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  • 书号:9787030657862
  • 外文书名:
  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:773
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:地球物理学
  • 定价: ¥580.00元
    售价: ¥458.20元
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  • Contents
    Chapter 1 Polarimetric Scattering and SAR Image Information
    Scattering Simulation and Reconstruction of a 3-D Complex Target Using Downward-Looking Step-Frequency Radar 3
    Postearthquake Building Damage Assessment Using Multi-Mutual Information from Pre-Event Optical Image and Postevent SAR Image 16
    Numerical Simulation of Tomographic-SAR Imaging and Object Reconstruction Using Compressive Sensing with L1/2-norm Regularization 21
    Automatic Recognition of Isolated Buildings on Single-Aspect SAR Image Using Range Detector 29
    Simulation of ISAR Imaging for a Space Target and Reconstruction Under Sparse Sampling via Compressed Sensing 34
    Impact of Cross-polarization Isolation on Polarimetric Target Decomposition and Target Detection 44
    Imaging and Structural Feature Decomposition of a Complex Target Using Multi-Aspect Polarimetric Scattering 56
    Iterative ADMM for Inverse FE–BI Problem: A Potential Solution to Radio Tomography of Asteroids 70
    Polarimetric–Anisotropic Decomposition and Anisotropic Entropies of High-Resolution SAR Images 83
    A Preliminary Study on SAR Advanced Information Retrieval and Scene Reconstruction 99
    Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Dynamic Wakes of Submerged Body 104
    A Study of Ship Rotation Effects on SAR Image 114
    Target Decomposition and Recognition from Wide-angle SAR Imaging Based on a Gaussian Amplitude-Phase Model 127
    Wishart–Bayesian Reconstruction of Quad-Pol from Compact-Pol SAR Image 140
    Polarimetric SAR Image Factorization 145
    The Iterative Reweighted Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Separating Structural Layovers in SAR Tomography 161
    Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from a Multiview Sequence of Sparse ISAR Imaging of a Space Target 166
    Ship Wake Components: Isolation, Reconstruction, and Characteristics Analysis in Spectral, Spatial, and TerraSAR-X Image Domains 176
    Fast Sparse Spectral Estimation for Super-resolution SAR Sparse Imaging 192
    Chapter 2 Artificial Intelligence for Remote Sensing and Target Recognition
    Polarimetric SAR Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks 201
    Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Network and Its Application in Polarimetric SAR Image Classification 206
    Target Classification Using the Deep Convolutional Networks for SAR Images 217
    Radar Image Colorization: Converting Single-Polarization to Fully Polarimetric Using Deep Neural Networks 228
    SAR Despeckling Neural Network with Logarithmic Convolutional Product Model 242
    A Generalized Gaussian Coherent Scatterer Model for Correlated SAR Texture 265
    Multimode Remotely Sensed Intelligent Information and Target Recognition: Physical Intelligence in Microwave Vision 282
    Reciprocal Translation between SAR and Optical Remote Sensing Images with Cascaded-Residual Adversarial Networks 291
    Chapter 3 Microwave Remote Sensing of Earth
    Monitoring and Early Warning the Debris Flow and Landslides Using VHF Radar Pulse Echoes from Layering Land Media 335
    Detection of Snow and Frost in Southern China in January 2008 Using AMSR-E Scattering and Polarization Indexes 341
    Data Validation of Chinese Microwave FY-3A for Retrieval of Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Profiles during Phoenix Typhoon, 2008 354
    Case Studies of Drought-Flooding Variations for Validating FY-3B/ MWRI Data with Intercalibration of Aqua/AMSR-E 368
    A Backscattering Model of Rainfall Over Rough Sea Surface for Synthetic Aperture Radar 376
    Information Chain of Fine-Quantitative Remote Sensing based on Scattering, Radiative Transfer and Imaging 388
    Asymmetry in Stimulated Emission Polarization and Irregularity Evolution During Ionospheric Electron Gyroharmonic Heating 394
    Chapter 4 Microwave Planetary Exploration
    Microwave Brightness Temperature of Cratered Lunar Surface and Inversions of the Physical Temperature Profile and Thickness of Regolith Layer 405
    Diurnal Physical Temperature at Sinus Iridum Area Retrieved from Observations of Chinese Chang’E-1 Microwave Radiometer 416
    Theoretical Modeling, Numerical Simulation, and Retrievals from Chang’E-1 Data for Microwave Exploration of Lunar Surface/Subsurface 426
    Diurnal change of MW and IR Thermal Emissions from Lunar Craters with Relevance to Rock Abundance 443
    Simulation of Radar Echoes from Mars’ Surface/Subsurface and Inversion of Surface Media Parameters 453
    Inversion of Dielectric Properties of the Lunar Regolith Media with Temperature Profiles Using Chang’E Microwave Radiometer Observations 465
    Simulation of Multiangular Radar Echoes for Speed Measurement During CE-3 Landing on the Lunar Sinus Iridum Surface 470
    Radar Sounder Survey of Seasonal and Diurnal Water Flows on Mars Surface: Simulation and SHARAD Observation 481
    Dielectric Inversion of Lunar PSR Media with Topographic Mapping and Comment on “Quantification of Water Ice in the Hermite—A Crater of the Lunar North Pole” 486
    No Water–Ice Invertable in PSR of Hermite—A Crater Based on Mini-RF Data and Two-Layers Model 491
    Brightness Temperature of Lunar Surface for Calibration of Multichannel Millimeter-Wave Radiometer of Geosynchronous FY-4M 496
    A Radiative Transfer Model for MW Cold and IR Hot Spots of Chang’e and Diviner Observations 504
    Parameter Inversions of Multi-Layer Media of Mars Polar Region with Validation of SHARAD Data 511
    A Discussion on the Effective Permittivity of Multi-Component Medium Derived by Maxwell–Garnett, Strong Fluctuation and Quasicrystalline-CP Modeling 530
    A Real-Time Model of the Seasonal Temperature of Lunar Polar Region and Data Validation 540
    A Numerical Model of CPR of Rough Surface with Discrete Scatterers for Analysis of Mini-RF Data 551
    Average Brightness Temperature of Lunar Surface for Calibration of Multi-Channel Millimeter-Wave Radiometer from 89GHz to 183GHz and Data Validation 560
    The Diurnal and Seasonal Heat Flows and Temperature Distribution in Lunar PSR Based on the Diviner Infrared Data 570
    Simulation and Data Analysis of the Temperature Distribution and Variation in the Permanent Shaded Region of the Moon 580
    Low Loss-Tangent at Mare Serenitatis Retrieved from Observations of CE-2 MW Radiometer and Arecibo VHF Radar 591
    Chapter 5 Computational Electromagnetics and Antenna
    An Inversion of Planetary Rough Surface Permittivity from Radar Sounder Observations 599
    Scattering Simulation and Reconstruction of A 3D Complex Target Above an Underlying Surface Using SIMO Radar with Plane Array 603
    The Contour Deformation Method for Calculating the High-Frequency Scattered Field by the Fock Current on the Surface of the 3-D Convex Cylinder 613
    A Frequency-Independent Method for Computing the Physical Optics-Based Electromagnetic Fields Scattered from a Hyperbolic Surface 623
    Space-Borne Deployable P-Band Dual-Circular-Polarization Flexible Antenna Array 630
    Circularly Polarised OAM Antenna Using an Aperture-Coupled Uniform Circular Array 635
    The Fast Solver for Calculating the Scattered Fields from the Multiscale Scatterers 642
    Isolation Enhancement of Wideband Vehicular Antenna Array Using Fractal Decoupling Structure 651
    An Efficient Method on ISAR Image Reconstruction via Norm Regularization 656
    Fast ISAR Imaging based on High Frequency Scattered Fields from Quadratic Patches 664
    Fast Calculation of Scattering in Planar Uniaxial Anisotropic Multilayers 672
    Generation of Wideband Vortex Beam with Different OAM Modes Using Third-Order Meta-Frequency Selective Surface 682
    The Two-Dimensional Numerical Steepest Descent Path Method for Calculating the Physical Optics Scattered Fields from Different Quadratic Patches 694
    The Fast Physical Optics Method on Calculating the Scattered Fields from Electrically Large Scatterers 703
    An Efficient Method for Estimating the Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Three Dimensional Optical Waveguide Structures 712
    Multilevel Second Order Physical Optics Method for Calculating the High Frequency Scattered Fields 730
    Low-Profile Circularly Polarized Transmitarray for Wide-Angle Beam Control With a Third-Order Meta-FSS 735
    A Novel Miniaturized Electromagnetic Bandgap Structure for Wideband SSN Suppression in High-Speed PCB 747
    Design and Analysis of Linear to Circular Polarization Converter with Third Order Meta-Frequency Selective Surfaces 755
    Publication List 764
    Chapter 1 Polarimetric Scattering and SAR Image Information
    Scattering Simulation and Reconstruction of a 3-D Complex Target Using Downward-Looking Step-Frequency Radar 3
    Postearthquake Building Damage Assessment Using Multi-Mutual Information from Pre-Event Optical Image and Postevent SAR Image 16
    Numerical Simulation of Tomographic-SAR Imaging and Object Reconstruction Using Compressive Sensing with L1/2-norm Regularization 21
    Automatic Recognition of Isolated Buildings on Single-Aspect SAR Image Using Range Detector 29
    Simulation of ISAR Imaging for a Space Target and Reconstruction Under Sparse Sampling via Compressed Sensing 34
    Impact of Cross-polarization Isolation on Polarimetric Target Decomposition and Target Detection 44
    Imaging and Structural Feature Decomposition of a Complex Target Using Multi-Aspect Polarimetric Scattering 56
    Iterative ADMM for Inverse FE–BI Problem: A Potential Solution to Radio Tomography of Asteroids 70
    Polarimetric–Anisotropic Decomposition and Anisotropic Entropies of High-Resolution SAR Images 83
    A Preliminary Study on SAR Advanced Information Retrieval and Scene Reconstruction 99
    Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Dynamic Wakes of Submerged Body 104
    A Study of Ship Rotation Effects on SAR Image 114
    Target Decomposition and Recognition from Wide-angle SAR Imaging Based on a Gaussian Amplitude-Phase Model 127
    Wishart–Bayesian Reconstruction of Quad-Pol from Compact-Pol SAR Image 140
    Polarimetric SAR Image Factorization 145
    The Iterative Reweighted Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Separating Structural Layovers in SAR Tomography 161
    Three-Dimensional Reconstruction from a Multiview Sequence of Sparse ISAR Imaging of a Space Target 166
    Ship Wake Components: Isolation, Reconstruction, and Characteristics Analysis in Spectral, Spatial, and TerraSAR-X Image Domains 176
    Fast Sparse Spectral Estimation for Super-resolution SAR Sparse Imaging 192