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  • 书号:9787030204066
  • 外文书名:Some Topics on Value Distribution and Differentiability in Complex and P-adic Analysis
  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:644
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:O17 数学分析
  • 定价: ¥98.00元
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  • Preface
    List of Contributors
    Part I Value Distribution of Complex and P-adic Functions
    Chapter 1 The Second Main Theorem on Generalized Parabolic Manifolds
    1.1 Monge-Ampere equations and generalized parabolic manifolds
    1.2 Projectivized bundles over Stein manifolds
    1.3 Meromorphic global forms
    1.4 Analytic and algebraic Plucker Formulas: The classical case
    1.5 Plucker’s formulas for generalized parabolic manifolds
    1.6 An analogue of the Ahlfors-Stoll estimate
    1.7 The second main theorem
    Chapter 2 P-adic Value Distribution
    2.1 Ultrametric analytic functions
    2.2 Lazard’s problem and p-adic Nevanlinna theory
    2.3 Applications of the Nevanlinna theory
    Chapter 3 Survey on Meromorphic Functions of Uniqueness
    3.1 Introduction and basic results
    3.2 Main results and examples
    Chapter 4 A Survey on Uniqueness Polynomials and Unique Range Sets
    4.1 Meromorphic functions sharing points
    4.2 Unique range set for meromorphic functions
    4.3 Uniqueness polynomials for meromorphic functions
    Chapter 5 On Petrenko’s Theory of Growth of Meromorphic Functions
    5.1 The growth of functions meromorphic in the plane
    5.2 The growth of functions meromorphic in the disc
    5.3 Separated maximum modulus points of entire and meromorphic functions
    5.4 Strong asymptotic values and strong asymptotic spots of entire and meromorphic functions
    Chapter 6 Linear Operators,Fourier Transforms and the Riemann ξ-function
    6.1 The Laguerre-Polya class and the Riemann ξ-function
    6.2 Complex zero decreasing sequences and λ-sequences
    6.3 The distribution of zeros of Fourier transforms
    6.4 Infinite order differential operators and the Riemann ξ-function
    Chapter 7 Hyperbolic Hypersurfaces of Lower Degrees
    7.1 Introduction and main techniques
    7.2 Hyperbolic curves
    7.3 Hyperbolic surfaces
    7.4 Hyperbolic hypersurfaces in P4(C)
    Chapter 8 Admissible Solutions of Functional Equations of Diophantine Type
    8.1 Introduction
    8.2 Background and results
    8.3 Preliminary lemmas
    8.4 Proofs of the results
    Part II New Applications of the Concept of Differentiability
    Chapter 9 Recent Developments in Applied Pseudoanalytic Function Theory
    9.1 Introduction
    9.2 Some definitions and results from pseudoanalytic function theory
    9.3 Solutions of second order elliptic equations as real components of complex pseudoanalytic functions
    9.4 Complete systems of solutions for second-order equations
    9.5 A remark on orthogonal coordinate systems in a plane
    9.6 Explicit construction of a generating sequence
    9.7 Explicit construction of complete systems of solutions of second-order elliptic equations
    Chapter 10 Biquaternions for Analytic and Numerical Solution of Equations of Electrodynamics
    10.1 Introduction
    10.2 Biquaternionic fundamental solutions
    10.3 Biquaternionic reformulation of Maxwell’s equations in chiral media
    10.4 Completeness of a system of biquaternionic fundamental solutions
    10.5 Numerical realization
    10.6 Time-dependent Maxwell’s equations for chiral media
    10.7 Field equations in a biquaternionic form
    10.8 Green function for the operator M
    10.9 Inhomogeneous media
    Chapter 11 Asymptotic Behavior of Subfunctions of Time-Independent Schrodinger Operators
    11.1 Introduction
    11.2 Subfunctions of the operator Lc
    11.3 Phragm′en-Lindel¨of theorem for subfunctions in an n-dimensional cone
    11.4 Bilinear series and estimates of the Green’s function of the operator Lq with a radial potential in a cone
    11.5 The Blaschke theorem
    11.6 Generalization of the Hayman-Azarin theorem
    11.7 Subfunctions in tube domains
    11.8 Green’s function of the operator Lc
    11.9 Eigenfunctions of the Laplace-Beltrami operator on the unit sphere
    11.10 Asymptotic behavior of solutions of the equation y"(r)+(n-1)r-1y'(r)-(λr-2+q(r)y(r)=0
    Chapter 12 The Bank-Laine Conjecture-a Survey
    12.1 Introduction
    12.2 Elementary computations and examples
    12.3 First results towards the Bank-Laine conjecture
    12.4 Solutions with prescribed zero-sequences
    12.5 Bank-Laine sequences
    12.6 Bank-Laine functions
    12.7 The case of a meromorphic A(z)
    12.8 Bank-Laine functions in the unit disc
    Chapter 13 On Complex Solutions to Functional and Non-linear Partial Differential Equations
    13.1 Introduction
    13.2 The equation f2+g2=1 and related eikonal type equations
    13.3 Factorization of partial derivatives and its relation to partial differential equations
    13.4 Exact entire solutions of generalized Eikonal and Fermat equations
    13.5 Eikonal and Fermat equations with arbitrarily many terms
    Chapter 14 Clifford Algebras Depending on Parameters and Their Applications to Partial Differential Equations
    14.1 Introduction
    14.2 Clifford algebras depending on parameters
    14.3 Generalized Clifford analysis
    14.4 Concluding remarks
    Chapter 15 Application of Complex Analytic Method to Equations of Mixed (Elliptic-Hyperbolic) Type
    15.1 Oblique derivative problem for second order equations of mixed type with parabolic degeneracy
    15.2 Oblique derivative problem for second order elliptic equations with parabolic degeneracy
    15.3 Oblique derivative problem for degenerate hyperbolic equations of second order
    15.4 Oblique derivative problem for second order equations of mixed type with parabolic degeneracy
    15.5 Complex analytic method for mixed equations with parabolic degeneracy and some open problems
    Chapter 16 The Tricomi Problem for Second Order Equations of Mixed Type
    16.1 Formulation of the Tricomi problem for mixed equations with degenerate rank 0
    16.2 Representation of solutions of Tricomi problem for the degenerate mixed equations
    16.3 Existence of solutions of the Tricomi problem for degenerate mixed equations
    16.4 Existence of solutions of the Tricomi problem for elliptic equations with parabolic degeneracy
    Part III Boundary Value Problems
    Preface of G.Akhalaia and N.Manjavidze
    Introduction to the Chapters 17-19
    Chapter 17 The Problem of Linear Conjugation and Systems of Singular Integral Equations
    17.1 Formulation of the problem
    17.2 Boundary value problem of linear conjugation with continuous coefficients
    17.3 Boundary value problems with piecewise continuous coefficients
    17.4 Systems of singular integral equations
    17.5 Differentiability of solutions and singular integral equations
    Chapter 18 Linear Conjugation with Displacement for Analytic Functions
    18.1 Introduction and auxiliary propositions
    18.2 Linear conjugation with displacement in case of continuous coefficients
    18.3 Linear conjugation with displacement in case of piecewise continuous coefficients
    18.4 Boundary value problems with displacement containing complex conjugate values of the desired functions
    Chapter 19 Linear Conjugation with Displacement for Generalized Analytic Functions and Vectors
    19.1 Definitions and notations
    19.2 Relation between linear conjugation with displacement and generalized analytic functions
    19.3 Boundary value problem of linear conjugation with displacement for generalized analytic vectors
    19.4 The problem of linear conjugation with displacement for an elliptic system of differential equations
    19.5 Differential boundary value problems for generalized analytic vectors
    Chapter 20 On Boundary Value Problems for Non-Linear Systems of Partial Differential Equations in the Plane
    20.1 Introduction
    20.2 Dirichlet problem in simply connected domains
    20.3 Dirichlet problem in multiply connected domains
    20.4 Riemann-Hilbert problem for simply connected domains
    20.5 Application of the Schauder principle