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  • 书号:9787030514677
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  • 页数:1016
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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  • 目录
    第一篇 油气煤铀同盆共存特征和其成藏(矿)与分布
    第一章 全球油气煤铀藏(矿)同盆共存特征与分布规律 3
    第一节 全球铀矿和砂岩型铀矿的产储量 3
    第二节 全球已发现砂岩型铀矿的特征和分布 15
    第三节 油气煤铀藏(矿)同盆共存特征 26
    参考文献 35
    第二章 中东亚能源矿产成矿域 46
    第一节 中东亚成矿域区划与能源盆地分布 46
    第二节 中东亚成矿域能源盆地类型 55
    第三节 多种能源矿产赋存特点与分布规律 58
    第四节 多种能源盆地演化及其地球动力学环境 65
    参考文献 70
    第三章 油气煤铀同盆共存成藏(矿)与分布理论及进展 73
    第一节 油气煤铀的基本特性和成矿特点 73
    第二节 共存特征与分布规律 79
    第三节 成矿条件和赋存环境 88
    第四节 油气煤铀相互作用与共存成藏(矿)机理 119
    第五节 多种能源矿产共存的综合判识体系 148
    第六节 多种能源矿产综合评价预测与协同勘探开发 156
    参考文献 165
    第二篇 鄂尔多斯盆地深部结构、构造热特征及演化
    第四章 鄂尔多斯盆地及邻区地球物理场与深部结构 179
    第一节 盆地及邻区的地球物理场和深部构造特征 179
    第二节 盆地南部及周邻地壳上地幔结构宽频地震观测 184
    第三节 盆地南部及周邻面波频散特征与一维速度结构反演 200
    第四节 盆地南部及周邻中新生代构造演化动力学的深部依据 205
    参考文献 208
    第五章 鄂尔多斯盆地地温场特征与热演化史 212
    第一节 盆地现今地温场特征 212
    第二节 盆地中生代晚期古地温场恢复与中生代热异常特征 220
    第三节 盆地后期抬升冷却及盆地热演化恢复 230
    第四节 盆地及邻区构造热事件和其形成背景 238
    第五节 盆地热演化史与多种能源矿产形成的关系 243
    参考文献 247
    第六章 鄂尔多斯盆地中新生代构造事件年代学 251
    第一节 盆地西南缘中新生代构造事件的年代学记录 251
    第二节 盆地东北部中新生代构造事件的年代学记录 260
    第三节 盆地中新生代构造演化事件的峰值年龄坐标 270
    第四节 盆地东北部中新生代构造热转换及其成矿效应 275
    参考文献 293
    第七章 鄂尔多斯盆地中新生代沉积埋藏史 296
    第一节 现今地层格架 296
    第二节 不整合面对应的剥蚀厚度恢复 304
    第三节 地层埋藏史 314
    参考文献 320
    第八章 鄂尔多斯盆地新生代构造反转及其动力学环境 323
    第一节 盆地新生代东西部构造反转的确定依据 323
    第二节 盆地东西部构造反转的意义 331
    第三节 盆地新生代构造反转的动力学环境 332
    参考文献 337
    第九章 鄂尔多斯高原形成演化与环境变迁 340
    第一节 中新世中晚期至第四纪初鄂尔多斯高原形成 340
    第二节 鄂尔多斯高原及周缘地区红黏土 344
    第三节 “红土高原”解体与黄土高原形成及环境变迁 359
    参考文献 363
    第三篇 有机无机流岩作用与能源矿产共存物质基础
    第十章 沉积有机相分布模式及有机能源矿产同盆共存的地球化学条件 371
    第一节 沉积有机相 371
    第二节 中生界沉积有机相划分及相特征 372
    第三节 中生界沉积有机相模式与生烃潜力及成矿类型 381
    第四节 沉积有机相的数值化分析方法探讨 385
    参考文献 387第十一章 鄂尔多斯盆地沉积地层放射性异常及分布特征 390
    第一节 放射性异常的识别 390
    第二节 盆地内地层放射性异常分布特征 391
    第三节 放射性异常成因分析 402
    第四节 盆地内地层放射性异常的形成环境和形成机理 409
    参考文献 413
    第十二章 鄂尔多斯盆地延长组长 7段烃源岩铀元素分布、赋存状态及富集机理 415
    第一节 延长组长 7段烃源岩的铀异常特征及测井识别 415
    第二节 长 7段铀异常油页岩的岩石学与元素地球化学特征 422
    第三节 长 7段铀异常烃源岩中铀的赋存状态与富集机理 434
    参考文献 445
    第十三章 鄂尔多斯盆地北部上古生界天然气向北运移散失 446
    第一节 天然气运移散失的地球化学指标 446
    第二节 天然气运聚动力与通道 454
    第三节 天然气散失量估算 457
    参考文献 463
    第十四章 盆地东北部天然气耗散与砂岩漂白现象 465
    第一节 天然气逸散的地质地球化学证据 465
    第二节 盆地东北部砂岩漂白现象及其形成机制 477
    参考文献 496
    第十五章 鄂尔多斯盆地北部天然气运移耗散及其地质效应和判识标志 500
    第一节 概述 500
    第二节 天然气耗散作用证据 502
    第三节 地质蚀变和铀富集效应 507
    第四节 地质蚀变效应的成因分析 519
    第五节 天然气耗散地质效应的相关实验进展 532
    第六节 天然气耗散蚀变的判识标志与铀成矿模式 537
    参考文献 542
    第十六章 多种能源矿产热液活动地球化学记录 545
    第一节 多种能源矿产成矿(藏)环境特征 545
    第二节 多种能源矿产热液活动地球化学记录 550
    参考文献 563
    第四篇 鄂尔多斯盆地油气煤铀赋存、成藏(矿)与分布
    第十七章 鄂尔多斯盆地油气赋存、成藏与分布 567
    第一节盆地油气赋存的地质背景 567
    第二节 古生界天然气赋存特征 571
    第三节 盆地中生界石油赋存特征 583
    参考文献 598
    第十八章 鄂尔多斯盆地延长组低渗透油田的成藏新模式 601
    第一节 西峰油田的地质背景与成藏条件 601
    第二节 西峰油田主力储层的成岩作用与油气充注历史 605
    第三节 西峰油田油气二次运移方向与里程 611
    第四节 西峰油田的成藏过程与模式 618
    参考文献 623
    第十九章 盆地北部流体动力、运移通道与成藏(矿)效应 632
    第一节 水动力体系的分隔性 632
    第二节 流体动力的分布与演化 641
    第三节 天然气运移的优势通道 653
    第四节 天然气的运移、成藏规律 660
    参考文献 674
    第二十章 鄂尔多斯盆地煤地质特征、分布规律与资源潜力 678
    第一节 石炭二叠纪煤田地质特征与资源潜力 678
    第二节 三叠纪煤田地质特征与资源潜力 686
    第三节 侏罗纪煤田地质特征与资源潜力 686
    第四节 煤炭资源与开发现状分析 693
    第五节 煤层气资源 694
    参考文献 701
    第二十一章 鄂尔多斯盆地南部砂岩型铀矿分布及其基本特征 703
    第一节 盆地南部铀矿类型及时空分布 703
    第二节 盆地南部砂岩型铀矿基本特征 707
    第三节 盆地南部与北部砂岩型铀成矿综合对比研究 721
    参考文献 725
    第二十二章 鄂尔多斯盆地断褶带式砂岩铀矿地质特征与成矿作用 726
    第一节 惠安堡地区铀成矿环境 726
    第二节 惠安堡砂岩型铀矿床矿化特征 732
    第三节 西缘断褶带式惠安堡铀成矿模式 742
    参考文献 745
    第二十三章 鄂尔多斯盆地东北部侏罗纪含煤岩系与铀成矿关系 746
    第一节 含煤含铀岩系等时地层格架 746
    第二节 侏罗纪含煤岩系生烃能力 751
    第三节 侏罗纪含煤岩系对铀成矿的潜在影响 754
    参考文献 759
    第二十四章 东胜地区砂岩型铀矿有机地球化学特征与有机质来源 762
    第一节 样品与实验 763
    第二节 有机质的地球化学特征及其来源 764
    参考文献 781
    第二十五章 鄂尔多斯盆地北部东胜砂岩型铀矿成矿特征和模式 785
    第一节 东胜砂岩铀矿地质背景和基本特点 785
    第二节 东胜砂岩铀矿灰绿色砂岩成因研究 789
    第三节 直罗组砂岩的蚀变作用 796
    第四节 有机质特征及其与铀成矿的关系 801
    第五节 东胜砂岩型铀矿叠合成矿模式 814
    参考文献 818
    第五篇 有机无机能源矿产相互作用的实验模拟研究
    第二十六章 天然气在铀成矿中的作用 823
    第一节 模拟实验及其产物和反应历程 823
    第二节 地质验证和创新机理 829
    参考文献 830
    第二十七章 铀在烃源岩生烃演化中的作用 832
    第一节 油气生成过程中的有机无机相互作用 832
    第二节 铀在烃源岩生烃演化中作用的实验研究 834
    第三节 实验样品与方法 835
    第四节 铀在I型烃源岩生烃演化中的作用 837
    第五节 铀在II型烃源岩生烃演化中的作用 845
    第六节 铀在III型烃源岩生烃演化中的作用 851
    第七节 铀在低熟煤生烃演化中的作用 858
    第八节 模拟实验结果差异性分析及其与地质实际之间相关性 860
    参考文献 863
    第六篇 与能源矿产伴生的其他矿产资源
    第二十八章 煤型镓(铝)矿床形成、特征及其分布 869
    第一节 准格尔黑岱沟矿煤层的煤岩学和煤化学特征 870
    第二节 镓的资源/储量评估 874
    第三节 准格尔煤中镓的主要载体与镓富集 877
    第四节 准格尔电厂燃煤产物的矿物学和地球化学 882
    参考文献 889第二十九章 煤中伴生矿产的形成与分布 893
    第一节 煤中伴生矿产研究进展 893
    第二节 中国煤中主要伴生矿产 896
    第三节 煤中伴生矿产的成因类型及利用前景展望 919
    参考文献 922
    第七篇 多种能源矿产协同勘探模式与沉积盆地成矿系统
    第三十章 鄂尔多斯盆地多种能源矿产分布特征与协同勘探 929
    第一节 盆地多种能源矿产的时空分布特征 929
    第二节 多种能源矿产成生与共存关系 933
    第三节 多种能源矿产成矿阶段划分与成矿系统分析 939
    第四节 多种能源矿产协同勘探 944
    参考文献 951
    第三十一章 沉积盆地成藏(矿)系统 954
    第一节 沉积盆地动力学与盆地成矿系统 954
    第二节 成矿特点及影响因素 956
    第三节 成矿作用和过程 961
    第四节 成矿环境与背景 970
    参考文献 974
    The dynamics of sedimentary basins and energy minerals
    Part 1 Coexisting characteristics, accumulation (mineralization) mechanism, and spatial enrichment law of oil/gas, coal and uranium in the same basin
    Chapter 1 Global characteristics and distribution law of oil, gas, coal and uranium coexisting in the same basin 3
    1.1 Resources and production of global uranium deposits and sandstone-type uranium deposits 3
    1.2 Distribution characteristics of sandstone-type uranium deposits discovered in the world 15
    1.3 Characteristics of oil, gas, coal and uranium co-existing in basins 26
    References 35
    Chapter 2 Metallogenetic province of multi-energy minerals in Central-east Asia 46
    2.1 Subdivisions of the Central-east Asia multi-energy minerals metallogenetic domain and distribution of those basins 46
    2.2 Types of energy basins in the Central-east Asia 55
    2.3 Occurrences characteristics and distribution pattern of multi-energy minerals 58
    2.4 Geodynamic environment and evolution of multi-energy basins 65
    References 70
    Chapter 3 Mineralization mechanism, spatial enrichment law and related advances of oil/gas, coal and uranium coexisting in the same basin 73
    3.1 Fundamental features and mineralization characteristics of oil, gas, coal and uranium 73
    3.2 Co-existing characteristics and distribution pattern 79
    3.3 Metallogenetic conditions and occurrences environment 88
    3.4 Interaction and accumulation/mineralization mechanism of oil, gas, coal and uranium 119
    3.5 Distinguishing signs of Co-exist of multiple energy minerals 148
    3.6 Integrated assessment, prediction and co-exploration of multiple energy minerals 156
    References 165
    Part 2 Deep structure, tectonic-thermal characteristics and evolution in the Ordos Basin
    Chapter 4 Geophysical field and deep structure in the Ordos Basin and its adjacent areas 179
    4.1 Features of geophysical fields and deep structure in the Ordos Basin and its adjacent regions 179
    4.2 Observation of the crustal and upper mantle structures from broadband seismics in the southern Ordos Basin and its adjacent regions 184
    4.3 Surface wave dispersion features and 1 -D velocity structure beneath the southern Ordos Basin and its adjacent regions 200
    4.4 The Meso-Cenozoic geodynamics of tectonic evolution in the southern Ordos Basin and its adjacent regions from deep structure 205
    References 208
    Chapter 5 Geothermal field and thermal history reconstruction in the Ordos Basin 212
    5.1 Characteristics of present geothermal field in basin 212
    5.2 Recovery of paleo-geothermal field and characteristics of thermal anomaly in the Late Mesozoic basin 220
    5.3 Late uplifting cooling and recovery of basin geothermal history in basin 230
    5.4 Tectonic thermal events and their forming background in basins and adjacent areas 238
    5.5 Basin thermal history and formation of multi-energy minerals 243
    References 247
    Chapter 6 Geochronology of tectonic-thermal events during the Meso-Cenozoic in the Ordos Basin 251
    6.1 Geochronology records of the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic events in the southwest Ordos Basin 251
    6.2 Geochronology records of the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic events in the northeast Ordos Basin 260
    6.3 Peak age coordinates of the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic events in the Ordos Basin 270
    6.4 Meso-Cenozoic tectono-thermal conversion effecting on the coexistence of multi-resources 275
    References 293
    Chapter 7 Meso-Cenozoic depositional and burial histories in the Ordos Basin 296
    7.1 Current stratigraphic framework 296
    7.2 Calculation of the unconformity surfaces denudation thickness 304
    7.3 Burial history of the strata 314
    References 320
    Chapter 8 Cenozoic tectonic inversion and geodynamic setting in the Ordos Basin 323
    8.1 Determination of the tectonic reverses in the east and west of Ordos Basin 323
    8.2 Significance of the tectonic reverses in the east and west of Ordos Basin 331
    8.3 Geodynamic environment of the tectonic reverses in the Ordos Basin 332
    References 337
    Chapter 9 Formation, evolution and environmental changes in the Ordos Plateau 340
    9.1 Formation of the Ordos Plateau from the Mid-Late Miocene to Early Quaternary 340
    9.2 The lateritic clay of Ordos Plateau and its adjacent areas 344
    9.3 Dissolution of “lateritic clay plateau”, the formation and environmental change of Loess Plateau 359
    References 363
    Part 3 Fluid-rock interaction between organic and inorganic materials and its implications for co-existance of multi-energy resources
    Chapter 10 Distribution patterns of sedimentary organic facies and geochemical conditions for coexistence of various organic energy resources within the same basin 371
    10.1 Sedimentary organic facies 371
    10.2 Sedimentary organic facies division and facies characteristics in Mesozoic 372
    10.3 Model of sedimentary organic facies and potential of hydrocarbon generation and type of mineralization in Mesozoic 381
    10.4 Discussion on numerical analysis method of sedimentary organic facies 385
    References 387
    Chapter 11 Characteristics and distribution of radioactive anomalies originated from different strata in the Ordos Basin 390
    11.1 Identification of radioactive anomalies 390
    11.2 Characteristics and distribution of radioactive anomalies originated from different strata of the Ordos Basin 391
    11.3 Genetic analysis of radioactive anomalies 402
    11.4 The forming environment and mechanism of radioactive anomalies originated from different strata of the Ordos Basin 409
    References 413
    Chapter 12 Distribution, occurrence and enrichment mechanism of uranium element in the Chang-7 interval of the Yanchang Formation in the Ordos Basin 415
    12.1 Features of uranium anomaly of source rocks in Chang-7 interval of Yanchang Formation and the logging identification 415
    12.2 Petrology and element geochemistry characteristics of Chang-7 interval oil shale with anomaly uranium 422
    12.3 Occurrence and enrichment mechanism of uranium in the source rocks of Chang-7 interval 434
    References 445
    Chapter 13 Northward migration-dissipation of the natural gas in Upper Paleozoic strata in the northern Ordos Basin 446
    13.1 Geochemical evidences of the natural gas migration and dissipation 446
    13.2 Dynamics and passage of the natural gas migration 454
    13.3 The estimated loss amount of natural gas 457
    References 463
    Chapter 14 Natural gas dissipation and characteristics of bleaching sandstone in the northeastern Ordos Basin 465
    14.1 Geological and geochemical evidence of dissipation of natural gas 465
    14.2 Characteristics and forming mechanism of bleaching sandstone in the northeastern Ordos Basin 477
    References 496
    Chapter 15 Migration-dissipation of natural gas and its geological effect,identification 500
    15.1 Introduction 500
    15.2 Evidences of the dissipation of natural gas 502
    15.3 Geological alteration and the effects of uranium mineralization 507
    15.4 Causation analysis of geological alteration effects 519
    15.5 Related experimental process of the geological effects of dissipation of natural gas 532
    15.6 Discrimination indicator of the alteration of natural gas dissipation and uranium ore-formation model 537
    References 542
    Chapter 16 Geochemistry records of hydrothermal activities of multi-energy resources 545
    16.1 Features of accumulation environment of multi-energy resources 545
    16.2 Geochemistry records of hydrothermal activities of multi-energy resources 550
    References 563
    Part 4 Occurrence, mineralization and distribution of multi-energy resources in the Ordos Basin
    Chapter 17 Occurrence, accumulation and distribution of hydrocarbon resources in the Ordos Basin 567
    17.1 Geological background of petroleum occurrence in Ordos Basin 567
    17.2 Accumulation and distribution characteristics of the Paleozoic gas reservoirs 571
    17.3 Accumulation and distribution characteristics of the Mesozoic oil reservoirs 583
    References 598
    Chapter 18 A novel pool-forming model of the low-permeability oil field in the Yanchang Formation 601
    18.1 Geological background and reservoir formation conditions of the Xifeng oilfield 601
    18.2 Diagenesis and hydrocarbon charge history of major reservoir in the Xifeng oilfield 605
    18.3 Direction and distance of the second migration of the oils in the Xifeng oilfield 611
    18.4 Accumulation process and model of the Xifeng oilfield 618
    References 623
    Chapter 19 Fluid dynamics, migration pathways and pool-forming effect in northern Ordos Basin 632
    19.1 Separation of hydrodynamic system 632
    19.2 Distribution and evolution of fluid dynamics 641
    19.3 Dominant migrating channel of the natural gas 653
    19.4 Reservoiring pattern and migration of the nature gas 660
    References 674
    Chapter 20 Geological characteristics, distribution and potential resource of coal resource in the Ordos Basin 678
    20.1 Geology characteristics and resource potential of the Carboniferous-Permian coalfield 678
    20.2 Geology characteristics and resource potential of the Triassic coalfield 686
    20.3 Geology characteristics and resource potential of the Jurassic coalfield 686
    20.4 Analysis of coal resources and development situation 693
    20.5 Coalbed methane resource 694
    References 701
    Chapter 21 Distribution, basic characteristics of the sandstone-type uranium deposit in the southern Ordos Basin 703
    21.1 Types and spatial and temporal distribution of uranium deposit in the southern Ordos Basin 703
    21.2 The characteristics of sandstone-type uranium deposit in the southern Ordos Basin 707
    21.3 Comprehensive comparison of sandstone-type uranium mineralization in the southern and northern Ordos Basin 721
    References 725
    Chapter 22 Geological characteristics and mineralization of sandstone-type uranium deposit developed in fault-fold structural belt in the Ordos Basin 726
    22.1 Uranium mineralization environment in Huianbu area 726
    22.2 Mineralization characteristics of sandstone-type uranium deposit in Huianbu area 732
    22.3 Mineralization model of uranium deposit in the Huianbu area, western edge of fault-fold zone 742
    References 745
    Chapter 23 Relationship between the Jurassic coal-bearing strata and uranium mineralization in the northeastern Ordos Basin 746
    23.1 Isochronous stratigraphic architecture of coal-uranium-bearing strata 746
    23.2 Hydrocarbon generation capacity of the Jurassic coal-bearing strata 751
    23.3 Potential influence of Jurassic coal-bearing strata on uranium mineralization 754
    References 759
    Chapter 24 Geochemical characteristics and source of organic matter in the Dongsheng sandstone-type uranium deposit 762
    24.1 Samples and experimental 763
    24.2 Organic geochemical characteristics and their sources 764
    References 781
    Chapter 25 Metallogenic features and model of the Dongsheng sandstone-type uranium deposit in the northeastern Ordos Basin 785
    25.1 Geological setting and basic signatures of Dongsheng sandstone uranium deposit 785
    25.2 Origin of greenish sandstones in the Dongsheng ore area 789
    25.3 Alterations of Zhiluo Formation sandstones related to uranium mineralization 796
    25.4 Signatures of organic materials and their relations to uranium mineralization 801
    25.5 Metallogenic superposition model of Dongsheng sandstone uranium deposit 814
    References 818
    Part 5 Experimental simulation of the interaction between organic and inorganic energy minerals
    Chapter 26 Role of natural gas in the process of uranium mineralization 823
    26.1 Simulation experiment results and the reaction mechanism 823
    26.2 The verification by geological conditions and the novel mechanism 829
    References 830
    Chapter 27 Effects of uranium on hydrocarbon evolution of hydrocarbon source rock 832
    27.1 Organic-inorganic interactions in hydrocarbon generation process 832
    27.2 Experimental study of the effects of uranium on hydrocarbon generation of hydrocarbon source rocks 834
    27.3 Samples and methods 835
    27.4 Effects of uranium on hydrocarbon generation of hydrocarbon source rocks with type-I kerogen 837
    27.5 Effects of uranium on hydrocarbon generation of hydrocarbon source rocks with type-II kerogen 845
    27.6 Effects of uranium on hydrocarbon generation of hydrocarbon source rocks with type-III kerogen 851
    27.7 Effects of uranium on hydrocarbon generation of immature coal 858
    27.8 Difference and correlation between experiment and geology reality 860
    References 863
    Part 6 Other mineral resources co-existed with the major energy deposits
    Chapter 28 Formation, characteristics and distribution of coal-hosted Ga (Al) ore deposit 869
    28.1 Coal petrology and chemistry of the coal in the Heidaigou coal mine 870
    28.2 Estimations of Ga resources/reserves 874
    28.3 Major carriers and enrichment of Ga in the Jungar coal 877
    28.4 Mineralogy and geochemistry of coal combustion products from Jungar power plants 882
    References 889
    Chapter 29 Formation and distribution of coal-associated minerals 893
    29.1 Advances of study on coal-associated minerals 893
    29.2 Coal-associated minerals in Chinese coal 896
    29.3 Genetic types of the associated minerals in coal and the utilization prospect 919
    References 922
    Part 7 Cooperative exploration mode about multi-energy resources and mineralization system within sedimentary basin
    Chapter 30 Distribution and cooperative exploration mode about multi-energy resources in the Ordos Basin 929
    30.1 Space-time distribution of multi-energy minerals resources in the Ordos Basin 929
    30.2 Relationship of genesis and coexistence of multi-energy minerals resources 933
    30.3 Metallogenic stages classification and metallogenic system analysis of multi-energy minerals resources 939
    30.4 Co-exploration mode of multi-energy minerals resources 944
    References 951
    Chapter 31 Metallogenic or pool-forming system within sedimentary basin 954
    31.1 Dynamics of sedimentary basin and basin reservoir (ore) forming system 954
    31.2 Mineralization characteristics and influencing factors 956
    31.3 Ore-forming processes and mineralization 961
    31.4 Ore-forming environment and setting 970
    References 974