论文 Articles 会计选择问题探讨——面向公允价值的计量选择 葛家澍 Research on Accounting Choices :The Choice of Fair Value Measurement Jiashu Ge 企业的性质:公司治理角度的分析——一个解构性假说 刘峰 The Nature of the Firm Revisited:A Perspective of Deconstruction Feng Liu 表外披露概念框架 占美松 The Conceptual Framework for Off-Financial-Statements Disclosure Meisong Zhan 盈余质量、制度环境与权益资本成本——来自中国证券市场的经验证据 新夫 陈冬华 Earnings Quality,Institutional Environment,and Cost of Equity:Empirical Evi-dence from the Chinese Stock Market Fu Xin and Donghua Chen 独立审计职业声誉损害与市场反应——中天勤事件的进一步研究 方军雄 Market Reaction to Damaged Reputation of Independent Auditors :Further Study on the Zhongtianqin Case Junxiong Fang 所有权性质与高管现金薪酬结构——基于管理权力论的分析 黄志忠 Ownership and CEO's Pay Structure:An Analysis Based on Managerial En-trenchment Zhizhong Huang 企业社会责任的伦理观察——基于管理会计的视角 冯巧根 Corporate Social Responsibility in the View of Ethics :A Perspective Based on Managerial Accounting Qiaogen Feng 从独立董事制度在大陆法系国家(地区)的移植看公司治理的国际趋同问题 李明辉 Convergence of Corporate Governance:An Analysis of the Introduction of Inde-pendent Director System to Continental Law Countries Minghui Li 综述 Literature Review R&D投资决策期权价值及其影响因素研究述评与展望 肖虹 A Survey and Outlook of Real Option Approach to and Influencing Factors of the Valuation of R&D Investments Hong Xiao 海外前沿 Overseas Frontiers 盈余质量 凯瑟琳·雪珀 琳达·文森特 著 杨钰 曹玲 译 高芳 校 Earnings Quality Katherine Schipper and Linda Vincent,Translated by Yu Yang and Ling Cao,Translation reviewed by Fang Gao