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Diffraction Calculation and Digital Holography I

Diffraction Calculation and Digital Holography I
  • 书号:9787030490902
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  • 页数:324
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  • Table of Contents
    Chapter 1 Mathematical Prerequisites 1
    1.1 Frequently Used Special Functions 1
    1.1.1 The \Rectangle" Function 1
    1.1.2 The \Sinc" Function 2
    1.1.3 The \Step" function 3
    1.1.4 The \Sign" Function 4
    1.1.5 The \Triangle" Function 5
    1.1.6 The \Disk"Function 6
    1.1.7 The Dirac ± Function 6
    1.1.8 The \Comb" Function 9
    1.2 Two-dimensional Fourier Transform 9
    1.2.1 Definition and Existence Conditions 9
    1.2.2 Theorems Related to the Fourier Transform 11
    1.2.3 Fourier Transforms in Polar Coordinates 12
    1.3 Linear Systems 13
    1.3.1 Definition13
    1.3.2 Impulse Response and Superposition Integrals 14
    1.3.3 Definition of a Two-dimensional Linear Shift-invariant System15
    1.3.4 Transfer Functions and Eigenfunction 16
    1.4 Two-dimensional Sampling Theorem 17
    1.4.1 Sampling a Continuous Function17
    1.4.2 Reconstruction of the Original Function 19
    1.4.3 Space-bandwidth Product 20
    References 21
    Chapter 2 Scalar Diffraction Theory 22
    2.1 The Representation of an Optical Wave by a Complex Function 23
    2.1.1 The Representation of a Monochromatic Wave23
    2.1.2 The Expression of the Optical Field in Space 24
    2.1.3 Complex Amplitudes of Plane and Spherical Waves in a Space Plane 26
    2.2 Scalar Diffraction Theory 27
    2.2.1 Wave Equation27
    2.2.2 Harmonic Plane Wave Solutions to the Wave Equation 29
    2.2.3 Angular Spectrum29
    2.2.4 Kirchho. and Rayleigh-Sommerfeld Formula 33
    2.2.5 Paraxial Approximation of Diffraction Problem||Fresnel Diffraction Integral 34
    2.2.6 Fraunhofer Diffraction 36
    2.3 Examples of Fraunhofer Diffraction 37
    2.3.1 Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern from a Rectangular Aperture 37
    2.3.2 Fraunhofer Diffraction of a Circular Aperture 39
    2.3.3 The Diffraction Image of Triangle Aperture on the Focal Plane 41
    2.3.4 Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern from a Sinusoidal-amplitude Grating 44
    2.4 Fresnel Diffraction Integral Analytical and Semi-analytical Calculation 46
    2.4.1 Fresnel Diffraction from a Sinusoidal-amplitude Grating 46
    2.4.2 Fresnel Diffraction from a Rectangular Aperture 49
    2.4.3 Fresnel Diffraction from a Complex Shape Aperture 51
    2.4.4 The Diffraction Field of Refraction Prism Array by Using the Rectangular Aperture Diffraction Formula 54
    2.4.5 Fresnel Diffraction from a Triangle Aperture57
    2.5 Collins' Formula 58
    2.5.1 Description of an Optical System by an ABCD Transfer Matrix 59
    2.5.2 ABCD Law and Equivalent Paraxia Lens Systems64
    2.5.3 Proof of Collins' Formula 67
    2.6 Discussion of Optical Transform Properties of Single Lens System Based on Collins' Formula 72
    2.6.1 Object in Front of the Lens 73
    2.6.2 Object Behind the Lens77
    References 79
    Chapter 3 Diffraction Numerical Calculation and Application Examples 81
    3.1 Relation between the Discrete and Analytical Fourier Transforms 82
    3.1.1 Sampling and Periodic Expansion of a Continuous Two-dimensional Function 82
    3.1.2 The Relation between the Discrete and Continuous Fourier Transforms 83
    3.2 Calculating the Fresnel Diffraction Integral by Fast Fourier Transform 87
    3.2.1 Calculating Diffraction by the S-FFT Method87
    3.2.2 Numerical Calculation and Experimental Demonstration 89
    3.2.3 The D-FFT Method 91
    3.2.4 Experimental Demonstration of the D-FFT Method 93
    3.2.5 Fractional Fourier Transform of Fresnel Diffraction and Its Calculation95
    3.2.6 Diffraction Calculation Based on the Virtual Light Field 101
    3.2.7 Synthetic Aperture Fresnel Diffraction and Its Calculation 104
    3.3 Calculation of the Classical Diffraction Formula Using FFT 106
    3.3.1 Kirchho. and Rayleigh-Sommerfeld Formula in Convolution Form 107
    3.3.2 Unified Presentation of the Classical Diffraction Formula 108
    3.3.3 Study of the Sampling Conditions of the Classical Formula 109
    3.3.4 Discussion of Actual Sampling Conditions Based on the Principle of Energy Conservation 111
    3.3.5 Example of Calculations of the Classical Diffraction Formula 112
    3.3.6 Summary of Classical Diffraction Calculation 115
    3.3.7 Inverse Calculation of the Classical Diffraction Integral 116
    3.4 Numerical Calculation of Collins' Formula 118
    3.4.1 Collins' Formula and Its Inverse 118
    3.4.2 Calculating Collins' Formula by S-FFT 119
    3.4.3 Calculating the Inverse Collins Formula by S-FFT 121
    3.4.4 Calculating Collins' Formula by D-FFT 123
    3.4.5 Calculating the Inverse Collins Formula by D-FFT 124
    3.4.6 Numerical Calculation and Experimental Demonstration 125
    3.5 The Calculation of Space Curve Surface Diffraction Field 129
    3.5.1 Diffraction Calculation of Tilt Shiny Surface and Oblique Observation Plane 129
    3.5.2 Diffraction Field Calculation of Shiny Surface as the Space Curved Surface 137
    3.5.3 Diffraction Field Calculation of the Observation Plane as Spatial Curved Surface 141
    3.6 Application Example 143
    3.6.1 Design of Binary Optical Element 143
    3.6.2 Triangle Surface Source Collection Algorithm in the Application of CGH 150
    3.6.3 Application Example of Space Observation Surface Diffraction Field 154
    References 158
    Chapter 4 Fundamentals of Holography 161
    4.1 Basics of Holography 162
    4.1.1 Holography Overview162
    4.1.2 Coaxial Hologram 164
    4.1.3 Off-axis Hologram165
    4.1.4 Condition for the Separation of Diffraction Image of the Off-axis Hologram 169
    4.2 Partially Coherent Light and Its Use in Holography 171
    4.2.1 Analytic Signal Describing a Non-monochromatic Wave 171
    4.2.2 Recording a Hologram with Non-monochromatic Light 174
    4.2.3 Total Coherence Approximation Conditions 176
    4.2.4 Recording a Fresnel Hologram181
    4.3 Fresnel Hologram and the Study of the Properties of the Reconstructed Image 182
    4.3.1 Recording the Hologram of a Point Source 182
    4.3.2 Reconstructing the Hologram of a Point Source 183
    4.3.3 Magnifications 186
    4.3.4 Resolution of the Reconstructed Image187
    4.4 Different Types of Hologram 190
    4.4.1 The Fraunhofer Hologram 190
    4.4.2 The Fourier Hologram 190
    4.4.3 The Lens-less Fourier Hologram 194
    4.4.4 The Image Hologram 197
    4.4.5 The Phase Hologram 198
    4.5 Diffraction E±ciency of Plane Hologram 199
    4.5.1 Diffraction E±ciency of Amplitude Hologram200
    4.5.2 Diffraction E±ciency of Phase Hologram 200
    References 201
    Chapter 5 Digital Holography and Object Wave-front Reconstruction Calculation 203
    5.1 Off-axis Digital Holography and 1-FFT Wave-front Reconstruction 204
    5.1.1 Off-axis Digital Holographic Recording System 204
    5.1.2 Recording of Digital Hologram and Propagation Characteristics of Transmission Light in Reconstruction205
    5.1.3 Design of Off-axis Digital Holographic System 210
    5.1.4 Optimized Simulation and Experimental Study of Off-axis Digital Holographic System211
    5.1.5 Discussions on the Quality of Wave-front Reconstruction 215
    5.2 Study and Elimination of Wave-front Noise by 1-FFT Reconstruction 220
    5.2.1 Diffraction E±ciency of Digital Hologram 220
    5.2.2 Direct Elimination of Zero-order Diffraction Interference221
    5.2.3 Object Light Complex Amplitude Direct Obtaining Method 224
    5.3 Object Field Reconstruction Based on Double Fresnel Transform (DBFT) Algorithm and Virtual Digital Hologram227
    5.3.1 Wave-front Reconstruction Based on DBFT Algorithm 228
    5.3.2 The Wave-front Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Virtual Digital Hologram 233
    5.4 The Wave-front Reconstruction Based on Spherical Reconstructed Wave and Angular Spectrum Diffraction Theory 238
    5.4.1 Wave-front Reconstruction with Adjustable Magnification When Spherical Wave is Reconstructed Wave 239
    5.4.2 Experiments of Wave-front Reconstruction with Adjustable Magnification 242
    5.4.3 Study on the Noise Elimination in Wave-front Reconstruction with Controllable Magnification244
    5.4.4 Study on Wave-front Reconstruction Quality by FIMG4FFT 258
    5.5 Depth of Focus (DOF) of Digital Holographic Reconstructed Image 266
    5.5.1 Theoretical Study of Digital Holographic Reconstructed Image DOF266
    5.5.2 Experimental Study on Depth of Focus of Reconstructed Image of Digital Hologram 272
    5.5.3 Discussion on Focal Depth Study and Its Application276
    5.6 True Color Digital Hologram of Diffracted Object 276
    5.6.1 Zero Padding 1-FFT Reconstruction Method for Getting Uniform Physical Size 278
    5.6.2 Experiment and Comparison of DDBFT and FIMG4FFT Algorithms 282
    5.6.3 Comparison of True Color Images Reconstructed with FIMG4FFT and SPH4FFT283
    5.6.4 Experimental Study on Reconstructing True Color Image with VDH4FFT 287
    5.7 Super-resolution Recording and Reconstruction of Digital Holographic Field 288
    5.7.1 Research of CCD Detecting Information Based on Sampling Theorem and Angular Spectrum Diffraction Theory 290
    5.7.2 The Optimization of Super-resolution Off-axis Digital Holographic Recording System292
    5.7.3 The Wavefront Reconstruction Method of Super-resolution Recording Hologram 293
    5.7.4 The Simulation of Wavefront Reconstruction of Super Resolution Recording System293
    5.7.5 Basic Principle of Off-axis High Resolution Digital Recording Through Illuminating Light Angle Change 296
    5.7.6 Simulated Reconstruction of Super Resolution Object Light Field 298
    5.7.7 Quasi-simultaneous Recording of Sub Hologram with Femtosecond Laser and Object Light Reconstruction 300
    References 302
    Chapter 6 Reconstructing Wavefronts Propagated through an Optical System 307
    6.1 General Discussion of Wavefront Reconstruction 308
    6.1.1 CCD Detection Information Research Based on the Abbe Imaging Theory308
    6.1.2 Impulse Response of the Process 309
    6.2 Digital Holography with a Zoom. 318
    6.2.1 Principle of the Zoom 318
    6.2.2 Study of the Zoom 319
    6.2.3 Design of the zoom320
    6.3 Reconstructing an Image by Collins' Formula 322
    6.3.1 Reconstruction Algorithm322
    6.3.2 Adjustable-magnification Reconstruction after Propagation across an Optical System 326
    6.4 Using the Classical Diffraction Formula to Reconstruct the Wavefront after Propagation across an Optical System 332
    6.4.1 Use of the Rigorous Diffraction Formula332
    6.4.2 Reconstruction of the Object Wave in the Object and Image Spaces 337
    6.4.3 Digital Holographic Measurement of Matrix Elements in Optical System342
    References 348
    Chapter 7 Basic Principles and Common Techniques of Holographic Interferometry351
    7.1 Single Exposure Method or Real-time Hologram Interferometry 351
    7.1.1 Basic Principle of Single Exposure Method 351
    7.1.2 Example of Real Time Holographic Interferometry 356
    7.1.3 The Application of Special Carrier Phase-shifting in Real Time Holographic Testing 367
    7.2 Double Exposure Method 372
    7.2.1 Basic Principles of Double Exposure Method 372
    7.2.2 Examples of Object Displacement Measurement and One Dimensional Measurement of Object Displacement375
    7.2.3 Testing of Three Dimensional Displacement Field with Double Exposure Method 380
    7.3 Time Average Method 382
    7.3.1 Basic Principle of Time Average Method 382
    7.3.2 Example of Time Average Measurement384
    References 387
    Chapter 8 Application of Digital Holography in Optical Testing389
    8.1 Creating Digital Holographic Interferogram and Its Phase Unwrapping 390
    8.1.1 Creating Digital Holographic Interferogram and Its Representation 390
    8.1.2 Phase Unwrapping of Interferogram 395
    8.2 Common Techniques in Digital Holographic Testing410
    8.2.1 Digital Holographic Testing for Three Dimensional Profilometry 411
    8.2.2 Digital Holographic Testing of Micro Deformation of Object 420
    8.2.3 Time Average Method Digital Holography Vibration Analysis 423
    8.2.4 Three-dimensional Particle Field Detection 425
    8.3 Digital Holography Testing with Physical Optical Transformation System 428
    8.3.1 General Discussion of Digital Holography System on Image Plane 429
    8.3.2 Micro Digital Holography Testing of Tiny Object 430
    8.3.3 Digital Holography Testing Example of Large-size Object434
    8.4 The Special Technology of Digital Holographic Interferometry440
    8.4.1 Digital Holographic Detecting Technology of Transient Process of Femtosecond Laser 440
    8.4.2 Common Path Coaxial Macro-digital Holography Detection444
    8.4.3 Digital Holography Microscopy of Low Coherent LED Illuminating 449
    8.5 Digital Holography CT 452
    8.5.1 Radon Transformation Introduction 453
    8.5.2 Digital Holography CT Principle 454
    8.5.3 The Detection Simulation of Digital Holographic VT 455
    8.5.4 Application Example of Microscopy Digital Holography CT Detection 457
    8.6 Multifunctional Digital Holography Detecting System 459
    References 460
    Chapter 9 Study of Digital Holographic 3D Display and Animation Algorithm 464
    9.1 The Research Status of Traditional Holography and Digital 3D Display465
    9.1.1 The Development Situation of Traditional Holographic 3D Display Technology 465
    9.1.2 The Research Progress of Digital Holographic 3D Display Technology 466
    9.1.3 Advantages and Challenges of Digital Holographic 3D Display Technology 469
    9.2 Digital Micromirror Device and Its Application in Digital Holographic 3D Display 472
    9.2.1 Working Principle of DMD472
    9.2.2 DMD Display of Hologram475
    9.2.3 Transient Impulse Response of DMD 3D Display477
    9.2.4 Discussion on Point Source Defocused Image of DMD 3D Display System483
    9.2.5 Approximate Computation and Experimental Demonstration of DMD Reconstructed Image 485
    9.3 Principle of LCOS and Its Application in Digital Holographic 3D Display 488
    9.3.1 Brief Introduction on the Structure and Working Principle of LCOS 488
    9.3.2 Study of Holographic Image Display System Based on LCOS 489
    9.3.3 Sketch for Technology of Expanding 3D Reconstructed Image View Field499
    9.3.4 Hologram Encoding and 3D Display Containing Accurate Information of Amplitude and Phase 504
    9.3.5 Holographic 3D Imaging Device Study Based on LCOS and Selective Filtering System 513
    9.4 Diffraction Field Computation of 3D Object in the Digital Holographic Display Study 519
    9.4.1 C-LUT Rapid Computation Based on Point Source Method 520
    9.4.2 \Light Source Transformation Method" of Transforming Light Source of Curved Surface into Planar Light Source 530
    9.4.3 Modification of LUT Algorithm and Surface Source Method Based on Field Depth of Holographic 3D Image536
    9.5 Study of Holographic 3D Animation Algorithm 539
    9.5.1 Figure Description of 3D Object Surface and Basic Modelling Technology 540
    9.5.2 Simulation Study of Holographic 3D Animation Based on Annular SLM Array 544
    9.6 Conclusion 548
    References 549
    Appendix A Fundamental Knowledge of Computer Image 554
    A1 Tricolor Principle and the Digital Representation of the Image 554
    A2 Two-dimensional Intensity Distribution of Digital Image 557
    Appendix B Computation Procedures and Application Examples559
    B1 Analytical Calculation of a Rectangular Aperture Fraunhofer Diffraction 260
    B2 Analytical Calculation of a Circular Aperture Fraunhofer Diffraction562
    B3 Analytical Calculation of a Triangle Aperture Fraunhofer Diffraction and IFFT Reconstruction Image 564
    B4 Analytical Calculation of a Rectangular Aperture Fresnel Diffraction 568
    B5 S-FFT Calculation of Fresnel Diffraction 572
    B6 D-FFT Calculation of Classic Diffraction Formulae575
    B7 S-FFT Calculation of Collins Formula582
    B8 S-FFT Calculation of Collins Formula585
    B9 Fresnel Diffraction and Its Inverse Operation of the Tilted Triangular Aperture588
    B10 Fresnel Diffraction and Its Inverseoperation of the Inclined Surface Light Source592
    B11 Coaxial Digital Hologram and the Wave Front Reconstruction by the Four-steps Phase Shift Method 597
    B12 Off-axis Digital Hologram Generated by Monochromatic Illumination 601
    B13 1-FFT Reconstruction Digital Hologram 604
    B14 DDBFT Reconstruction Digital Hologram 607
    B15 VDH4FFT Reconstruction Digital Hologram 613
    B16 FIMG4FFT Reconstruction Digital Hologram617
    B17 Read, Decomposition and Storage for the True Color Image Files 621
    B18 True-color Off-axis Digital Hologram Generated by the Tricolor Illumination 625
    B19 True Color Digital Hologram Reconstruction by FIMG4FFT 632
    B20 Double-exposure Digital Hologram for the Micro Deformable Object 641
    B21 Reconstruction and Interferometry Images Based on the Double-exposure Digital Holography 647
    B22 Kinoform Generated by Loading on the Spatial Light Modulator LCOS 653
    B23 3D Hologram Encoding and Simulated Imaging Calculation Without Distortion of Amplitude and Phase 658
    Appendix C Color Images 665
    Appendix D CD Contents in the Diffraction Calculation and Digital Holography673