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  • 书号:9787030682352
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  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:620
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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  • 目录
    第一篇 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的现状分析及基本理论研究
    第一章 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的现状分析 3
    第一节 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的基本特征 3
    第二节 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的主要问题 11
    第三节 本章小结 16
    第二章 制造业海外并购整合与企业技术创新的研究评述 18
    第一节 技术获取型海外并购整合研究 18
    第二节 资源相似性、互补性与海外并购整合研究 28
    第三节 资源相关性、海外并购整合与技术创新的企业层次研究 33
    第四节 研究空间 39
    第五节 本章小结 41
    第三章 制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的研究评述 42
    第一节 海外并购整合、创新网络与产业技术创新概述 42
    第二节 资源基础观视角的海外并购整合与技术创新的企业层次研究 46
    第三节 基于创新网络传导的海外并购整合与产业技术创新 48
    第四节 围绕产业技术创新界定的海外并购整合与产业技术创新的跨层次研究 51
    第五节 研究空间 56
    第六节 本章小结 58
    第四章 基于资源相似性、互补性的中国制造业海外并购整合与企业技术创新的微观机理 59
    第一节 中国制造业海外并购资源相似性、互补性与并购整合 60
    第二节 中国制造业海外并购资源相似性、互补性的交互作用 61
    第三节 中国制造业海外并购整合对企业技术创新的作用机制分析 63
    第四节 基于资源相似性、互补性的中国制造业海外并购整合与企业技术创新的传导机制 66
    第五节 基于资源相似性、互补性的中国制造业海外并购整合与企业技术创新的总体理论框架 71
    第六节 本章小结 73
    第五章 基于资源相关性的中国制造业海外并购整合策略与并购协同效应的微观机理 74
    第一节 中国制造业海外并购整合策略对并购协同效应的作用机制 74
    第二节 中国制造业海外并购整合策略与资源相似性、互补性的匹配 78
    第三节 资源相关性与海外并购整合策略匹配模式有效性的影响 83
    第四节 基于资源相关性的中国制造业海外并购整合策略与并购协同效应的总体理论框架 87
    第五节 本章小结 88
    第六章 基于创新网络的中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的理论机理 89
    第一节 中国制造业海外并购整合、全球创新网络与产业技术创新 90
    第二节 基于网络中心性的海外并购整合对产业技术创新的跨层次传导分析 92
    第三节 基于网络结构洞的海外并购整合对产业技术创新的跨层次传导分析 94
    第四节 资源基础观视角下基于创新网络的海外并购整合决策与产业技术创新 95
    第五节 基于创新网络的中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的总体理论框架 104
    第六节 本章小结 106
    第二篇 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的数理模型及动态演化研究
    第七章 中国制造业海外并购整合与企业技术创新的数理模型 111
    第一节 基于资源相关性的中国制造业海外并购整合与企业技术创新的静态模型 111
    第二节 基于资源相关性的中国制造业技术获取型海外并购整合与企业技术创新的动态模型 129
    第三节 基于并购双方特征的中国制造业海外并购整合与企业技术创新的多阶段数理模型 144
    第四节 本章小结 161
    第八章 基于创新网络的中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的数理模型 162
    第一节 基于创新网络嵌入的中国制造业海外并购整合与技术创新的马尔可夫博弈模型 162
    第二节 基于创新网络位置的中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的数理模型 181
    第三节 本章小结 203
    第九章 中国制造业海外并购整合与企业技术创新的动态演化研究 205
    第一节 基于资源相关性的中国制造业海外并购整合动态演化研究 205
    第二节 中国制造业技术获取型海外并购整合与企业技术创新的系统动力学动态演化研究 216
    第三节 本章小结 225
    第十章 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的动态演化研究 227
    第一节 基于创新网络控制力的中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的动态演化研究 227
    第二节 基于创新网络嵌入的中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新跨层次动态演化研究 241
    第三节 本章小结 264
    第三篇 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的传导机制及国际比较的实证研究
    第十一章 中国制造业海外并购整合对技术创新的企业层次传导机制的实证研究 269
    第一节 基于资源相关性的中国制造业海外并购整合对企业技术创新传导机制的实证研究 269
    第二节 基于资源相关性匹配的中国制造业海外并购整合对并购协同效应传导机制的实证研究 286
    第三节 本章小结 311
    第十二章 基于创新网络的中国制造业海外并购整合对产业技术创新跨层次传导机制的实证研究:资源基础观视角 312
    第一节 样本筛选和变量测度 312
    第二节 结构方程模型实证分析 323
    第三节 基于资源配置视角的方差分析检验 330
    第四节 本章小结 334
    第十三章 基于创新网络的制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的国际比较研究 335
    第一节 制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新:中国与美国的国际比较 335
    第二节 制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新:中国与德国的国际比较 351
    第三节 制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新:中国与日本的国际比较 372
    第四节 制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新:中国与韩国的国际比较 385
    第五节 本章小结 400
    第四篇 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的案例分析
    第十四章 中国制造业海外并购整合对企业技术创新传导机制的案例研究 405
    第一节 吉利并购整合瑞典沃尔沃 406
    第二节 烟台万华并购整合匈牙利博苏化学 414
    第三节 金风科技并购整合德国Vensys 420
    第四节 TCL 并购整合法国阿尔卡特 428
    第五节 横向案例对比分析 434
    第六节 本章小结 438
    第十五章 基于资源相关性的中国制造业海外并购整合对并购协同效应传导机制的案例研究 440
    第一节 上海电气并购整合美国高斯国际 440
    第二节 中联重科并购整合意大利CIFA 447
    第三节 TCL 并购整合法国汤姆逊 454
    第四节 沈阳机床并购整合德国希斯公司 460
    第五节 横向案例对比分析 467
    第六节 本章小结 469
    第十六章 基于创新网络的中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的案例研究 471
    第一节 吉利并购整合瑞典沃尔沃 471
    第二节 均胜电子并购整合德国普瑞 481
    第三节 万向并购整合美国A123 486
    第四节 横向案例对比分析 495
    第五节 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新:扎根理论的多案例分析 496
    第六节 本章小结 510
    第五篇 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的路径与对策
    第十七章 中国与欧美发达国家制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的经验比较研究 513
    第一节 中国与欧美发达国家制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的比较 513
    第二节 欧美发达国家制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的经验研究 523
    第三节 本章小结 528
    第十八章 中国与后发新兴国家制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的经验比较研究 529
    第一节 中国与后发新兴国家制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的比较 529
    第二节 后发新兴国家制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的经验研究 538
    第三节 本章小结 542
    第十九章 中国制造业海外并购整合与产业技术创新的多层次保障体系 544
    第一节 企业层面的海外并购整合与产业技术创新途径建议 544
    第二节 产业层面的海外并购整合与产业技术创新途径建议 548
    第三节 政府层面的海外并购整合与产业技术创新政策建议 550
    第四节 本章小结 554
    参考文献 556
    附录 578
    索引 614
    Part Ⅰ The Current State and Basic Theory of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry
    Chapter 1 Analysis on the Current Situation of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 3
    1.1 The Basic Characteristics of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 3
    1.2 The Main Problems of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 11
    1.3 Summary 16
    Chapter 2 A Literature Review on Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry 18
    2.1 Research on Technology-sourcing Overseas M&A Integration 18
    2.2 Research on Resource Similarity, Complementarity and Overseas M&A Integration 28
    2.3 Research on Resource Relatedness, Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise-level Technology Innovation 33
    2.4 Research Space 39
    2.5 Summary 41
    Chapter 3 A Literature Review on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry 42
    3.1 An Overview of Overseas M&A Integration, Innovation Network and Industrial Technology Innovation 42
    3.2 Research on the Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise-level Technology Innovation from the Perspective of Resource-based View 46
    3.3 Research on the Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation Based on the Transmission of Innovation Network 48
    3.4 Cross-level Research on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation Around the Definition of Industrial Technology Innovation 51
    3.5 Research Space 56
    3.6 Summary 58
    Chapter 4 The Micro Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource Similarity and Complementarity 59
    4.1 Resource Similarity, Complementarity and Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry 60
    4.2 The Interaction of Resource Similarity and Complementarity in Overseas M&A of China’s Manufacturing Industry 61
    4.3 Analysis on the Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry on Enterprise Technology Innovation 63
    4.4 The Transmission Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource Similarity and Complementarity 66
    4.5 The Overall Theoretical Framework of Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource Similarity and Complementarity 71
    4.6 Summary 73
    Chapter 5 The Micro Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration Strategy and M&A Synergy Effect of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource Re3latedness 74
    5.1 The Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration Strategy of China’s Manufacturing Industry on the M&A Synergy Effect 74
    5.2 Matching Between Overseas M&A Integration Strategy of China’s Manufacturing Industry and Resource Similarity and Complementarity 78
    5.3 The Influence of the Effectiveness of Matching Mode Between Resource Relatedness and Overseas M&A Integration Strategy 83
    5.4 The Overall Theoretical Framework of the Overseas M&A Integration Strategy and M&A Synergy Effect of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource Relatedness 87
    5.5 Summary 88
    Chapter 6 The Theoretical Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Innovation Network 89
    6.1 Overseas M&A Integration, Global Innovation Network and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 90
    6.2 The Cross-level Transmission Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration on Industrial Technology Innovation Based on Network Centrality 92
    6.3 The Cross-level Transmission Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration on Industrial Technology Innovation Based on Network Structural Holes 94
    6.4 Overseas M&A Integration Decision and Industrial Technology Innovation Based on Innovation Network from the Perspective of Resource-based View 95
    6.5 The Overall Theoretical Framework of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Innovation Network 104
    6.6 Summary 106
    Part Ⅱ The Mathematical Model and Dynamic Evolution of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry
    Chapter 7 Mathematical Model of Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 111
    7.1 The Static Model of Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource Relatedness 111
    7.2 The Dynamic Model of Technology-sourcing Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource Relatedness 129
    7.3 The Multi-stage Mathematical Model of Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Characteristics of Both Parties 144
    7.4 Summary 161
    Chapter 8 The Mathematical Model of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Innovation Netword 162
    8.1 The Markov Game Model of Overseas M&A Integration and Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Innovation Network Embedding 162
    8.2 The Mathematical Model of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on the Innovation Network Position 181
    8.3 Summary 203
    Chapter 9 Dynamic Evolution of Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 205
    9.1 Dynamic Evolution of Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Resource Relatedness 205
    9.2 Dynamics Evolution of System Dynamics Technology-sourcing Overseas M&A Integration and Enterprise Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 216
    9.3 Summary 225
    Chapter 10 Dynamic Evolution of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 227
    10.1 Dynamic Evolution of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Innovation Network Control 227
    10.2 Cross-level Dynamic Evolution of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Innovation Network Embedding 241
    10.3 Summary 264
    Part Ⅲ Empirical Research on the Transmission Mechanism and International Comparison of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry
    Chapter 11 Empirical Research on the Enterprise-level Transmission Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry on Technology Innovation 269
    11.1 An Empirical Research on the Transmission Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry on Enterprise Technology Innovation Based on Resource Relatedness 269
    11.2 An Empirical Research on the Transmission Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry on the M&A Synergy Effect Based on Resource Relatedness Matching 286
    11.3 Summary 311
    Chapter 12 An Empirical Research on the Cross-level Transmission Mechanism of Technology-sourcing Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry on Industrial Technology Innovation Based on Innovation Network: The Perspective of Resource-based View 312
    12.1 Sample Screening and Variable Measurement 312
    12.2 AnEmpirical Analysisof Structural Equation Model 323
    12.3 ANOVA Test Based on the Resource Orchestration Perspective 330
    12.4 Summary 334
    Chapter 13 An International Comparative Study on the Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry Based on Innovation Network 335
    13.1 Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation Manufacturing Industry: An International Comparison Between China and the United States 335
    13.2 Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry: An International Comparison between China and Germany 351
    13.3 Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry: An International Comparison between China and Japan 372
    13.4 Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry: An International Comparison between China and Republic of Korea 385
    13.5 Summary 400
    Part Ⅳ Case Studies on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry
    Chapter 14 Case Studies on the Transmission Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry on Enterprise Technology Innovation 405
    14.1 Geely’s M&A Integration of Sweden’s Volvo 406
    14.2 Yantai Wanhua’s M&A Integration of Hungary’s BorsodChem 414
    14.3 Goldwind’s M&A Integration of Germany’s Vensys 420
    14.4 TCL’s M&A Integration of France’s Alcatel 428
    14.5 Horizontal Case Comparison Analysis 434
    14.6 Summary 438
    Chapter 15 Case Studies on the Transmission Mechanism of Overseas M&A Integration of China’s Manufacturing Industry on M&A Synergy Effect Based on Resource Relatedness 440
    15.1 Shanghai Electric’s M&A Integration of America’s Goss International 440
    15.2 Zoomlion’sM&AIntegration ofItaly’s CIFA 447
    15.3 TCL’s M&A Integration of France’s Thomson SA 454
    15.4 SMTCL’s M&A Integration of Germany’s SCHIESS GmbH 460
    15.5 Horizontal Case Comparison Analysis 467
    15.6 Summary 469
    Chapter 16 Case Studies on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry Based on Innovation Network 471
    16.1 Geely’s M&A Integration of Sweden’s Volvo 471
    16.2 Joyson Electronics’sM&A Integrationof Germany’s Preh GmbH 481
    16.3 Wanxiang’s M&A Integration of America’s A123 Systems 486
    16.4 Horizontal Case Comparison Analysis 495
    16.5 Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry: A Multi-case Analysis Based on Grounded Theory 496
    16.6 Summary 510
    Part Ⅴ Paths and Countermeasures of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry
    Chapter 17 Experience Comparison of Overseas M&A Integration and Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry Between China and Developed Countries in Europe and America 513
    17.1 Comparison of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry Between China and Developed Countries in Europe and America 513
    17.2 An Empirical Study on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of European and American Developed Countries’ Manufacturing Industry 523
    17.3 Summary 528
    Chapter 18 Experience Comparison of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry Between China and Emerging Countries 529
    18.1 Comparison of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Manufacturing Industry Between China and Emerging Countries 529
    18.2 An Empirical Study on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of Emerging Countries’ Manufacturing Industry 538
    18.3 Summary 542
    Chapter 19 Multi-level Supportive System of Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation of China’s Manufacturing Industry 544
    19.1 Suggestions on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation at the Enterprise Level 544
    19.2 Suggestions on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation at the Industry Level 548
    19.3 Suggestions on Overseas M&A Integration and Industrial Technology Innovation at the Government Level 550
    19.4 Summary 554
    References 556
    Appendix 578
    Index 614