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  • 书号:9787030729446
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  • 页数:858
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This textbook highlights the fundamentals of aerodynamics and the applications in aeronautics. The textbook is divided into two parts: basic aerodynamics and applied aerodynamics. The first part focuses on the basic principles and methods of aerodynamics. The second part covers the aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft in low speed, subsonic, transonic and supersonic flows. The combination of the two parts aims to cultivate students’ aerospace awareness, build the ability to raise and solve problems and the ability to make comprehensive use of the knowledge to carry out innovative practice.
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  • Contents
    Part I Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
    1 Introduction 3
    1.1 Aerodynamics Research Tasks 3
    1.2 History of Aerodynamics 6
    1.2.1 Qualitative Knowledge and Practice 6
    1.2.2 Low Speed Flow Theory"10
    1.2.3 High-Speed Flow Theory 26
    1.3 The Leading Role of Aerodynamics in the Development of Modem Aircraft 31
    1.4 Aerodynamics Research Methods and Classification 33
    1.5 Dimension and Unit 37
    Exercises 38
    2 Basic Properties of Fluids and Hydrostatics 41
    2.1 Basic Properties of Fluids 41
    2.1.1 Continuum Hypothesis 41
    2.1.2 Fluidity of Fluid 44
    2.1.3 Compressibility and Elasticity of Fluid 46
    2.1.4 Viscosity of Fluid (Momentum Transport of Fluid) 47
    2.1.5 The Thermal Conductivity of the Fluid (The
    Heat Transport of the Ruid) 53
    2.1.6 Diffusivity of Fluid (Mass Transport of Fluid) 54
    2.2 Classification of Forces Acting on a Differential Fluid Element 56
    2.3 Isotropic Characteristics of Pressure at Any Point in Static Fluid 58
    2.4 Euler Equilibrium Differential Equations 60
    2.5 Pressure Distribution Law in Static Liquid in Gravitational Field 65
    2.6 Equilibrium Law of Relative Static Liquid 71
    2.7 Standard Atmosphere 72
    Exercises 77
    3 Foundation of Fluid Kinematics and Dynamics 85
    3.1 Methods for Describing Fluid Motion 86
    3.1.1 Lagrange Method (Particle Method or Particle System Method) 86
    3.1.2 Euler Method (Space Point Method or Flow Field Method) 88
    3.2 Basic Concepts of Flow Field 94
    3.2.1 Steady and Unsteady Fields 94
    3.2.2 Streamline and Path Line 95
    3.2.3 One-Dimensional, Two-Dimensional and Three-Dimensional Hows 98
    3.3 Motion Decomposition of a Differential Fluid Element 99
    3.3.1 Basic Motion Forms of a Differential Fluid Element 99
    3.3.2 Velocity Decomposition Theorem of Fluid Elements 104
    3.4 Divergence and Curl of Velocity Field 106
    3.4.1 Divergence of Velocity Field and Its Physical106
    Significance 3.4.2 Curl and Velocity Potential Function of Velocity Field 109
    3.5 Continuous Differential Equation 112
    3.5.1 Continuity Differential Equation Based on Lagrange View 112
    3.5.2 Continuity Differential Equation Based on Eulerss Viewpoint 113
    3.6 Differential Equations of Ideal Fluid Motion (Euler Equations) 116
    3.7 Bernoulli^ Equation and Its Physical Significance 120
    3.7.1 Bernoulli Equation 120
    3.7.2 Application of Bernoulli Equation 125
    3.8 Integral Equation of Fluid Motion 133
    3.8.1 Basic Concepts of Control Volume and System 133
    3.8.2 Lagrangian Integral Equations 135
    3.8.3 Reynolds Transport Equation 137
    3.8.4 Eulerian Integral Equations 141
    3.8.5 Reynolds Transport Equation of the Control Volume with Arbitrary Movement Relative to the Fixed Coordinate System 143
    3.9 Vortex Motion and Its Characteristics 145
    3.9.1 Vortex Motion 145
    3.9.2 Vorticity, Vorticity Flux and Circulation 148
    Exercises 181
    4 Plane Potential Flow of Ideal Incompressible Fluid 189
    4.1 Basic Equations of Plane Potential Flow of Ideal Incompressible Fluid 189
    4.1.1 Basic Equations of Irrotational Motion of an Ideal Incompressible Fluid 190
    4.1.2 Properties of Velocity Potential Function 192
    4.1.3 Stream Functions and Their Properties 194
    4.1.4 Formulation of the Mathematical Problem of Steady Plane Potential Flow of Ideal Incompressible Fluid 199
    4.2 Typical Singularity Potential Flow Solutions 200
    4.2.1 Uniform Flow 201
    4.2.2 Point Source (Sink) 202
    4.2.3 Dipole 204
    4.2.4 Point Vortex 207
    4.3 Singularity Superposition Solution of Flow Around Some Simple Objects 210
    4.3.1 How Around a Blunt Semi-infinite Body 210
    4.3.2 Flow Around Rankine Pebbles 214
    4.3.3 Flow Around a Circular Cylinder Without Circulation 217
    4.3.4 Flow Around a Cylinder with Circulation 222
    4.4 Numerical Method for Steady Flow Around Two-Dimensional Symmetrical Objects 227
    Exercises 232
    5 Fundamentals of Mscous Fluid Dynamics 235
    5.1 The Viscosity of Fluid and Its Influence on Flow 235
    5.1.1 Viscosity of Fluid 236
    5.1.2 Characteristics of Viscous Fluid Movement 236
    5.2 Deformation Matrix of a Differential Fluid Element 239
    5.3 Stress State of Viscous Fluid 241
    5.4 Generalized Newton’s Internal Friction Theorem (Constitutive Relationship) 245
    5.5 Differential Equations of Viscous Fluid MotionNavier-Stokes Equations 249
    5.5.1 The Basic Differential Equations of Fluid Motion 249
    5.5.2 Navier-Stokes Equations (Differential Equations of Viscous Fluid Motion) 250
    5.5.3 Bernoulli Integral 252
    5.6 Exact Solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations 255
    5.6.1 Couette Flow (Shear Flow) 256
    5.6.2 Poiseuille Flow (Pressure Gradient Flow) 257
    5.6.3 Couette Flow and Poiseuille Flow Combination 259
    5.6.4 Vortex Column and Its Induced Flow Field 263
    5.6.5 Parallel Flow Along an Infinitely Long Slope Under Gravity 268
    5.7 Basic Properties of Viscous Fluid Motion 271
    5.7.1 Vorticity Transport Equation of Viscous Fluid Motion 271
    5.7.2 Rotation of Viscous Fluid Motion 273
    5.7.3 Diffusion of Viscous Fluid Vortex 274
    5.7.4 Dissipation of Viscous Fluid Energy 277
    5.8 Laminar Flow, Turbulent Flow and Its Energy Loss 277
    5.8.1 Force of Viscous Fluid Clusters and Its Influence on Flow 277
    5.8.2 Reynolds Transition Test 278
    5.8.3 The Criterion of Flow Pattern—Critical Reynolds Number 280
    5.8.4 Resistance Loss Classification 281
    5.8.5 Definition of Turbulence 283
    5.8.6 Basic Characteristics of Turbulence 285
    5.8.7 The Concept of Reynolds Time Mean 287
    5.8.8 Reynolds Time-Averaged Motion Equations 289
    5.9 Turbulent Eddy Viscosity and Prandtl Mixing Length Theory 291
    5.10 Similarity Principle and Dimensionless Differential Equations 294
    5.10.1 Principles of Dimensional Analysis-Jt Theorem 294
    5.10.2 Dimensionless N-S Equations 299
    Exercises 301
    6 Boundary Layer Theory and Its Approximation 307
    6.1 Boundary Layer Approximation and Its Characteristics 307
    6.1.1 The Influence of the ^scosity of the Flow Around a Large Reynolds Number Object 307
    6.1.2 The Concept of Boundary Layer 308
    6.1.3 Various Thicknesses and Characteristics of the Boundary Layer 310
    6.2 Laminar Boundary Layer Equations of Incompressible Fluids 317
    6.2.1 Boundary Layer Equation on the Wall of a Flat Plate 318
    6.2.2 Boundary Layer Equation on Curved Wall 321
    6.3 Similar Solutions to the Laminar Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate 324
    6.4 Boundary Layer Momentum Integral Equation 331
    6.4.1 Derivation of Karman Momentum Integral Equation 331
    6.4.2 Derivation of Boundary Layer Momentum Integral Equation from Differential Equation 335
    6.5 The Solution of the Momentum Integral Equation of Laminar Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate 336
    6.6 Solution of the Momentum Integral Equation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer on a Flat Plate 339
    6.7 Boundary Layer Separation 342
    6.7.1 Boundary Layer Separation Phenomenon of Flow Around Cylinder 344
    6.7.2 Airfoil Separation Phenomenon 346
    6.7.3 Velocity Distribution Characteristics of the Boundary Layer in Different Pressure Gradient Areas 346
    6.8 Separated Flow and Characteristics of Two-Dimensional Steady Viscous Fluid 350
    6.8.1 Separation Mode-Prandtl Image 350
    6.8.2 Necessary Conditions for Flow Separation 351
    6.8.3 Sufficient Conditions for Flow Separation 353
    6.8.4 Flow Characteristics Near the Separation Point 355
    6.8.5 Singularity of Boundary Layer Equation (Goldstein Singularity) 358
    6.8.6 Critical Point Analysis of Two-Dimensional Steady Separated Flow 361
    6.9 Introduction to the Steady Three-Dimensional Separated Flow Over any Object 364
    6.9.1 Overview 364
    6.9.2 Limit Streamlines and Singularities 365
    6.9.3 The Concept of Three-Dimensional Separation 367
    6.9.4 Topological Law of Three-Dimensional Separation 370
    6.10 Resistance Over Objects 372
    6.10.1 The Resistance Over Any Object 372
    6.10.2 Two-Dimensional Flow Resistance Around a Cylinder 375
    6.11 Aircraft Drag and Drag Reduction Technology 376
    6.11.1 Composition of Aircraft Drag 376
    6.11.2 Technology to Reduce Laminar Flow Resistance 379
    6.11.3 Technology to Reduce Turbulence Resistance 384
    6.11.4 Technology to Reduce Induced Resistance 386
    6.11.5 Technology to Reduce Shock Wave Resistance 389
    Exercises 390
    7 Fundamentals of Compressible Aerodynamics 395
    7.1 Thermodynamic System and the First Law 395
    7.1.1 Equation of State and Perfect Gas Hypothesis 396
    7.1.2 Internal Energy and Enthalpy 397
    7.1.3 The First Law of Thermodynamics 397
    7.2 Thermodynamic Process 399
    7.2.1 Reversible and Irreversible Processes 399
    7.2.2 Isovolumetric Process 399
    7.2.3 Constant Pressure Process 400
    7.2.4 Isothermal Process 402
    7.2.5 Adiabatic Process 402
    7.3 The Second Law of Thermodynamic and Entropy 404
    7.4 Energy Equation of Viscous Gas Motion 407
    7.4.1 Physical Meaning of Energy Equation 407
    7.4.2 Derivation Process of Energy Equation 408
    7.5 Speed of Sound and Mach Number 415
    7.5.1 Propagation Velocity of Disturbance Wave in Elastic Medium 415
    7.5.2 Micro-Disturbance Propagation Velocity—Speed of Sound 416
    7.5.3 Mach Number 418
    7.5.4 Assumption of Incompressible Flow 419
    7.6 One-Dimensional Compressible Steady Flow Theory 420
    7.6.1 Energy Equation of One-Dimensional Compressible Steady Adiabatic Flow 420
    7.6.2 Basic Relations Between Parameters of One-Dimensional Compressible Adiabatic Steady Flow 421
    7.6.3 Relationship Between Velocity and Cross Section of One-Dimensional Steady Isentropic Pipe Flow 427
    7.7 Small Disturbance Propagation Region, Mach Cone, Mach Wave 430
    7.8 Expansion Wave and Supersonic Flow Around the Wall at an Outer Angle 432
    7.8.1 Mach Wave (Expansion Wave) 432
    7.8.2 The Relationship Between the Physical Parameters of the Mach Wave 434
    7.8.3 Flow Around the Outer Comer of the Supersonic Wall (Prandtl-Meyer Flow) 436
    7.8.4 The Calculation Formula for the Flow Around the Outer Comer of the Supersonic Wall 438
    7.9 Compression Wave and Shock Wave 442
    7.9.1 Compression Wave 442
    7.9.2 The Formation Process of Shock Waves 443
    7.9.3 Propulsion Speed of Shock Wave 445
    7.9.4 Normal Shock Wave 449
    7.9.5 Oblique Shock Wave 453
    7.9.6 Isolated Shock Wave 460
    7.9.7 The Internal Structure of Shock Waves 461
    7.10 Boundary Layer Approximation of a Compressible Flow 462
    7.10.1 Temperature Boundary Layer 463
    7.10.2 Recovery Temperature and Recovery Factorof Adiabatic Wall 464
    7.10.3 Boundary Layer Equation of Adiabatic Wall 466
    7.11 Shock Wave and Boundary Layer Interference 466
    7.11.1 Interference Between Normal Shock Wave and Laminar Boundary Layer 467
    7.11.2 Interference Between Oblique Shock Wave and Boundary Layer 471
    7.11.3 Head Shock and Boundary Layer Interference 473
    7.12 Compressible One-Dimensional Friction Pipe Flow 474
    7.12.1 The Effect of Friction in Straight Pipes on Airflow 474
    7.12.2 Distribution of Flow Velocity Along the Length of the Pipe 477
    7.13 Working Performance of Shrinking Nozzle, Laval Nozzle,and Supersonic Wind Tunnel 478
    7.13.1 Working Performance of Shrink Nozzle 478
    7.13.2 Working Performance of Laval Nozzle 480
    7.13.3 Working Performance of Supersonic Wind Tunnel 482
    Exercises Part II Applied Aerodynamics 484
    8 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flow Over Low-Speed Airfoils 493
    8.1 Geometric Parameters of Airfoil and Its Development 493
    8.1.1 Development of Airfoil 493
    8.1.2 Definition and Geometric Parameters of Airfoil 496
    8.1.3 NACA Airfoil Number and Structure 498
    8.1.4 Supercritical Airfoil 501
    8.1.5 Typical Airfoil Data 502
    8.2 Aerodynamics and Aerodynamic Coefficients on Airfoils 504
    8.2.1 Relationship Between Airfoil Aerodynamics and Angle of Attack 504
    8.2.2 Aerodynamic Coefficient 508
    8.2.3 Dimensional Analysis of Lift Coefficient 512
    8.3 Overview of Flow and Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low-Speed Airfoil 514
    8.3.1 Phenomenon of Flow Over a Low-Speed Airfoil 514
    8.3.2 Curve of Aerodynamic Coefficient of Airfoil Flow 516
    8.3.3 Separation Phenomenon of Flow Around Airfoil 521
    8.3.4 Stall Characteristics of Airfoil Flow 524
    8.4 Kutta-Joukowski Trailing-Edge Condition and Determination of Circulation 525
    8.4.1 Kutta-Joukowski Trailing-Edge Condition 525
    8.4.2 Incipient Vortex and the Generation of Circulation Value 528
    8.5 Lift Generation Mechanism of Airfoil 530
    8.6 Development of Boundary Layer Near Airfoil Surface and Determination of Circulation Value 533
    8.6.1 Characteristics of Boundary Layer and Velocity Circulation Around Airfoil in a Viscous Steady Flow Field 533
    8.6.2 Vorticity Characteristics in Boundary Layer of Upper and Lower Wing Surfaces 536
    8.6.3 Evolution Mechanism of Boundary Layer During Airfoil Starting 538
    8.7 General Solution of the Steady Incompressible Potential Flow Around Airfoil 541
    8.7.1 Conformal Transformation Method 541
    8.7.2 Numerical Calculation of Airfoil——Panel Method 542
    8.8 Theory of Thin Airfoil 547
    8.8.1 Decomposition of Flow Around Thin Airfoils 548
    8.8.2 Potential Flow Decomposition of Thin Airfoil at Small Angle of Attack 550
    8.8.3 Problem of Angle of Attack and Camber 551
    8.8.4 Solution of Thickness Problem 562
    8.9 Theory of Thick Airfoil 565
    8.9.1 Numerical Calculation Method of Flow Around Symmetrical Thick Airfoil Without Angle of Attack 565
    8.9.2 Numerical Calculation Method of Flow Around Arbitrary Thick Airfoil with Angle of Attack 566
    8.10 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Practical Low-Speed Airfoils 567
    8.10.1 Wing Pressure Distribution and Lift Characteristics 567
    8.10.2 Longitudinal Moment Characteristics of Airfoils 569
    8.10.3 Pressure Center Position and Focus (Aerodynamic Center) Position 569
    8.10.4 Drag Characteristics and Polar Curve of Airfoil 569
    8.11 Exercises 571
    9 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low Speed Wing Flow 577
    9.1 Geometric Characteristics and Parameters of the Wing 577
    9.1.1 Plane Shape of the Wing 577
    9.1.2 Characterization of the Wing Geometry 578
    9.2 Aerodynamic Coefficient, Mean Aerodynamic Chord Length, and the Focus of the Wing 582
    9.2.1 Aerodynamic Coefficient of the Wing 582
    9.2.2 Mean Aerodynamic Chord Length of the Wing 583
    9.2.3 The Focus of the Wing 585
    9.3 Low-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of Large Aspect Ratio Straight Wing 586
    9.3.1 Flow State 586
    9.3.2 Vortex Structure of 3D Wing Flow at Low Speed 588
    9.4 Vortex System Model of Low-Speed Wing Flow 592
    9.4.1 Characteristics of Vortex Model 592
    9.4.2 Aerodynamic Model of the Superposition of Straight Uniform Flow and a Single n-Shaped Horseshoe Vortex 594
    9.4.3 Aerodynamic Model of the Superposition of Straight Uniform Flow, Attached Vortex Sheet and Free Vortex Sheet 595
    9.4.4 Aerodynamic Model of the Superposition of Straight Uniform Flow, Attached Vortex Line and Free Vortex Sheet 596
    9.5 PrandtTs Lifting-Line Theory 596
    9.5.1 Profile Hypothesis 596
    9.5.2 Downwash Speed, Downwash Angle, Lift, and Induced Drag 597
    9.5.3 Differential-Integral Equation on the Intensity of the Attached Vortex 600
    9.5.4 Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Straight Wing with Large Aspect Ratio in General Plane Shape 604
    9.5.5 Influence of Plane Shape on Spanwise Circulation Distribution of Wing 606
    9.5.6 Aerodynamic Characteristics of General Non-Twisted Straight Wing 607
    9.5.7 Effect of Aspect Ratio on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Wing 611
    9.5.8 Application Range of Lifting-Line Theory 612
    9.6 Stall Characteristics of a Straight Wing with a Large Aspect Ratio 615
    9.6.1 Stall Characteristics of an Elliptical Wing 615
    9.6.2 Stall Characteristics of a Rectangular Wing 616
    9.6.3 Stall Characteristics of a Trapezoidal Wing 617
    9.6.4 Common Methods of Controlling Wing Separation 618
    9.7 Low-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Swept-Back Wing 620
    9.7.1 How Around a Swept-Back Wing 620
    9.7.2 Load Distribution Characteristics of a Swept-Back Wing 622
    9.7.3 Aerodynamic Characteristics of an Oblique Wing with Infinite Span 623
    9.8 Lifdng-Surface Theory of Wing 626
    9.8.1 Aerodynamic Model of Lifting-Surface 627
    9.8.2 Integral Equation of Vortex Surface Intensityy 627
    9.8.3 A Numerical Method 631
    9.9 Low-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing with a Small Aspect Ratio 633
    9.9.1 Vortex Lift 633
    9.9.2 Leading-Edge Suction Analogy 635
    9.9.3 Potential Flow Solution of a Small Aspect Ratio Wing 636
    9.9.4 Vortex Lift Coefficient Clv 638
    9.9.5 Determination of Kp and Kv 639
    9.10 Engineering Calculation Method for Low-Speed Aerodynamic Characteristics of a Wing 640
    9.11 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Control Surfaces 643
    9.11.1 Moment and Tails 643
    9.11.2 Horizontal Tail Design 644
    9.11.3 Vertical Tail Design 645
    9.11.4 Requirements of the Lateral Control Surface for Aircraft Static Balance 646
    9.11.5 Aerodynamic Requirements for Aileron Configuration 647
    9.11.6 Basic Requirements for Spoiler Configuration 647
    Exercises 648
    10 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low-Speed Fuselage and Wing-Body Configuration 655
    10.1 Overview of Aerodynamic Characteristics of Low-Speed Fuselage 655
    10.1.1 Introduction 655
    10.1.2 Geometric Parameters of Axis-Symmetric Body 657
    10.2 Theory and Application of Slender Body 658
    10.2.1 Linearized Potential Flow Equation
    in Cylindrical Coordinate System 659
    10.2.2 Cross-Flow Theory at High Angles of Attack 664
    10.3 Engineering Estimation Method for Aerodynamic
    Characteristics of Wing-Body Assembly 665
    10.4 Numerical Calculation of Wing Flow 666
    Exercises 668
    11 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Subsonic Thin Airfoil and Wing 669
    11.1 Subsonic Compressible Flow Around an Airfoil 669
    11.2 Velocity Potential Function Equation of Ideal Steady Compressible Flow 671
    11.3 Small Perturbation Linearization Theory 674
    11.3.1 Small Disturbance Approximation 674
    11.3.2 Linearization Equation of Perturbed Velocity Potential Function 676
    11.3.3 Pressure Coefficient Linearization 677
    11.3.4 Linearization of Boundary Conditions 678
    11.4 Theoretical Linearization Solution of Two-Dimensional Subsonic Flow Around the Corrugated Wall of Two-Dimensional Subsonic Flow 682
    11.5 Prandtl-Glauert Compressibility Correction 680
    11.5.1 Transformation of Linearized Equations 683
    11.5.2 Compressibility correction based on linearization theory 685
    11.6 Karman-Qian Compressibility Correction 687
    11.6.1 Characteristics of Karman-Qian Compressibility Correction 687
    11.6.2 Governing Equations for Perfectly Compressible Planar Flows 688
    11.6.3 Transformation in Velocity Plane 690
    11.6.4 Relation Between Compressible and Incompressible Flow Velocity Planes 693
    11.7 Laitone Compressibility Correction Method 698
    11.8 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Subsonic Thin Wing 699
    11.8.1 Compressibility Correction of Sweep Wing With Infinite Span 699
    11.8.2 Transformation Between Planform Shapes of Wings 700
    11.8.3 Prandtl-Glauert Law 701
    11.9 Effect of Mach Number of Incoming Flow on Aerodynamic Characteristics of Airfoil 708
    11.9.1 Effect of Mach Number on Wing Lift Characteristics 708
    11.9.2 Effect of Mach Number on the Position of the Pressure Center of the Wing 708
    11.9.3 Effect of Mach Number on Drag Characteristics of Airfoil 709
    11.10 Exercises 710
    12 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Supersonic Thin Airfoil and Wing 715
    12.1 Phenomena of the Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Flow 715
    12.1.1 Shock Wave Drag of Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Row 715
    12.1.2 Supersonic Flow Around Double-Cambered Airfoil 717
    12.2 Linearized Supersonic Theory 718
    12.2.1 Fundamental Solution of Linearized Theory 718
    12.2.2 Supersonic Flow Over Corrugated Wall 722
    12.3 Linearized Theory and Loading Coefficient of Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Flow 724
    12.3.1 Linearized Theory of Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Flow 724
    12.3.2 The Relationship Between Pressure Coefficient and Mach Number in Supersonic and Subsonic Row 727
    12.3.3 Loading Coefficient of Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Flow 729
    12.4 Aerodynamic Force Characteristics of Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Flow 732
    12.4.1 Lift Coefficient of Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Row 732
    12.4.2 Shock Wave Drag Coefficient of Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Flow 734
    12.4.3 Pitching Moment Coefficient of Thin Airfoil at Supersonic Flow 739
    12.4.4 Comparison of Linearized Theory and Experimental Results of Supersonic Thin Airfoil 741
    12.5 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Oblique Wing with Infinite Wingspan at Supersonic Flow 742
    12.6 Conceptual Framework of Thin Wing at Supersonic Flow 747
    12.6.1 The Concept of Front and Rear Mach Cone 747
    12.6.2 Leading Edge, Trailing Edge and Side Edge 748
    12.6.3 Two-Dimensional Flow Region and Three-Dimensional Flow Region 750
    12.7 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Thin Wing with Finite
    Wingspan at Supersonic Flow 751
    12.8 Lift Characteristics of Rectangular Flat Wing at Supersonic Flow 754
    12.8.1 Conical Flow in the Three Dimensional Region of Supersonic Leading Edge 754
    12.8.2 Three-Dimensional Region of Supersonic Flow Around Rectangular Flat Wing 755
    12.8.3 Lift Characteristics of Supersonic Flow Around Rectangular Rat Wing 756
    12.9 Characteristic Line Theory of Supersonic Flow 758
    Exercises 762
    13 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Transonic Thin Airfoil and Wing 769
    13.1 Critical Mach Number of Transonic Airfoil Flow 769
    13.1.1 Problem of Transonic Flow 769
    13.1.2 Critical Mach Number 770
    13.2 Transonic Flow Over a Thin Airfoil 772
    13.3 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Transonic Thin Airfoil Flow and Its Influence by Geometric Parameters 775
    13.3.1 Relationship Between Lift Characteristics and Incoming Mach Number 775
    13.3.2 Relationship Between Drag Characteristics and Incoming Mach Number (Drag Divergence Mach Number) 776
    13.3.3 Relationship Between Pitching Moment Characteristics and Incoming Mach Number Ill
    13.3.4 Influence of Airfoil Geometric Parameters on Transonic Aerodynamic Characteristics 778
    13.4 Transonic Small Perturbation Potential Flow Equation and Similarity Rule 779
    13.5 Influence of Wing Geometry Parameters on Critical Mach Number of Transonic Row 780
    13.6 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Supercritical Airfoil Flow 782
    13.6.1 Basic Concepts of Supercritical Airfoil 782
    13.6.2 Expansion Mechanism of Supersonic Flow Over Supercritical Airfoil 784
    13.6.3 Aerodynamic Characteristics of Supercritical Airfoil Flow 786
    13.7 High-Subsonic Flow Over a Swept Wing with a High Aspect Ratio 787
    13.8 Transonic Area Rule 789
    13.8.1 The Concept of Area Rule 789
    13.8.2 Slender Waist Fuselage 792
    Exercises 794
    14 High Lift Devices and Their Aerodynamic Performances 797
    14.1 Development of High Lift Devices 797
    14.2 Basic Types of High Lift Devices 800
    14.2.1 Trailing-Edge High Lift Devices 800
    14.2.2 Leading-Edge High Lift Devices 802
    14.3 Supporting and Driving Mechanism of High Lift Devices 803
    14.4 Aerodynamic Principles of High Lift Devices 805
    14.5 Aeroacoustics of High Lift Devices 812
    14.6 Method of Wind Tunnel and Numerical Simulation for High Lift Devices 814
    14.7 Technology of Hinged Flap with Deflection of Spoilers 815
    Exercises 816
    Appendix A 817
    Appendix B 833
    Bibliography 857