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  • 页数:348
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  • 序一Preface I
    序二Preface II
    凡例Explanatory Notes
    第1章 北京梅花的引种栽培历史1 Chapter 1 History of Introduction and
    Cultivation of Mei Flower in Beijing 1
    1.1 元代2 Yuan Dynasty 2
    1.2 明代2 Ming Dynasty 2
    1.3 清代 4 Qing Dynasty 4
    1.4 中华民国7 Republic of China 7
    1.5 中华人民共和国10 People’s Republic of China 10
    第2章 梅花的生物学特性16 Chapter 2 Biological Characteristics of Mei Flower 16
    2.1 形态特征 17 Morphological Features 17
    2.1.1 树型 17 Habit 17
    2.1.2 主干与枝条 17 Trunk and Branches 17
    2.1.3 叶芽与花芽 20 Leaf Bud and Flower Bud 20
    2.1.4 叶 21 Leaf 21
    2.1.5 花 24 Flower 24
    2.1.6 果实与种子 31 Fruit and Seed 31
    2.1.7 根系 32 Root System 32
    2.2 生长周期 33 Growth Cycle 33
    2.2.1 年生长周期 33 Annual Growth Cycle 33
    2.2.2 生命周期 35 Life Growth Cycle 35
    2.3 主要生态习性 35 Growing Habitat 35
    2.3.1 温度 35 Temperature 35
    2.3.2 光照 36 Sun-light 36
    2.3.3 水分 36 Water 36
    2.3.4 土壤及地势 37 Soil and Terrain 37
    2.3.5 肥力 37 Fertility 37
    2.3.6 空气(大风、空气污染) 37 Air (Strong Wind and Air Pollution) 37
    第3章 北京梅花品种群分类38 Chapter 3 Group Classification
    of Mei Flower Cultivars in Beijing 38
    3.1 北京梅花品种群分类名称及排列顺序39 Names and Order of Arrangement of Mei Flower Groups in Beijing 39
    3.2 北京梅花品种聚类分析39 Cluster Analysis of Mei Flower Cultivars in Beijing 39
    3.3 相近、相似品种形态的区别40 Morphological Distinction of Close or Similar Cultivars 40
    3.3.1 ‘变绿萼’梅与‘金钱绿萼’梅40 ‘Bian Lü’e’ and ‘Jinqian Lü’e’ 40
    3.3.2 ‘小绿萼’梅与‘二绿萼’梅40 ‘Xiao Lü’e’ and ‘Er Lü’e’ 40
    3.3.3 ‘米单跳枝’梅与‘单瓣跳枝’梅40 ‘Midan Tiaozhi’ and ‘Danban Tiaozhi’ 40
    3.3.4 ‘复瓣跳枝’梅与‘晚跳枝’梅41 ‘Fuban Tiaozhi’ and ‘Wan Tiaozhi’ 41
    3.3.5 ‘美人’梅、‘小美人’梅、‘俏美人’梅Morphological Distinction among ‘Meiren’,
    主要的形态区别(陈俊愉,2010) 41 ‘Xiao Meiren’ and ‘Qiao Meiren’ (Chen Junyu, 2010) 41
    第4章 北京梅花品种记载42 Chapter 4 Records of Mei Flower
    Cultivars in Beijing 42
    4.1 单瓣品种群43 Single Flowered Group 43
    4.2 宫粉品种群59 Pink Double Group 59
    4.3 玉蝶品种群96 Alboplena Group 96
    4.4 黄香品种群109 Flavescens Group 109
    4.5 绿萼品种群112 Green Calyx Group 112
    4.6 朱砂品种群121 Cinnabar Purple Group 121
    4.7 跳枝品种群143 Versicolor Group 143
    4.8 垂枝品种群148 Tortuosa Group 148
    4.9 龙游品种群158 Pendulous Group 158
    4.10 杏梅品种群160 Apricot Mei Group 160
    4.11 美人品种群175 Meiren Group 175
    第5章 梅花在北京的引种、选育179 Chapter 5 Introduction and Breeding of Mei Flower in Beijing 179
    5.1 品种选育目标180 Objective of Cultivar Breeding 180
    5.2 历史与地理气候特征的基本分析180 Basic Analysis of Historical and Geographical Climate Conditions 180
    5.2.1 历史气候条件的基本分析180 Basic Analysis of Historical Climate Conditions 180
    5.2.2 主要引种地地理气候特征184 Geographical Climate Characteristics of Major Areas from Which Mei Flowers Were Introduced 184
    5.2.3 北京城市地理气候特征185 Geographical Climate Characteristics of Beijing 185
    5.2.4 北京城区主要示范地(2001年)
    185 Mi croclimate Observation and Analysis of Other Conditions of Main Demonstration Sites in Beijing185
    5.2.5 河南卢氏县与主要示范地土壤条件对比分析
    186 Co mparative Analysis of Soil Conditions of Lushi in Henan and Main Demonstration Sites in Beijing
    5.3 引种的基本思路和主要方法187 Basic Idea of Introduction and Major Methods of Introduction 187
    5.3.1 引种的基本思路187 Basic Idea of Introduction 187
    5.3.2 引种的主要方法188 Major Methods of Introduction 188
    5.4 品种选育基本方法189 Basic Methods of Cultivar Breeding 189
    5.4.1 选择育种189 Selection 189
    5.4.2 杂交育种190 Hybridization 190
    5.4.3 诱变育种190 Induced Mutation 190
    5.5 北京梅花引种、选育成果简介与历史成就191
    Hi storical Achievements of Mei Flower Introduction and Breeding in Beijing 191
    5.5.1 品种选育历史回顾191 Historical Review of Cultivar Breeding 191
    5.5.2 1957年以来的引、选、育194 Introduction, Selection and Breeding from 1957 194
    5.5.3 北京梅花引种、选育的历史成就197 Summary of the Historical Achievements of Mei Flower Introduction and Breeding in Beijing 197
    5.5.4 中国梅花和北京梅花历史记载及发展数量
    198 Hi storical Records and Developing Numbers of Mei Flowers in China and in Beijing198
    5.5.5 本书中未登录品种列表199 Unregistered Cultivars in Beijing 199
    第6章 北京梅花的繁殖技术201 Chapter 6 Propagation Techniques
    of Mei Flower in Beijing 201
    6.1 嫁接202 Gra ing 202
    6.1.1 芽接202 Budding 202
    6.1.2 枝接202 S209 202
    6.2 扦插205 Cu ing 205
    6.3 组织培养205 Tissue Culture 205
    6.3.1 外植体205 Explant 205
    6.3.2 培养基205 Media 205
    6.3.3 初代培养206 Primary Culture 206
    6.3.4 继代培养206 Secondary Culture 206
    6.3.5 生根培养206 Rooting Culture 206
    6.3.6 炼苗移栽206 Hardening and Transplanting 206
    6.3.7 其他途径207 Other Means 207
    6.4 播种207 Seed Sowing 207
    6.5 苗木生产与市场发育207 Nursery Stock and Market Development 207
    6.5.1 北京骊龙濒危植物研究所208 Beijing Lilong Institute of Endangered Plants 208
    6.5.2 北京金樱桃农林科技发展有限公司208
    Be ijing Jinyingtao Agro-forestry Science and Technology Development Co. Ltd.208
    6.5.3 郁金香花园208 e Tulip Garden 208
    6.5.4 北京润荷园林苗圃208 Beijing Runhe Garden Nursery 208
    6.5.5 北京方圆梅花品种培育及产业化推广中心208
    Be ijing Fangyuan Extension Center for Cultivar Breeding and Commercialization of Mei Flower208
    6.5.6 北京御竹种植园208 Beijing Imperial Bamboo Garden 208
    第7章 北京梅花的栽培技术209 Chapter 7 Cultivation Techniques
    of Mei Flower in Beijing 209
    7.1 新工栽植210 New Planting 210
    7.1.1 品种选择210 Cultivar Selection 210
    7.1.2 栽植地选择211 Planting Site Selection 211
    7.1.3 新工栽植211 New Planting 211
    7.2 栽培养护213 Cultivation and Maintenance 213
    7.2.1 浇水213 Watering 213
    7.2.2 施肥214 Fertilization 214
    7.2.3 修剪214 Pruning 214
    7.3 植物保护214 Plant Protection 214
    7.3.1 病虫管理214 Disease and insect management 214
    7.3.2 雨季排涝225 Drainage in Rainy Season 225
    7.3.3 冬季防寒226 Protection in Winter 226
    7.4 以花期提早或延迟为目标的主要养护管理措施228
    Ma jor Measures of Maintenance for Blossom Forcing or Retarding 228
    7.4.1 花期的提前228 Blossom Forcing 228
    7.4.2 花期的延迟229 Blossom Retarding 229
    7.5 北京不同地区露地栽植梅花花期的对比230 Comparison of Flowering Time of Mei Flowers
    Cultivated at Di erent Open Sites in Beijing 230
    第8章 北京梅花的园林应用 231 Chapter 8 Use of Mei Flower in
    Gardens in Beijing 231
    8.1 室内盆栽应用232 Indoor Po ing 232
    8.1.1 香山公园232 Xiangshan Park 232
    8.1.2 中山公园232 Zhongshan Park 232
    8.1.3 龙潭公园232 Longtan Park 232
    8.1.4 其他地方举办的梅花展览233 Mei Flower Exhibitions in Other Places 233
    8.2 公园绿地栽植应用234 Outdoor Planting in Parks and Green Areas 234
    8.2.1 中山公园235 Zhongshan Park 235
    8.2.2 紫竹院公园237 Zizhuyuan Park 237
    8.2.3 香山公园237 Xiangshan Park 237
    8.2.4 北京植物园238 Beijing Botanical Garden 238
    8.2.5 龙潭西湖公园240 Longtan Xihu Park 240
    8.2.6 北京明城墙遗址公园240 Beijing Ming Dynasty City Wall Ruins Park 240
    8.2.7 龙潭公园242 Longtan Park 242
    8.2.8 北京大观园244 Beijing Daguanyuan Garden 244
    8.3 专业及附属绿地栽植应用244 Planting in Special and At liated Landscaped Areas 244
    8.3.1 北京林业大学及梅菊圃244 Beijing Forestry University and Meiju Nursery 244
    8.3.2 北京教学植物园244 Beijing Educational Botanical Garden 244
    8.3.3 梅花谷245 Mei Flower Valley 245
    8.3.4 什刹海风景区245 Shichahai Scenic Area 245
    8.3.5 北京鹫峰国际梅园245 Beijing Jiufeng International Mei Flower Garden 245
    8.3.6 北京第五十中学245 Beijing No. 50 Middle School 245
    8.3.7 前门箭楼绿地246 Green Area of Qianmen Jianlou 246
    8.3.8 钓鱼台国宾馆246 Diaoyutai National Hotel 246
    8.3.9 中南海246 Zhongnanhai 246
    第9章 北京梅花的文化研究247 Chapter 9 Cultural Research of
    Mei Flower in Beijing 247
    9.1 梅花文化之源流248 Origin and Development of Mei Flower Culture 248
    9.1.1 以中原为代表的实用文化248 Utility Culture Represented by the Central Plain 248
    9.1.2 以江南为代表的文人文化249 Lit erati Culture Represented by the South-of-the-Changjiang-River Region 249
    9.1.3 以北京为代表的大众文化252 Popular Culture Represented by Beijing 252
    9.2 梅花文化之特点255 Characters of Mei Flower Culture 255
    9.2.1 与社会主流文化的关联性255 Relevance of Social Mainstream Culture 255
    9.2.2 独特的生物学特性256 Unique Biological Characters 256
    9.2.3 栽培地域的广泛性256 Extensiveness of Cultivation Area 256
    9.2.4 社会应用的多样性257 Diversity of Social Applications 257
    9.2.5 参与人群的普遍性260 Popularity of Public Participation 260
    9.3 梅花文化之成果260 Achievements of Mei Flower Culture 260
    9.3.1 科学技术成果261 Scienti c and Technological Achievements 261
    9.3.2 文学艺术成果264 Literature and Art Achievements 264
    第10章 中国名人与北京梅花273 Chapter 10 Chinese Notables and Mei Flower in Beijing 273
    10.1 爱新觉罗?弘历274 Aisin Gioro Hongli 274
    10.2 爱新觉罗?毓朗275 Aisin Gioro Yulang 275
    10.3 梅兰芳277 Mei Lanfang 277
    10.4 毛泽东278 Mao Zedong 278
    10.5 陈俊愉279 Chen Junyu 279
    10.6 王成喜281 Wang Chengxi 281
    References 283
    Appendices 290
    Ya n Mei Hua Hou Ji (Phenological Records of Mei Flower in Beijing) by Yu Chisheng (Qing Dynasty)290
    附:《燕梅花候记》主要内容今译 许联瑛295
    M ain text of Yan Mei Hua Hou Ji (Phenological Records of
    Mei Flower in Beijing) translated into modern Chinese by Xu Lianying 295
    B. 《中国梅花品种群分类新方案并论种间杂交起源品种群之发展优势》(节选)陈俊愉、陈瑞丹299
    Ex cerpts of A New System for Classifying China Mei Cultivar
    Groups, with Special Reference to Developing Superiorities
    of Interspeci? c Hybrid Originated Groups by Chen Junyu
    and Chen Ruidan 299
    Planting Mei Trees in the Capital by Xu Lianying 301
    Si x Key Points for Appreciating Mei Flowers by Xu Lianying 302
    Re commendation of Feng Bingwei‘s Miniature Mei Flower Landscapes by Xu Lianying 306
    Memorabilia of Mei Flower in Beijing 307
    索引1 汉语拼音排序品种名称索引310
    Cu ltivar Names Index Arranged in Alphabetic Order in Pinyin 310
    索引2 按品种群分列汉语拼音排序品种名称索引313
    Cu ltivar Names Index Arranged in Groups and – en in Alphabetic Order in Pinyin 313
    Acknowledgements 316
    Postscript 319
    General Table of Information of Mei Flower Cultivars in Beijing