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Questions and Answers on Environmental Issues for the Three Gorges Project

Questions and Answers on Environmental Issues for the Three Gorges Project
  • 长江流域水资源局 编辑
  • 书号:7030070208
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  • 装帧:
  • 页数:131
  • 出版社:科学出版社
  • 所属分类:TV6 水利枢纽、水工建筑物
  • 定价: ¥0.00元
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  • Preface
    Ⅰ.Teh Function, Scale and Reservoir's Feature of the Three Gorges Project
    1.Why is it urgent for China to build the Three Gorges Project?
    2.What role will TGP play in controlling floods in middle and lower basin of th

    e Yangtze?
    3.Are there any other schemes that can replace TGP to solve the flood control p

    roblem in middle and lower basin of the Yangtze
    4.What is the significance of developing the Three Gorges hydropower?
    5.What benefits will TGP bring to improve the navigation of the Yangtze?
    6.What is the examined and approved construction scheme of TGP? How large is it

    s scale?
    7.What are the characteristics and operation mode of the TGP reservoir? What ar

    e the major impacts of TGP on ecology and environment?
    8.What are the major differences in their characteristics between TGP and the A

    swan Project?
    Ⅱ.The Study and Verification of the Impact of TGP on Environment and Ecology
    9.What kinds of studies and assessments of TGP's impact on ecology and environm

    ent were carried out during its feasibility study and design stage?
    10.What are the major impacts of TGP on environment and ecology? What are the o

    ther issues concerned by the public?
    11.What are the main environmental benefits exerted by TGP?
    12.What are the reviewing opinions for the EIS of thd Project?
    13.What has been done on protection of the ecology and environment in the reser

    voir region and the construction site of TGP?
    Ⅲ.Species Resources
    14.What impacts on species resources will be caused by TGP?
    15.What impacts on terrestrial plant species and rare and native plants will bi

    caused by TGP?
    16.What impacts on vegetation types in the reservoir region will be caused by T

    17.What impacts on famous and ancient trees will be caused by TGP?
    18.What measures forprotecting flora are to beadopted for dTGP?
    19.What impacts on wildlife will be caused by TGP and what protection measures

    will be adopted?
    20.How many nation's protected aquatic fauna are there in the Yangtza basin and

    in the TGP affected area?
    21.Will TGPaffect the aquatic bio-diversity in the Yangtze TGP?
    22.What impacts on the Yangtze fishery resources will be caused by TGP?
    23.What impacts on Chinese river dolphin will be caused by TGP?
    24.Will TGP dcause any impacts on Chinese sturgeon?
    25.What impacts on Chinese paddlefish, Yangtze strugeon and Chinesesucker will

    be exerted by TGP?
    Ⅳ.Reservoir Impoundment and Resettlement
    26.What impacts on the environment may be caused by the reservoir ompoundment a

    ndresettlement of TGP? Why is reservoir impoundment the essential point of the e

    nvironmental issues for the Project?
    27.How much land will be flooded and how many people will be relocated due to t

    he inundation of the TGP reservoir?
    28.What is the environmental assimilative capacity for resettlement? Can the la

    nd capacity in the reservoir region bear the whole rural relocatees?
    29.What is the principle of development-oriented resettlement for TGP?
    30.How to fulfill continuous improvement of environment in the reservoir region

    ?Why can the relocatees make a better living after relocation?
    31.Why will the environmental quality of the new relocated cities and towns be

    much better than that before TGP is built?
    32.What are the main contents of the environmental protection planning for the

    TGP reservoir region? How toinplement it?
    Ⅴ.Natural Landscape and Historic Heritage
    33.Will the natural landscape of the Yangtze Three Gorges vanish after the rese

    rvoir impoundment?
    34.Which cultural relics and historic heritage will be affected after reservoir

    formation and what kinds of mitigation measures are to be taken?
    35.Why is it said that many mew scenery spots will appear after formation of th

    e TGP reservoir?
    Ⅵ.Water Quality
    36.What impact will cnstruction of TGP exert on water quality in the reservoir

    region and downstream of the dam?
    37.Will eutrophication occur in the Three Gorges reservoir?
    38.Will secondary pollution arise from the desorption of pollutants in the TGP

    39.What kinds of measures are to be taken to maintain the water quality in the

    reservoir in good condition?
    40.Will the stratification of water temperature occur in the Three Gorges reser

    41.What is theimpact of water temperature modification in the reservoir on wate

    r temperature of the outflow to dowdnstream?
    Ⅶ.Environmental Geology
    42.What is theimpact of TGP on environmental geology?
    43.Why will the impoundment of the TGP reservoir not cause leakage?
    44.Will the TGP reservoir induce seismictity?
    45.What impacts will the reservoir impose on the bank stability? Will new mount

    ain disasters such as landslides and mudflow be friggered by the reservoir fomat

    46.Will the landslides in the reservoir block the navigation channel?
    47.Will the surging waves caused by landslides damage the dam?
    48.Will the reervoir inundate large quantity of mineral resources?
    Ⅷ.Reservoir Sedimentation and Downstream Channel Scouring
    49.What kinds of sedimentation issues may arise in the Three Gorges reservoir?
    50.Is the content of suspended sediment in the Yangtze water increasing in rece

    nt years? Will the Yangtze River become the "Yellow River Second"?
    51.What measures have been taken in controllong soil erosion of the Yangtze's u

    pper basin?
    52.Will TGP aggravate soil erosion in the reservoir region?
    53.Why can the TGP reservoir effectively function for a long time?
    54.What impacts will sediment deposits in the reservoir tail exert on the reser

    voir navigation channel and the Chongqing harbor? What countermeasures are to be

    55.Will th reservoir sedimentation impose a greater flood threat to Chongquing

    56.What impact will the reservoir impoundment impose on downstream riverbed?
    Ⅸ.Public Health
    57.What impact on public health may be exerted by construction of TGP?
    58.Will the schistosomiasis prevail in the TGP reservoir region after construct

    ion of TGP? Why will the construction of TGP benefit the prevention and control

    of schistosomiasis in the plain region in middle and lower basin of the Yangtze?
    59.Will malaria spreadin the resettlement zones?
    60.What kinds of diseases will be resulted from the detrimental mice after impo

    undment? How to prevent them?
    Ⅹ.Impact on the Emvironment and Ecology of the Plain and Lake Regions in the M

    iddle and Lower Reaches of the Yandgtze
    61.What environmental issues may the construction of the TGP dam bring tothe pl

    ain region in the Yangtze middle and lower reaches?
    62.Will TGP aggravate the gleization and swampiness of soil in the "Four Lakes"

    area and the Dongting Lake region?
    63.Will the TGP reservoir exert any impacts on flood comtrol and waterlogging i

    nthe Poyang Lake region?
    Ⅺ.Impacts on the Estuary Ecosystem and Environment
    64.What impacts may construction of TGP exert on the ecosystem in ty Yangtze es

    65.What will be the specific impacts of TGP on salt-water intrusion in the estu

    66.Will the construction of TGP aggravate the soil salinization in the Yangtze

    67.What impact will the Project exert on siltation and erosion of the seashore?
    68.What impact will the Project cause on the Yangtze estuarine and offshore fis

    Ⅻ.Environment in construction site
    69.What impacts will the TGP's scnstruction exert on the environment in constru

    ction site? What are the cuntermeasures?
    70.What changes have taken place in environment quality of the construction sit

    e since commencement os TGP's construction?
    71.What measures have been taken for protection of ecology and environment in t

    he construction site?
    XⅢ.Other Public Concern of Environmental Issues
    72.Will TGP aggravate the flood damage in upper stream of the reservoir?
    73.How will the TGP reservoir affect the local climate?
    74.Why will the modification of local climate benefit thecitrus production?
    75.Will the reservoir formation affect the air quality in Chongqing City?
    76.What impact will TGP impose on the Dongting Lake wetland?
    77.Will thd Project affect the habitat of rare migratory birds in Poyang Lake?
    78.Will TGP affect the giant panda and the Yangtze alligator?
    79.What kinds of harmful impacts on environment could be caused by the solid wa

    ste piled up along the river bands in the reservoir region? What are the counter

    XⅣ.Environmental Monitoring and Management
    80.What are the main goal and task of setting up the ecological and environment

    al monitoring system of TGP?
    81.What is the ecological and environmental monitoring system of TGP com posed?

    What is its responsibility?
    82.What kinds of sub-systems and how many monitoring stations are included in t

    he ecological and environmental monitoring system of TGP?
    83.How will the monitoring system be managed?
    Explanation of Terms