types (46) Sun Xida and Wu Hueysheng 3.Bio-geographical distribution of Protura in subtropical region of China Yin Wenying 4.The Eco-geographical group of soil animals Ⅰ.The eco-geographical group of soil animals in forest of Henshan Mountain Wang Zhenzhong and Zhang Youmei Ⅱ.The comumity structure of soil animals in forest of Yuelushan Mountain Zhang Youmei and Wang Zhenzhong Chaper 4.Techniques and methods Xie Rongdong and Zhao Lijun 1.Selection of collecting sites and items of survey 2.Sampling and extraction Ⅰ.Collecting for large soil animals Ⅱ.Dry extraction method for medium and small soil animals(Tullgren funnel method) Ⅲ.Wet extraction method for medium and small soil animals(Baermann funnel method) Ⅳ.Sampling for Protozoa Ⅴ.Other collecting methods 3.Fixation,preservation and transportation of specimens Ⅰ.Fixation and Preservation of specimens Ⅱ.Transportation of specimens 4.Sorting of specimens,with key to Classes or Orders 5.Techniques and methods for identification Ⅰ.Protozoa Shen Yunfen Ⅱ.Nematodes Sun Xida and Wu Hueysheng Ⅲ.Gastropods Chen Deniu Ⅳ.Oligocheates Liang Yanling and Sun Xida Ⅴ.Herudinea Yang Tong Ⅵ.Spiders Song Daxiang Ⅶ.Mites Hu Shenghao and Wang Xiaozu Ⅷ.Myriapods Zhang Chongzhou and Zhang Fuxiang Ⅸ.Apterygotes Xie Rongdong and Yang Yiming Ⅹ.Insects Luo Zhiyi Part 2.Identification of Soil Animals Chspter 5.Protozoa Shen Yunfen,Liu Jiang,Song Bivu and Gu Manru 1.Sarcomastigophora Ⅰ.Phytomastigophorea ⅰ.Volvocida ⅱ.Cryptomonadida ⅲ.Euglenida ⅳ.Chrysomonadida Ⅱ.Zoomastigophorea ⅰ.Choanoflagellida ⅱ.Kinetoplastida ⅲ.Cercomonadida ⅳ.Rhizomastigida Sarcodina Ⅲ.Rhizopodea (Ⅰ).Lobosia ⅰ.Amoebida ⅱ.Schizopyrenida ⅲ.Arcellinida (Ⅱ).Filosia ⅳ.Gromiida (Ⅲ).Acarpomyxia Ⅳ.Actinopodea 2.Ciliophora Ⅰ.Kinetofragminophorea (Ⅰ)Gymnostomatia ⅰ.Prostomatida ⅱ.Pleurostomatida (Ⅱ)Vestibuliferia ⅲ.Colpodida (Ⅲ)Hypostomatia ⅳ.Synhymeniida ⅴ.Nassulida ⅵ.Cyrtophorida Ⅱ.Oligohymenophora Hymenostomatia ⅰ.Hymenostomatida ⅱ.Scuticocliatida Ⅲ.Polyhymenophorea ⅰ.Oligotrichida ⅱ.Hypotrichida Charpter 6.Plathelminthes,Rotatoria and Nemathelminthes Ⅰ.Turbellaria Sun Xida ⅰ.Lecitoepitheliata ⅱ.Neorhabdocoela ⅲ.Tricladida Ⅱ.Rotatoria Wu zhuotian ⅰ.Digononta ⅱ.Monogononta Ⅲ.Nematoda Wu Hueysheng and Sun Xida (Ⅰ)Phasmidia ⅰ.Tylenchida ⅱ.Rhabditida (Ⅱ)Aphasmidia ⅲ.Araeolaimida ⅳ.Monhysterida ⅴ.Dorylaimida ⅵ.Trichosyriningida Chapter 7.Annelida,Mollusca and Tardigrada Ⅰ.Oligochaeta Sun Xida ⅰ.Oligocheata Plesiopora Liang Yanling and Xie Zhicai ⅱ.Opisthopora Sun Xida Ⅱ.Hirudinea Yang Tong Ⅲ.Gastropoda Chen Deniu (Ⅰ)Prosobranchia ⅰ.Archeogastropoda ⅱ.Mesogastropoda (Ⅱ)Pulmonata ⅲ.Basommatophora ⅳ.Stylommatophora Ⅳ.Tardigrada Wu Hueysheng ⅰ.Heterotardigrada ⅱ.Eutardigrada Chapter 8.Arthropoda(Ⅰ) Song Daxiang Ⅰ.Arachnida Song Daxiang ⅰ.Pseudoscorpiones Song Daxiang ⅱ.Opiliones Song Daxiang ⅲ.Acarina Liang Lairong (ⅰ)Mesostigmata Liang Lairong (ⅱ)Prostigmata Dong Huiqin and Hu Chengye (ⅲ)Astigmata Wang Xiaozu (ⅳ)Cryptostigmata Wang Xiaozu and Hu Shenghao ⅳ.Araneae Song Daxiang Chapter 9.Arthropoda(Ⅱ) Ⅱ.Malacostraca Dai Aiyun and Li Shuqiang ⅰ.Isopoda Ⅲ.Chilopoda Zhang Chongzhou and Wang Daqing ⅰ.Geophilomorpha ⅱ.Scolopendromorpha ⅲ.Lithobiomorpha Ⅳ.Diplopoda Zhang Chongzhou and Wang Daqing Pentazonia ⅰ.Sphaerotheriida Helminthomorpha ⅱ.Polydesmida Colobognatha Ⅴ.Symphyla Zhang Chongzhou and Wang Daqing Symphyla Ⅵ.Pauropoda Zhang Chongzhou and Wang Daqing Tetramerocerata Chapter 10.Arthropoda(Ⅲ) Ⅶ.Insecta Fan Shude ⅰ.Protura Yin Wenying ⅱ.Collembola Zhao Lijun ⅲ.Diplura Xie Rongdong and Yang yiming ⅳ.Microcoryphia Xue Luzhen and Zhang Jun ⅴ.Blattoptera Liu Xinwei ⅵ.Orthoptera Bi Daoying and Liu Xianwei ⅶ.Isoptera Fan Shude ⅷ.Psocoptera Fan Shude ⅸ.Homoptera Luo Zhiyi ⅹ.Hemiptera Zheng Leyi ⅹⅰ.Thysanoptera Luo Zhiyi ⅹⅱ.Coleoptera Luo Zhiyi ⅹⅲ.Hymenoptera Tang Jue and Li Shen Index to Chinese names Index to Latin names