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  • 书号:9787030638731
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  • 页数:413
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  • 目录
    第一章 绪论
    第一节 国内外关于珠饰的发现与研究 002
    一、国外珠饰的发现与研究 002
    二、国内珠饰的发现与研究 003
    三、广州汉代珠饰的发现与研究 004
    第二节 研究对象、方法与基本内容 006
    一、资料的收集 007
    二、材质的认定 007
    三、色泽的描述 008
    四、形状的命名与描述 009
    五、制作工艺的观察 011
    六、科技检测手段的应用 011
    七、统计分析与综合研究 012
    八、小结 012
    第二章 广州汉代珠饰出土情况
    第一节 广州汉墓的发现与研究 014
    一、广州汉墓的分期 015
    二、广州汉墓的分布特点 015
    第二节 广州汉墓出土珠饰情况 017
    一、1953~1960年发掘的广州汉墓出土珠饰 017
    1. 出土珠饰的墓葬分布情况 036
    2. 墓葬形制与随葬器物反映的墓主身份 036
    3. 出土位置反映的珠饰属性与墓主性别 038
    4. 珠饰的种类与数量 039
    二、南越王墓出土珠饰 040
    三、1990~2001年发掘的番禺汉墓出土珠饰 046
    1. 出土珠饰的墓葬情况047
    2. 珠饰出土位置 047
    3. 珠饰的种类与数量 047
    四、 1970~2016年发掘的广州两汉墓葬出土珠饰 049
    1. 西汉墓葬出土珠饰 096
    2. 东汉墓葬出土珠饰 096
    3. 两汉墓葬出土珠饰的对比 097
    五、小结 097
    第三章 珠饰的种类与形制(一)——人造材料珠饰
    第一节 玻璃珠饰 100
    一、颜色 100
    二、器形 103
    (一)玻璃珠 103
    1. 圆形 105
    (1)扁圆形 105
    (2)短圆柱形 105
    (3)球形 105
    (4)环形 107
    (5)圆板形 110
    (6)凸镜形 110
    2. 双锥形 110
    (1)五方双锥形 110
    (2)六方双锥形 110
    (3)短六方双锥形 112
    3. 扁平六方桶形 113
    4. 榄形 113
    5. 棱柱形 116
    (1)四棱柱形 116
    (2)五棱柱形 116
    (3)六棱柱形 116
    (4)七棱柱形 117
    6. 管状 117
    7. 十四面体 121
    8. 算珠形 121
    9. 瓜棱形 122
    10. 贝形 124
    11. 胜形 124
    12. 系领形 125
    13. 联珠形 125
    14. 三角形 125
    15. 不明 128
    (二)玻璃耳珰 128
    1. 穿孔耳珰 128
    (1)腰鼓形 128
    (2)喇叭形 128
    (3)工字形 132
    2. 无穿孔耳珰 132
    (三)玻璃鼻塞 132
    三、装饰 132
    1. 蜻蜓眼 133
    2. 马赛克珠 136
    3. 条带纹珠 136
    4. 夹银珠 137
    5. 包金珠 137
    第二节 费昂斯珠 141
    一、颜色 141
    二、形状 141
    1. 扁圆形 141
    2. 榄形 142
    3. 多面体 142
    4. 瓜棱形 143
    5. 菠萝形 143
    第三节 陶珠 147
    第四节 金珠饰 148
    一、金珠 148
    1. 圆形 148
    2. 算珠形 148
    3. 胆形 149
    4. 十二面焊珠空心球形149
    二、金耳珰 149
    第五节 银珠 153
    第四章 珠饰的种类与形制(二)——天然材料珠饰
    第一节 红玉髓珠饰 156
    一、颜色及纹理 156
    二、纹饰 156
    三、器形 157
    (一)红玉髓珠 157
    1. 双锥形 157
    (1)六方双锥形 160
    (2)扁六方双锥形 160
    (3)尖角六方双锥形 160
    (4)短六方双锥形 160
    (5)七方双锥形 160
    (6)八方双锥形 160
    (7)扁八方双锥形 163
    (8)五方双锥形 163
    (9)九方双锥形 163
    2. 圆形 163
    (1)标准圆形 163
    (2)不规则圆形 163
    3. 凸镜形 164
    4. 榄形 164
    5. 扁菱形 164
    6. 圆柱形 164
    7. 算珠形 167
    8. 多面体 167
    9. 胆形 167
    10. 狮形 167
    (二)耳珰 169
    (三)原石 169
    第二节 绿玉髓珠 171
    1. 圆形 171
    2. 凸镜形 171
    3. 圆柱形 171
    4. 算珠形 171
    第三节 玛瑙珠 173
    一、颜色和纹理 173
    二、形状 173
    1. 榄形 176
    2. 胆形 177
    3. 圆柱形 177
    4. 扁鼓形 177
    5. 三角形 177
    6. 扁体五边形 180
    7. 不明 180
    第四节 水晶珠饰 180
    一、颜色 180
    二、器形 181
    (一)水晶珠 181
    1. 棱柱形 182
    (1)四棱柱形及不规则四棱柱形 182
    (2)五棱柱形及不规则五棱柱形 182
    (3)六棱柱形及不规则六棱柱形 182
    (4)扁平六棱柱形和不规则扁平六棱柱形 183
    2. 双锥形 183
    (1)六方双锥形 183
    (2)扁平六方双锥形 183
    (3)短六方双锥形 183
    3. 扁菱形 186
    4. 多面体 186
    5. 算珠形 186
    6. 圆形 186
    7. 凸镜形 186
    8. 榄形 188
    9. 圆柱形 188
    10. 系领形 188
    11. 动物形 188
    (二)水晶玦 188
    (三)水晶锥 190
    (四)水晶石 190
    第五节 绿柱石珠 190
    1. 不规则四棱柱形 191
    2. 六棱柱形 191
    3. 短六方双锥形 191
    第六节 石榴石珠 193
    1. 圆形或不规则圆形 193
    2. 榄形 193
    3. 系领形 195
    第七节 绿松石珠 195
    1. 扁鼓形 195
    2. 不规则几何形 195
    3. 形制不明 195
    第八节 玉珠饰 196
    (一)玉珠 196
    1. 圆管形 196
    2. 圆球形 197
    3. 璧形 197
    4. 圆板形 197
    5. 榄形 198
    6. 双胜形(扁壶形) 198
    7. 长方体 198
    8. 心形 198
    9. 鸟形 198
    (二)玉耳珰 198
    (三)玉鼻塞 202
    第九节 煤精珠 202
    1. 圆板形 202
    2. 圆形 203
    3. 瓜棱形 203
    第十节 琥珀珠 204
    (一)琥珀珠 204
    1. 椭圆形 204
    (1)椭圆形及不规则椭圆形 204
    (2)扁椭圆形及不规则扁椭圆形 204
    2. 棱柱形 205
    (1)棱柱形 205
    (2)不规则棱柱形 205
    3. 圆柱形 205
    4. 六方双锥形 205
    5. 双胜形 207
    6. 圆墩形 207
    7. 凸镜形 207
    8. 不规则圆形 207
    9. 圆环形 207
    (二)动物形珠 210
    1. 狮形珠 210
    (1)具象形态的狮形珠 210
    (2)意象形态的狮形珠 210
    2. 蛙形珠 211
    3. 其他动物形珠 211
    (三)耳珰 211
    1. 腰鼓形 211
    2. 圆柱形 214
    3. 喇叭形 214
    第十一节 其他 214
    第五章 珠饰的种类与形制(三)——小结
    第一节 器形 218
    一、耳珰 218
    二、鼻塞 222
    三、玦 222
    四、胜形饰 222
    五、串珠 223
    1. 圆形 223
    2. 扁圆形 223
    3. 扁鼓形 223
    4. 圆环形 223
    5. 圆墩形 223
    6. 璧形 224
    7. 圆板形 224
    8. 凸镜形 224
    9. 椭圆形 224
    10. 圆柱形 224
    11. 棱柱形 224
    12. 榄形 225
    13. 算珠形 225
    14. 双锥形 225
    15. 扁六方桶形 225
    16. 长方体 225
    17. 扁菱形 226
    18. 胆形 226
    19. 瓜棱形 226
    20. 菠萝形 226
    21. 系领形 226
    22. 多面体 226
    23. 心形 227
    24. 三角形 227
    25. 扁体五边形 227
    26. 十二面焊珠空心球形 227
    27. 贝形 227
    28. 联珠形 227
    29. 不规则几何形 228
    30. 动物形 228
    第二节 制作工艺 228
    一、成型 228
    二、装饰 229
    1. 蚀花 229
    2. 刻划 230
    3. 戳印 230
    4. 条带装饰 230
    5. 镶嵌 230
    6. 装金、银珠 231
    7. 焊珠 231
    三、穿孔 232
    (一)穿孔的部位 232
    (二)穿孔的方式 232
    第六章 广州出土汉代珠饰的科技分析
    第一节 样品信息 234
    第二节 实验方法 234
    一、能量色散型X射线荧光光谱分析技术(XRF) 235
    二、激光拉曼光谱分析技术(LRS) 235
    三、光学相干层析成像技术(OCT) 236
    四、光学显微技术(OM) 236
    第三节 结果与讨论 237
    一、化学成分与物相结构 237
    (一)玻璃器 237
    1. 钾玻璃 238
    2. 钠铝玻璃 239
    3. 钠钙玻璃 241
    4. 铅钡玻璃 241
    5. 钾铅玻璃 242
    6. 混合碱玻璃 242
    7. 铅玻璃 242
    8. 费昂斯 242
    (二)玻璃器着色剂/乳浊剂 244
    (三)宝玉石器 247
    1. 石英质矿物类 247
    2. 石榴石类 249
    3. 绿柱石 249
    4. 有机宝石类——琥珀、煤精 250
    (四)金饰 252
    二、断层物理结构 252
    (一)玻璃器 252
    1. 分段夹银珠 252
    2. 条带纹珠 253
    3. 瓜棱形珠 253
    4. 印度–太平洋拉制珠 253
    5. 多面体珠 253
    6. 耳珰 256
    7. 蜻蜓眼珠 256
    8. 费昂斯珠 257
    (二)宝玉石器 257
    1. 水晶玛瑙类 257
    2. 石榴石类 258
    3. 绿柱石 259
    4. 琥珀 259
    三、加工微痕及制作工艺 260
    (一)玻璃器 260
    (二)宝玉石器 264
    第四节 小结 271
    第七章 广州出土汉代珠饰的来源探讨
    第一节 从玻璃的化学成分分析 274
    一、铅钡玻璃与铅玻璃 275
    二、钠钙玻璃 275
    三、钾玻璃 276
    四、钠铝玻璃 278
    五、混合碱玻璃与钾铅玻璃 279
    六、费昂斯 279
    第二节 从矿物产区与珠饰制作传统分析 280
    一、中国传统玉石珠饰的制作 280
    1. 玉 280
    2. 绿松石 282
    3. 煤精 282
    4. 琥珀 283
    5. 水晶 284
    6. 玉髓 285
    二、南亚宝石与珠饰制作中心 285
    三、东南亚珠饰的制作 286
    四、西亚及地中海沿岸的黄金制作传统 287
    第三节 从器形风格分析 288
    一、蚀花红玉髓珠 288
    二、系领珠 292
    三、狮形珠 292
    四、蜻蜓眼玻璃珠 294
    五、马赛克玻璃珠 297
    六、装金、夹银玻璃珠 298
    七、条带纹玻璃珠 299
    八、瓜棱形珠与菠萝形珠 300
    九、多面焊珠空心金花球 300
    十、耳珰 302
    十一、胜形饰 304
    十二、其他 307
    第四节 结论 308
    第八章 汉代广州与海上丝绸之路
    第一节 海上丝绸之路的萌发 312
    第二节 外来珠饰——海上丝绸之路兴起的见证 314
    第三节 广州发现汉代海上丝绸之路的其他物证 316
    一、海上交通工具——船舶 316
    二、贸易物品——玻璃器、香料 317
    三、人员往来——托灯胡人俑 318
    附表一 1953~1960年广州两汉墓葬出土珠饰一览表 319
    附表二 1983年西汉南越王墓出土珠饰一览表 331
    附表三 1993~2001年番禺汉墓出土珠饰一览表 332
    附表四 1970~2016年广州两汉墓葬出土珠饰一览表 334
    附表五 广州出土汉代玻璃珠饰化学成分分析结果 385
    附表六 广州出土汉代宝玉石珠饰化学成分分析结果(wt%) 395
    附表七 广州出土汉代琥珀质珠饰化学成分半定量分析结果(wt%) 395
    附表八 广州出土汉代金质珠饰化学成分分析结果(wt%) 395
    附表九 广州出土汉代玻璃珠着色剂/乳浊剂物相结构信息表 396
    附表十 广州出土汉代宝玉石珠饰物相结构信息表 397
    附表十一 广州出土汉代珠饰加工痕迹显微图像 399
    后记 409
    Abstract 411
    Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Discoveries and researches of beads and pendants at home and abroad 002
    1.1.1 Studies on beads and pendants abroad 002
    1.1.2 Studies on beads and pendants at home 003
    1.1.3 Beads and pendants from tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou 004
    1.2 Samples, methods and main contents 006
    1.2.1 Collection of literatures and materials 007
    1.2.2 Material identification 007
    1.2.3 Color descriptions 008
    1.2.4 Nomenclature and description of the shapes 009
    1.2.5 Observation of manufacturing process 011
    1.2.6 Application of technical methods 011
    1.2.7 Statistical analysis and integrated study 012
    1.2.8 Summary 012
    Chapter 2 Beads and Pendants Excavated from Tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou
    2.1 Discovery and study of tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou 014
    2.1.1 Chronology of tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou 015
    2.1.2 Distribution of tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou 015
    2.2 Beads and pendants excavated from tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou 017
    2.2.1 Beads and pendants excavated from tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou from 1953 to 1960 017
    i. Distribution of tombs unearthed with beads 036
    ii. Tomb owner identity reflected by layout and structure of the tombs and funeral objects 036
    iii. Bead property and tomb owner’s gender reflected by the positions of beads and pendants 038
    iv. Types and quantity of beads and pendants 039
    2.2.2 Beads and pendants excavated from the Mausoleum of Nanyue(南越) King 040
    2.2.3 Beads and pendants unearthed from tombs of Han Dynasties in Panyu(番禺) during 1990 to 2001 046
    i. Introduction of tombs unearthed with beads 047
    ii. Positions of beads and pendants in the tombs 047
    iii. Types and quantity of beads and pendants 047
    2.2.4 Beads and pendants excavated in tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou during excavation from 1970 to 2016 049
    i. Beads and pendants excavated in tombs of Western Han Dynasty 096
    ii. Beads and pendants excavated in tombs of Eastern Han Dynasty 096
    iii. Comparison of beads and pendants excavated of Han Dynasties 097
    2.2.5 Summary 097
    Chapter 3 Types and Shapes of Beads and Pendants (I): Artificial Materials
    3.1 Glass beads and pendants 100
    3.1.1 Colors 100
    3.1.2 Shapes 103
    Ⅰ Glass beads 103
    i. Circular 105
    a. Barrel disc 105
    b. Short cylinder 105
    c. Spherical 105
    d. Annular 107
    e. Round tabular 110
    f. Lenticular 110
    ii. Bicone 110
    a. Pentagonal bicone 110
    b. Hexagonal bicone 110
    c. Hexagonal truncated bicone 112
    iii. Flat hexagonal barrel 113
    iv. Olivary 113
    v. Prism 116
    a. Quadrangular prism 116
    b. Pentagonal prism 116
    c. Hexagonal prism 116
    d. Heptagonal prism 117
    vi. Tube 117
    vii. Cornerless cube 121
    viii. Saucer-shaped 121
    ix. Melon 122
    x. Shell-shaped 124
    xi. Sheng(胜) -shaped 124
    xii. Collar 125
    xiii. Segmented 125
    xiv. Triangular 125
    xv. Uncertain 128
    Ⅱ Glass ear pendants 128
    i. Ear pendants with perforation 128
    a. Concave cylinder 128
    b. Suona(唢呐)-shaped 128
    c. I-shaped 132
    ii. Ear pendants without perforation 132
    Ⅲ Glass nose stopple 132
    3.1.3 Decorations132
    i. Eye beads 133
    ii. Mosaic beads 136
    iii. Banded beads 136
    iv. Silver-glass beads 137
    v. Gold-glass beads 137
    3.2 Faience 141
    3.2.1 Colors 141
    3.2.2 Shapes 141
    i. Annular 141
    ii. Olivary 142
    iii. Multifaceted 142
    iv. Melon 143
    v. Fluted 143
    3.3 Pottery beads 147
    3.4 Gold beads and pendants 148
    3.4.1 Gold beads 148
    i. Spherical 148
    ii. Saucer-shaped 148
    iii. Drop-shaped 149
    iv. Multifaceted granulation gold beads 149
    3.4.2 Gold ear pendants 149
    3.5 Silver beads 153
    Chapter 4 Types and Shapes of Beads and Pendants (II): Natural Materials
    4.1 Carnelian beads and pendants 156
    4.1.1 Colors and textures 156
    4.1.2 Decorations156
    4.1.3 Shapes 157
    Ⅰ Carnelian beads 157
    i. Bicone 157
    a. Hexagonal bicone 160
    b. Flat Hexagonal bicone 160
    c. Hexagonal bicone with sharp corners 160
    d. Hexagonal truncated bicone 160
    e. Heptagon bicone 160
    f. Octagon bicone 160
    g. Flat octagon bicone 163
    h. Pentagon bicone 163
    i. Enneagon bicone 163
    ii. Spherical 163
    a. Standard spherical 163
    b. Irregular spherical 163
    iii. Lenticular164
    iv. Olivary 164
    v. Flat diamond shape 164
    vi. Cylinder 164
    vii. Saucer-shaped 167
    viii. Multifaceted 167
    ix. Drop-shaped 167
    x. Lion-shaped 167
    Ⅱ Ear pendants 169
    Ⅲ Raw materials 169
    4.2 Chrysoprase beads 171
    i. Spherical 171
    ii. Lenticular171
    iii. Cylinder 171
    iv. Saucer-shaped 171
    4.3 Agate beads 173
    4.3.1 Colors and texture 173
    4.3.2 Shapes 173
    i. Olivary 176
    ii. Drop-shaped 177
    iii. Cylinder 177
    iv. Short barrel 177
    v. Triangular 177
    vi. Flat pentagon 180
    vii. Uncertain 180
    4.4 Crystal beads and pendants 180
    4.4.1 Colors 180
    4.4.2 Shapes 181
    i Crystal beads 181
    i. Prism 182
    a. Regular and irregular quadrangular prism.182
    b. Regular and irregular pentagonal prism 182
    c. Regular and irregular hexagonal prism 182
    d. Regular and irregular flat hexagonal prism 183
    ii. Bicone 183
    a. Hexagonal bicone 183
    b. Flat hexagonal bicone 183
    c. Hexagonal truncated bicone 183
    iii. Flat diamond shape 186
    iv. Multifaceted 186
    v. Saucer-shaped 186
    vi. Spherical 186
    vii. Lenticular186
    viii. Olivary 188
    ix. Cylinder 188
    x. Collar 188
    xi. Animal-shaped 188
    Ⅱ Crystal Jue(玦) 188
    Ⅲ Crystal cone 190
    Ⅳ Crystal stones 190
    4.5 Beryl beads 190
    i. Irregular quadrangular prism 191
    ii. Hexagonal prism 191
    iii. Hexagonal truncated bicone 191
    4.6 Garnet beads 193
    i. Regular and irregular spherical 193
    ii. Olivary 193
    iii. Collar 195
    4.7 Turquoise beads 195
    i. Short barrel 195
    ii. Irregular geometrical shape 195
    iii. Uncertain 195
    4.8 Jade beads and pendants 196
    i Jade beads 196
    i. Tube 196
    ii. Spherical 197
    iii. Bi(璧) 197
    iv. Round tabular 197
    v. Olivary 198
    vi. Double-Sheng-shaped 198
    vii. Cuboid 198
    viii. Heart-shaped 198
    ix. Bird-shaped 198
    Ⅱ Jade ear pendants 198
    Ⅲ Jade nose stopple 202
    4.9 Jet Beads 202
    i. Round tabular 202
    ii. Spherical 203
    iii. Melon 203
    4.10 Amber beads and pendants 204
    Ⅰ Amber beads204
    i. Ellipse 204
    a. Regular and irregular ellipse 204
    b. Regular and irregular flat ellipse 204
    ii. Prism 205
    a. Prism 205
    b. Irregular prism 205
    iii. Cylindrical 205
    iv. Hexagonal bicone 205
    v. Double-Sheng-shaped 207
    vi. Convex cone 207
    vii. Lenticular207
    viii. Irregular spherical 207
    ix. Annular 207
    Ⅱ Animal-shaped beads 210
    i. Lion-shaped 210
    a. Specific 210
    b. Nonfigurative 210
    ii. Frag-shaped 211
    iii. Other animal shapes 211
    Ⅲ Ear pendants 211
    i. Concave cylinder 211
    ii. Cylinder 214
    iii. Suona-shaped 214
    4.11 Other beads 214
    Chapter 5 Types and Shapes of Beads and Pendants (III): Summary
    5.1 Shapes 218
    5.1.1 Ear pendants 218
    5.1.2 Nose stopple 222
    5.1.3 Jue(玦) 222
    5.1.4 Sheng-shaped 222
    5.1.5 Beads 223
    i. Spherical 223
    ii. Oblate 223
    iii. Short barrel 223
    iv. Annular 223
    v. Convex cone 223
    vi. Bi 224
    vii. Tabular 224
    viii. Lenticular224
    ix. Ellipse 224
    x. Cylindrical 224
    xi. Prism 224
    xii. Olivary 225
    xiii. Short biconical 225
    xiv. Biconical 225
    xv. Flat hexagonal barrel 225
    xvi. Cuboid 225
    xvii. Flat diamond shape 226
    xviii. Drop pendants 226
    xix. Melon 226
    xx. Fluted 226
    xxi. Collar 226
    xxii. Multifaceted.226
    xxiii. Heart-shaped 227
    xxiv. Triangular 227
    xxv. Flat pentagon 227
    xxvi. Multifaceted granulation beads 227
    xxvii. Shell-shaped 227
    xxviii. Segmented beads 227
    xxix. Irregular geometrical shape 228
    xxx. Animal-shaped 228
    5.2 Manufacturing process 228
    5.2.1 Forming 228
    5.2.2 Decorations229
    i. Etched 229
    ii. Carved 230
    iii. Stamped 230
    iv. Banded 230
    v. Inlay 230
    vi. Gold/Silver-glass 231
    vii. Granulation 231
    5.2.3 Perforation 232
    i. Positions of perforation 232
    ii. Types of perforation 232
    Chapter 6 Scientific Analysis of Beads and Pendants of Han Dynasties Unearthed from Guangzhou
    6.1 Sample information 234
    6.2 Methods 234
    6.2.1 Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy (XRF) 235
    6.2.2 Laser Raman Spectroscopy (LRS) 235
    6.2.3 Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) 236
    6.2.4 Optical microscopy 236
    6.3 Results and discussions 237
    6.3.1 Chemical and phase analysis 237
    Ⅰ Glass samples 237
    i. Potash glass 238
    ii. Soda-alumina glass 239
    iii. Soda-lime glass 241
    iv. Lead-barium glass 241
    v. Potash-lead glass 242
    vi. Mixed alkali glass 242
    vii. Lead glass 242
    viii. Faience 242
    Ⅱ Colorants/opacifier of glass 244
    Ⅲ Gemstones 247
    i. Quartz family minerals 247
    ii. Garnet 249
    iii. Beryl 249
    iv. Organic gems: amber, jet 250
    v. Gold 252
    6.3.2 Cross-section physical structures 252
    Ⅰ Glass samples 252
    i. Segmented silver-glass beads 252
    ii. Banded beads 253
    iii. Melon beads 253
    iv. Indo-Pacific drawn beads 253
    v. Multifaceted beads 253
    vi. Ear pendants 256
    vii. Compound eye beads 256
    viii. Faience beads257
    Ⅱ Gemstones 257
    i. Crystal/agate beads 257
    ii. Garnet beads 258
    iii. Beryl beads 259
    iv. Amber beads 259
    6.3.3 Micro-scratches and manufacturing process 260
    Ⅰ Glass 260
    Ⅱ Gemstones 264
    6.4 Summary 271
    Chapter 7 Origins of Beads and Pendants of Han Dynasties Unearthed from Guangzhou
    7.1 Origins analysis based on chemical compositions of glass beads 274
    7.1.1 Lead-barium glass and lead glass 275
    7.1.2 Soda-lime glass 275
    7.1.3 Potash glass 276
    7.1.4 Soda-alumina glass 278
    7.1.5 Mixed alkali glass and potash-lead glass 279
    7.1.6 Faience 279
    7.2 Origins analysis based on mineral resources and craftsmanship tradition 280
    7.2.1 Chinese traditional beads 280
    i. Jade 280
    ii. Turquoise 282
    iii. Jet 282
    iv. Amber 283
    v. Crystal 284
    vi. Chalcedony 285
    7.2.2 Making center of gem stones beads in Southern Asia 285
    7.2.3 Bead making in Southeastern Asia 286
    7.2.4 Gold beads making in Western Asia and Mediterranean region 287
    7.3 Origins analysis according to bead styles 288
    7.3.1 Etched carnelian beads 288
    7.3.2 Collar beads 292
    7.3.3 Lion-shaped beads 292
    7.3.4 Compound eye beads 294
    7.3.5 Mosaic beads 297
    7.3.6 Gold/silver-glass beads 298
    7.3.7 Banded glass beads 299
    7.3.8 Melon and fluted beads 300
    7.3.9 Multifaceted granulation beads 300
    7.3.10 Ear pendants 302
    7.3.11 Sheng-shaped beads 304
    7.3.12 Others 307
    7.4 Summary 308
    Chapter 8 Guangzhou and Maritime Silk Road during Han Dynasties
    8.1 The origin of Maritime Silk Road 312
    8.2 Foreign beads: Witness to the rise of the Maritime Silk Road 314
    8.3 Other evidence of Han Dynasties’ Maritime Silk Road found in Guangzhou 316
    8.3.1 Maritime vehicle: Ships 316
    8.3.2 Trade goods: Glass, spice 317
    8.3.3 Personnel movement: Ceramic Hu figurine lamp 318
    List of attached tables
    Table 1 List of beads and pendants unearthed from tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou from 1953 to 1960 319
    Table 2 List of beads and pendants unearthed from the Western Han Dynasty Mausoleum of the Nanyue King in 1983 331
    Table 3 List of beads and pendants unearthed from tombs of Han Dynasties in Panyu during 1973–2001 332
    Table 4 List of beads and pendants unearthed from tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou during 1970–2016 334
    Table 5 Chemical compositions (wt%) of glass beads of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 385
    Table 6 Chemical compositions (wt%) of gem and jade beads of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 395
    Table 7 Semi-quantitative analysis results (wt%) of amber beads of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 395
    Table 8 Chemical compositions (wt%) of gold beads of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 395
    Table 9 Phase information of coloring agents and opacifiers in the glass beads of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 396
    Table 10 Phase information of gem and jade beads and pendants of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 397
    Table 11 Images of processing micro-scratches of beads and pendants of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 399
    Postscripts 409
    Abstract 411
    图1.1 培克对珠饰各部位的命名示意 010
    图1.2 夏鼐对珠孔形态所做的九种划分 011
    图2.1 广州旧地形及汉墓分布略图 016
    图2.2 《广州汉墓》西汉前期珠饰 024
    图2.3 《广州汉墓》西汉中期珠饰 025
    图2.4 《广州汉墓》西汉后期珠饰 026
    图2.5 《广州汉墓》西汉后期珠饰 027
    图2.6 《广州汉墓》西汉后期珠饰 028
    图2.7 《广州汉墓》东汉前期珠饰 029
    图2.8 《广州汉墓》东汉前期珠饰 030
    图2.9 《广州汉墓》东汉前期珠饰 031
    图2.10 《广州汉墓》东汉前期珠饰 032
    图2.11 《广州汉墓》东汉后期珠饰 033
    图2.12 《广州汉墓》东汉后期珠饰 034
    图2.13 《广州汉墓》东汉后期珠饰 035
    图2.14 《广州汉墓》出土珠饰墓葬分期柱状图 036
    图2.15 南越王墓出土玻璃贝 041
    图2.16 南越王墓出土的玻璃珠 042
    图2.17 南越王墓出土金珠、玉珠、煤精珠 044
    图2.18 南越王墓出土的蜻蜓眼玻璃珠 045
    图2.19 南越王墓出土鼻塞 045
    图2.20 《番禺汉墓》东汉后期珠饰 048
    图2.21 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉前期珠饰 063
    图2.22 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 064
    图2.23 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 065
    图2.24 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 066
    图2.25 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 067
    图2.26 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 068
    图2.27 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 069
    图2.28 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 070
    图2.29 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 071
    图2.30 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 072
    图2.31 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 073
    图2.32 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 074
    图2.33 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 075
    图2.34 广州市文物考古研究院藏西汉中后期珠饰 076
    图2.35 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 077
    图2.36 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 078
    图2.37 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 079
    图2.38 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 080
    图2.39 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 081
    图2.40 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 082
    图2.41 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 083
    图2.42 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 084
    图2.43 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 085
    图2.44 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 086
    图2.45 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 087
    图2.46 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 088
    图2.47 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 089
    图2.48 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 090
    图2.49 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 091
    图2.50 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 092
    图2.51 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 093
    图2.52 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 094
    图2.53 广州市文物考古研究院藏东汉珠饰 095
    图3.1 各种颜色的玻璃珠 101
    图3.2 各种透明度的玻璃珠 102
    图3.3 玻璃珠的形状 104
    图3.4 扁圆形玻璃珠 106
    图3.5 短圆柱形玻璃珠 106
    图3.6 圆形玻璃珠 109
    图3.7 环形玻璃珠 111
    图3.8 圆板形玻璃珠 111
    图3.9 凸镜形玻璃珠 111
    图3.10 五方双锥形玻璃珠 111
    图3.11 六方双锥形玻璃珠 114
    图3.12 短六方双锥形玻璃珠 114
    图3.13 扁平六方桶形玻璃珠 115
    图3.14 榄形玻璃珠 115
    图3.15 棱柱形玻璃珠 118
    图3.16 不规则四棱柱形玻璃珠 118
    图3.17 五棱柱形玻璃珠 118
    图3.18 六棱柱形玻璃珠 119
    图3.19 七棱柱形玻璃珠 120
    图3.20 管状玻璃珠 120
    图3.21 十四面体玻璃珠 123
    图3.22 算珠形玻璃珠 123
    图3.23 瓜棱形玻璃珠 126
    图3.24 贝形玻璃珠 126
    图3.25 胜形玻璃珠 127
    图3.26 系领形玻璃珠 127
    图3.27 联珠形玻璃珠 127
    图3.28 玻璃耳珰与鼻塞 129
    图3.29 腰鼓形玻璃耳珰 130
    图3.30 喇叭形玻璃耳珰 131
    图3.31 工字形玻璃耳珰 134
    图3.32 无穿孔玻璃耳珰 134
    图3.33 玻璃鼻塞 134
    图3.34 蜻蜓眼玻璃珠 135
    图3.35 蜻蜓眼玻璃珠 135
    图3.36 蜻蜓眼玻璃珠 135
    图3.37 蜻蜓眼玻璃珠 138
    图3.38 短柱形马赛克玻璃珠 138
    图3.39 马赛克玻璃珠 139
    图3.40 三角形马赛克玻璃珠 139
    图3.41 三角形缠丝玛瑙 139
    图3.42 横条带纹玻璃珠 140
    图3.43 竖条带纹玻璃珠 140
    图3.44 夹银玻璃珠 140
    图3.45 包金玻璃珠 140
    图3.46 扁圆形费昂斯珠 144
    图3.47 榄形费昂斯珠 144
    图3.48 多面体费昂斯珠 145
    图3.49 瓜棱形费昂斯珠 146
    图3.50 菠萝形费昂斯珠 146
    图3.51 算珠形陶珠 147
    图3.52 戳印纹算珠形陶珠 147
    图3.53 圆形金珠 150
    图3.54 刻划纹圆形金珠 150
    图3.55 算珠形金珠 150
    图3.56 胆形金珠 150
    图3.57 十二面焊珠空心球形金珠 151
    图3.58 金耳珰 151
    图3.59 焊珠金耳珰 152
    图3.60 胆形银珠 154
    图4.1 黑斑红玉髓珠 158
    图4.2 被浸染的红玉髓珠 158
    图4.3 黄绿色红玉髓珠 158
    图4.4 白带纹红玉髓珠 158
    图4.5 白斑纹红玉髓珠 158
    图4.6 蚀花红玉髓珠 158
    图4.7 蚀花红玉髓珠 158
    图4.8 蚀花红玉髓珠 158
    图4.9 红玉髓珠饰 159
    图4.10 六方双锥形红玉髓珠 161
    图4.11 六方双锥形红玉髓珠 161
    图4.12 扁六方双锥形红玉髓珠 161
    图4.13 扁六方双锥形红玉髓珠 161
    图4.14 尖角六方双锥形红玉髓珠 161
    图4.15 短六方双锥形红玉髓珠 162
    图4.16 短六方双锥形红玉髓珠 162
    图4.17 七方双锥形红玉髓珠 162
    图4.18 七方双锥形红玉髓珠 162
    图4.19 八方双锥形红玉髓珠 162
    图4.20 八方双锥形红玉髓珠 162
    图4.21 扁八方双锥形红玉髓珠 165
    图4.22 扁八方双锥形红玉髓珠 165
    图4.23 五方双锥形红玉髓珠 165
    图4.24 九方双锥形红玉髓珠 165
    图4.25 圆球形红玉髓珠 165
    图4.26 圆球形红玉髓珠 165
    图4.27 圆球形红玉髓珠 165
    图4.28 圆球形红玉髓珠 165
    图4.29 不规则圆形红玉髓珠 166
    图4.30 不规则圆形红玉髓珠 166
    图4.31 不规则圆形红玉髓珠 166
    图4.32 凸镜形红玉髓珠 166
    图4.33 榄形红玉髓珠 166
    图4.34 榄形红玉髓珠 166
    图4.35 扁菱形红玉髓珠 166
    图4.36 扁菱形红玉髓珠 166
    图4.37 圆柱形红玉髓珠 168
    图4.38 不规则圆柱形红玉髓珠 168
    图4.39 算珠形红玉髓珠 168
    图4.40 算珠形红玉髓珠 168
    图4.41 十四面体红玉髓珠 168
    图4.42 二十二面体红玉髓珠 168
    图4.43 二十二面体红玉髓珠 168
    图4.44 胆形红玉髓珠 168
    图4.45 狮形红玉髓珠饰 168
    图4.46 狮形红玉髓珠饰 168
    图4.47 腰鼓形红玉髓耳珰 169
    图4.48 腰鼓形红玉髓耳珰 169
    图4.49 腰鼓形红玉髓耳珰 169
    图4.50 腰鼓形红玉髓耳珰 170
    图4.51 腰鼓形红玉髓耳珰 170
    图4.52 腰鼓形红玉髓耳珰 170
    图4.53 腰鼓形红玉髓耳珰 170
    图4.54 腰鼓形红玉髓耳珰 170
    图4.55 红玉髓耳珰底面 170
    图4.56 红玉髓原石 170
    图4.57 圆形绿玉髓珠 172
    图4.58 凸镜形绿玉髓珠 172
    图4.59 圆柱形绿玉髓珠 172
    图4.60 算珠形绿玉髓珠 172
    图4.61 白色暗纹玛瑙珠 174
    图4.62 白色暗纹玛瑙珠 174
    图4.63 棕色、黑色间白条带玛瑙珠 174
    图4.64 褐色间黑色、白色条带纹玛瑙珠 174
    图4.65 茶色间白条带纹玛瑙珠 174
    图4.66 棕红色间白条带纹玛瑙珠 174
    图4.67 褐色、黑色间白条带纹玛瑙珠 174
    图4.68 珠体内的细密纹理 174
    图4.69 灰褐色间白条带纹玛瑙珠 174
    图4.70 灰色、褐色间白条带纹玛瑙珠 175
    图4.71 黄色间灰色条带纹玛瑙珠 175
    图4.72 白色间褐色条带纹玛瑙珠 175
    图4.73 灰色白斑纹玛瑙珠 175
    图4.74 绿色白带纹玛瑙珠 175
    图4.75 灰白相间条带纹玛瑙珠 175
    图4.76 玛瑙珠饰 176
    图4.77 榄形玛瑙珠 178
    图4.78 榄形玛瑙珠 178
    图4.79 榄形玛瑙珠 178
    图4.80 榄形玛瑙珠 178
    图4.81 胆形近榄形玛瑙珠 178
    图4.82 胆形近榄形玛瑙珠 178
    图4.83 胆形近榄形玛瑙珠 178
    图4.84 圆柱形玛瑙珠 179
    图4.85 圆柱形玛瑙珠 179
    图4.86 圆柱形玛瑙珠 179
    图4.87 扁鼓形玛瑙珠 179
    图4.88 扁鼓形玛瑙珠 179
    图4.89 扁鼓形玛瑙珠 179
    图4.90 三角形玛瑙珠 179
    图4.91 三角形马赛克玻璃珠 179
    图4.92 扁体五边形玛瑙珠 179
    图4.93 水晶珠饰 181
    图4.94 四棱柱形水晶珠 184
    图4.95 不规则四棱柱形水晶珠 184
    图4.96 五棱柱形水晶珠 184
    图4.97 不规则五棱柱形水晶珠 184
    图4.98 六棱柱形水晶珠 184
    图4.99 六棱柱形水晶珠 184
    图4.100 扁平六棱柱形水晶珠 184
    图4.101 六方双锥形水晶珠 184
    图4.102 六方双锥形水晶珠 185
    图4.103 短六方双锥形水晶珠 185
    图4.104 短六方双锥形水晶珠 185
    图4.105 扁菱形水晶珠 187
    图4.106 多面体水晶珠 187
    图4.107 算珠形水晶珠 187
    图4.108 圆形水晶珠 187
    图4.109 凸镜形水晶珠 187
    图4.110 榄形水晶珠 187
    图4.111 榄形水晶珠 187
    图4.112 圆柱形水晶珠 189
    图4.113 不规则圆柱形水晶珠 189
    图4.114 系领形水晶珠 189
    图4.115 龟形紫晶珠饰 189
    图4.116 狮形黄晶珠饰 189
    图4.117 水晶玦 189
    图4.118 水晶锥 189
    图4.119 不规则长方体原石 189
    图4.120 不规则四棱柱形绿柱石珠 192
    图4.121 不规则四棱柱形绿柱石珠 192
    图4.122 不规则四棱柱形绿柱石珠 192
    图4.123 不规则四棱柱形绿柱石珠 192
    图4.124 不规则六棱柱形绿柱石珠 192
    图4.125 规则六棱柱形绿柱石珠 192
    图4.126 短六方双锥形绿柱石珠 192
    图4.127 圆形石榴石珠 194
    图4.128 不规则圆形石榴石珠 194
    图4.129 圆形石榴石珠 194
    图4.130 不规则圆形石榴石珠 194
    图4.131 不规则圆形石榴石珠 194
    图4.132 不规则圆形石榴石珠底端钻孔 194
    图4.133 榄形石榴石珠 194
    图4.134 系领形石榴石珠 194
    图4.135 扁鼓形绿松石珠 196
    图4.136 不规则三角形绿松石珠 196
    图4.137 绿松石珠 196
    图4.138 圆管形玉珠 199
    图4.139 圆管形玉珠 199
    图4.140 圆管形玉珠 199
    图4.141 圆管形玉珠 199
    图4.142 圆管形玉珠 199
    图4.143 圆管形玉珠 199
    图4.144 圆形玉珠 199
    图4.145 圆形玉珠 199
    图4.146 璧形玉珠 200
    图4.147 圆板形玉珠 200
    图4.148 榄形玉珠 200
    图4.149 双胜形玉珠 201
    图4.150 长方体玉珠 201
    图4.151 鸟形玉珠 201
    图4.152 玉耳珰 201
    图4.153 八角柱形玉鼻塞 201
    图4.154 八角柱形玻璃鼻塞 201
    图4.155 圆板形煤精珠 203
    图4.156 圆板形煤精珠 203
    图4.157 圆形煤精珠 203
    图4.158 瓜棱形煤精珠 203
    图4.159 椭圆形琥珀珠 206
    图4.160 不规则椭圆形琥珀珠 206
    图4.161 扁椭圆形和不规则扁椭圆形琥珀珠 206
    图4.162 扁椭圆形琥珀珠 206
    图4.163 四棱柱形琥珀珠 206
    图4.164 四棱柱形琥珀珠 206
    图4.165 不规则四棱柱形琥珀珠 206
    图4.166 不规则棱柱形琥珀珠 206
    图4.167 圆柱形琥珀珠 208
    图4.168 不规则圆柱形琥珀珠 208
    图4.169 六方双锥形琥珀珠 208
    图4.170 双胜形琥珀珠 208
    图4.171 双胜形琥珀珠 208
    图4.172 圆墩形琥珀珠 209
    图4.173 凸镜形琥珀珠 209
    图4.174 不规则圆形琥珀珠 209
    图4.175 圆环形琥珀珠 209
    图4.176 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.177 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.178 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.179 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.180 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.181 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.182 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.183 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.184 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.185 狮形琥珀珠 212
    图4.186 蛙形琥珀珠 213
    图4.187 蛙形琥珀珠 213
    图4.188 动物形琥珀珠 213
    图4.189 动物形琥珀珠 213
    图4.190 动物形琥珀珠 213
    图4.191 动物形琥珀珠 213
    图4.192 动物形琥珀珠 213
    图4.193 动物形琥珀珠 213
    图4.194 腰鼓形琥珀耳珰 215
    图4.195 腰鼓形琥珀耳珰 215
    图4.196 圆柱形琥珀耳珰 215
    图4.197 圆柱形琥珀耳珰 215
    图4.198 喇叭形琥珀耳珰 215
    图4.199 石坠饰 215
    图6.1 广州出土汉代钾玻璃化学成分二维分布图 238
    图6.2 玻璃管 240
    图6.3 低钙高铝型钾玻璃典型样品照片 240
    图6.4 中等钙铝型钾玻璃典型样品照片 240
    图6.5 植物灰型钠铝玻璃典型样品照片 240
    图6.6 矿物碱型钠铝玻璃典型样品照片 240
    图6.7 泡碱型钠钙玻璃典型样品照片 243
    图6.8 植物灰型钠钙玻璃典型样品 243
    图6.9 铅钡玻璃典型样品照片 243
    图6.10 钾铅玻璃典型样品照片 243
    图6.11 混合碱玻璃典型样品照片 243
    图6.12 费昂斯典型样品照片 243
    图6.13 广州出土汉代玻璃测试样品成分体系柱状图 245
    图6.14 锡酸铅、锑酸铅乳浊剂典型样品及其拉曼图谱 246
    图6.15 铜红珠典型样品拉曼图谱 247
    图6.16 条带纹珠 247
    图6.17 典型石英质样品拉曼图谱 248
    图6.18 铁铝榴石样品拉曼图谱 249
    图6.19 海蓝宝石典型样品拉曼图谱 250
    图6.20 广州出土汉代琥珀典型样品照片 251
    图6.21 广州出土汉代琥珀化学成分定性分析图谱 251
    图6.22 典型金饰样品 252
    图6.23 分段夹银珠及其OCT图像 254
    图6.24 条带纹珠OCT图像及测试区域示意图 254
    图6.25 条带纹珠及其OCT图像 254
    图6.26 瓜棱珠OCT图像 255
    图6.27 印度–太平洋珠OCT图像 255
    图6.28 多面体珠OCT图像 255
    图6.29 玻璃耳珰样品OCT图像 256
    图6.30 蜻蜓眼珠样品照片及其OCT图像 256
    图6.31 费昂斯珠样品OCT图像 257
    图6.32 玛瑙类样品OCT图像 257
    图6.33 水晶珠样品OCT图像 258
    图6.34 石榴石OCT图像 258
    图6.35 海蓝宝石样品OCT图像 259
    图6.36 琥珀类样品OCT图像 259
    图6.37 拉制珠表面及穿孔显微图像 261
    图6.38 典型印度–太平洋珠样品照片 261
    图6.39 拉制珠样品表面拉制痕迹显微形貌 262
    图6.40 缠绕珠样品 262
    图6.41 典型多面体珠样品 263
    图6.42 多面体珠表面打磨痕迹显微形貌 263
    图6.43 钻石钻孔工艺钻头及加工微痕特征显微图像 265
    图6.44 实心钻与管钻工艺钻头及穿孔形状示意图 265
    图6.45 绿柱石类(海蓝宝)珠饰样品穿孔形状及钻孔微痕显微形貌 266
    图6.46 水晶玉髓类珠饰样品钻孔微痕显微图像 267
    图6.47 广州出土汉代不同质量的红玉髓珠饰 269
    图6.48 石榴石类珠饰样品钻孔微痕显微分析 269
    图6.49 多面体玻璃珠穿孔痕迹显微图像及穿孔形状 270
    图6.50 短六方双锥形珠端面钻孔微痕显微图像 271
    图7.1 我国出土战国时期钾钙玻璃管 277
    图7.2 宝鸡国西周墓地出土的串饰 279
    图7.3 广州出土的西汉中期琥珀印章及印文 284
    图7.4 印度哈拉帕文明时期红玉髓蚀花珠 288
    图7.5 印度塔克西拉(Taxila)遗址出土的蚀花珠 288
    图7.6 乌尔王朝墓葬出土的红玉髓的蚀花珠(公元前2500年) 289
    图7.7 东南亚地区出土的蚀花珠 290
    图7.8 我国新疆、河南、云南、广西地区出土的蚀花珠 291
    图7.9 南亚及东南亚地区出土的系领珠 293
    图7.10 广州出土的汉代系领珠 293
    图7.11 广西合浦汉墓出土的石榴石系领珠 293
    图7.12 东南亚地区出土的狮形饰 295
    图7.13 广州出土的汉代狮形饰 295
    图7.14 广西合浦汉墓出土的狮形饰 296
    图7.15 广州出土的汉代三角形玻璃珠 298
    图7.16 罗马地中海风格三角形玻璃珠 298
    图7.17 西亚地区出土的仿玛瑙玻璃珠 299
    图7.18 东南亚地区出土的条带纹珠 301
    图7.19 沟槽珠 301
    图7.20 西亚伊朗地区出土的金质珠饰(公元前1000年) 301
    图7.21 广州出土的汉代多面空心金珠 303
    图7.22 南亚及东南亚地区出土的多面空心金珠 303
    图7.23 印度地区出土的橄榄球形玛瑙蚀花珠 303
    图7.24 泰国三乔山(Khao Sam Kaeo)遗址出土的蚀花珠 303
    图7.25 广西贵县鱼种场M1出土的足球形蚀花珠 303
    图7.26 广州出土的汉代耳珰典型样品 305
    图7.27 广西汉墓出土的不同材质耳珰 305
    图7.28 南亚、东南亚地区出土的红玉髓耳珰 305
    图7.29 广州出土的汉代胜形饰 306
    图7.30 广西合浦汉墓出土的胜形饰 306
    图7.31 泰国差那港发现的玻璃质胜形饰 306
    图7.32 广州出土的汉代多面体珠饰 307
    Figure Captions
    Figure 1.1 Sketch map of all parts of beads and pendants named by Beck 010
    Figure 1.2 Classifications of perforation shapes for beads given by Xia Nai (夏鼐) 011
    Figure 2.1 Sketch map of ancient topography and distribution of tombs of Han Dynasties in Guangzhou 016
    Figure 2.2 Beads and pendants of early Western Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 024
    Figure 2.3 Beads and pendants of middle Western Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 025
    Figure 2.4 Beads and pendants of late Western Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 026
    Figure 2.5 Beads and pendants of late Western Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 027
    Figure 2.6 Beads and pendants of late Western Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 028
    Figure 2.7 Beads and pendants of early Eastern Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 029
    Figure 2.8 Beads and pendants of early Eastern Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 030
    Figure 2.9 Beads and pendants of early Eastern Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 031
    Figure 2.10 Beads and pendants of early Eastern Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 032
    Figure 2.11 Beads and pendants of late Eastern Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 033
    Figure 2.12 Beads and pendants of late Eastern Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 034
    Figure 2.13 Beads and pendants of late Eastern Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Guangzhou 035
    Figure 2.14 Histogram of tombs of Han Dynasties unearthed with beads and pendants of different periods in Han tombs in Guangzhou 036
    Figure 2.15 Glass shells unearthed from Mausoleum of the Nanyue King 041
    Figure 2.16 Glass beads unearthed from Mausoleum of the Nanyue King 042
    Figure 2.17 Beads and pendants made of gold, jade and jet unearthed from Mausoleum of the Nanyue King 044
    Figure 2.18 Glass eye beads unearthed from Mausoleum of the Nanyue King 045
    Figure 2.19 Nose stopples unearthed from Mausoleum of the Nanyue King 045
    Figure 2.20 Beads and pendants of late Eastern Han Dynasty in Han tombs in Panyu048
    Figure 2.21 Beads and pendants of early Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 063
    Figure 2.22 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 064
    Figure 2.23 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 065
    Figure 2.24 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 066
    Figure 2.25 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 067
    Figure 2.26 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 068
    Figure 2.27 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeolog 069
    Figure 2.28 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 070
    Figure 2.29 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 071
    Figure 2.30 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 072
    Figure 2.31 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 073
    Figure 2.32 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 074
    Figure 2.33 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 075
    Figure 2.34 Beads and pendants of middle and late Western Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 076
    Figure 2.35 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 077
    Figure 2.36 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 078
    Figure 2.37 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 079
    Figure 2.38 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 080
    Figure 2.39 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 081
    Figure 2.40 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 082
    Figure 2.41 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 083
    Figure 2.42 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 084
    Figure 2.43 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 085
    Figure 2.44 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 086
    Figure 2.45 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 087
    Figure 2.46 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 088
    Figure 2.47 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 089
    Figure 2.48 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 090
    Figure 2.49 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 091
    Figure 2.50 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 092
    Figure 2.51 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 093
    Figure 2.52 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 094
    Figure 2.53 Beads and pendants of Eastern Han Dynasty collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology 095
    Figure 3.1 Glass beads of various colors 101
    Figure 3.2 Glass beads of different transparency 102
    Figure 3.3 Shapes of glass beads 104
    Figure 3.4 Barrel disc glass beads 106
    Figure 3.5 Short cylinder glass beads 106
    Figure 3.6 Spherical glass beads 109
    Figure 3.7 Annular glass bead 111
    Figure 3.8 Round tabular glass bead 111
    Figure 3.9 Lenticular glass bead 111
    Figure 3.10 Pentagonal bicone glass bead 111
    Figure 3.11 Hexagonal bicone glass beads 114
    Figure 3.12 Hexagonal truncated bicone glass beads 114
    Figure 3.13 Flat hexagonal barrel glass beads 115
    Figure 3.14 Olivary glass bead 115
    Figure 3.15 Prismatic glass beads 118
    Figure 3.16 Irregular quadrangular prism glass beads 118
    Figure 3.17 Pentagonal prismatic glass bead 118
    Figure 3.18 Hexagonal prismatic glass beads 119
    Figure 3.19 Heptagonal prismatic glass beads 120
    Figure 3.20 Glass tubes 120
    Figure 3.21 Cornerless cube glass beads 123
    Figure 3.22 Saucer-shaped glass beads 123
    Figure 3.23 Melon glass beads 126
    Figure 3.24 Shell-shaped glass beads 126
    Figure 3.25 Sheng-shaped glass beads (function for protecting against evil spirits) 127
    Figure 3.26 Collar glass beads 127
    Figure 3.27 Segmented glass beads 127
    Figure 3.28 Glass ear pendants and nose stopple 129
    Figure 3.29 Concave cylinder glass ear pendants 130
    Figure 3.30 Suona-shaped glass ear pendants 131
    Figure 3.31 I-shaped glass ear pendant 134
    Figure 3.32 Glass ear pendants without perforation 134
    Figure 3.33 Glass nose stopples 134
    Figure 3.34 Glass eye beads 135
    Figure 3.35 Glass eye beads 135
    Figure 3.36 Glass eye beads 135
    Figure 3.37 Glass eye bead 138
    Figure 3.38 Short cylindrical mosaic glass bead 138
    Figure 3.39 Mosaic glass bead 139
    Figure 3.40 Triangular mosaic glass bead 139
    Figure 3.41 Triangular sardonyx bead 139
    Figure 3.42 Glass beads with transverse stripe 140
    Figure 3.43 Glass beads with vertical stripes 140
    Figure 3.44 Silver-glass beads 140
    Figure 3.45 Gold-glass bead 140
    Figure 3.46 Annular faience beads 144
    Figure 3.47 Olivary faience beads 144
    Figure 3.48 Multifaceted faience beads 145
    Figure 3.49 Melon faience beads 146
    Figure 3.50 Fluted faience beads 146
    Figure 3.51 Saucer-shaped pottery bead 147
    Figure 3.52 Saucer-shaped pottery beads with stamps 147
    Figure 3.53 Spherical gold beads 150
    Figure 3.54 Spherical gold beads with incised and carved designs 150
    Figure 3.55 Saucer-shaped gold beads 150
    Figure 3.56 Drop-shaped gold beads 150
    Figure 3.57 Multifaceted granulation hollow gold beads 151
    Figure 3.58 Gold ear pendants 151
    Figure 3.59 Granulation gold ear pendants 152
    Figure 3.60 Drop-shaped silver beads 154
    Figure 4.1 Carnelian bead with dark spots 158
    Figure 4.2 Contaminated carnelian bead 158
    Figure 4.3 Carnelian beads with yellow-green hue 158
    Figure 4.4 Carnelian bead with white stripe 158
    Figure 4.5 Carnelian bead with white spot 158
    Figure 4.6 Etched carnelian bead 158
    Figure 4.7 Etched carnelian bead 158
    Figure 4.8 Etched carnelian bead 158
    Figure 4.9 Carnelian beads and pendants 159
    Figure 4.10 Hexagonal bicone carnelian bead 161
    Figure 4.11 Hexagonal bicone carnelian bead 161
    Figure 4.12 Oblate hexagonal bicone carnelian bead 161
    Figure 4.13 Oblate hexagonal bicone carnelian bead 161
    Figure 4.14 Closed angle hexagonal bicone carnelian bead 161
    Figure 4.15 Hexagonal truncated bicone carnelian bead 162
    Figure 4.16 Hexagonal truncated bicone carnelian bead 162
    Figure 4.17 Heptagonal bicone carnelian bead 162
    Figure 4.18 Heptagonal bicone carnelian bead 162
    Figure 4.19 Octagonal bicone carnelian bead 162
    Figure 4.20 Octagonal bicone carnelian bead 162
    Figure 4.21 Oblate octagonal bicone carnelian bead 165
    Figure 4.22 Oblate octagonal bicone carnelian bead 165
    Figure 4.23 Pentagonal bicone carnelian bead 165
    Figure 4.24 Enneagon bicone carnelian bead 165
    Figure 4.25 Spherical carnelian bead 165
    Figure 4.26 Spherical carnelian beads 165
    Figure 4.27 Spherical carnelian beads 165
    Figure 4.28 Spherical carnelian beads 165
    Figure 4.29 Irregular spherical carnelian beads 166
    Figure 4.30 Irregular spherical carnelian beads 166
    Figure 4.31 Irregular spherical carnelian beads 166
    Figure 4.32 Lenticular carnelian beads 166
    Figure 4.33 Olivary carnelian bead 166
    Figure 4.34 Olivary carnelian bead 166
    Figure 4.35 Oblate rhombic carnelian bead 166
    Figure 4.36 Oblate rhombic carnelian beads 166
    Figure 4.37 Cylindrical carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.38 Irregular cylindrical carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.39 Saucer-shaped carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.40 Saucer-shaped carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.41 Cornerless cube carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.42 Icosahedron-shaped carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.43 Icosahedron-shaped carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.44 Drop-shaped carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.45 Lion-shaped carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.46 Lion-shaped carnelian bead 168
    Figure 4.47 Concave cylinder carnelian ear pendant 169
    Figure 4.48 Concave cylinder carnelian ear pendants 169
    Figure 4.49 Concave cylinder carnelian ear pendants 169
    Figure 4.50 Concave cylinder carnelian ear pendant 170
    Figure 4.51 Concave cylinder carnelian ear pendants 170
    Figure 4.52 Concave cylinder carnelian ear pendant 170
    Figure 4.53 Concave cylinder carnelian ear pendant 170
    Figure 4.54 Concave cylinder carnelian ear pendant 170
    Figure 4.55 Bottom surface of carnelian ear pendants 170
    Figure 4.56 Raw material of carnelian 170
    Figure 4.57 Spherical chalcedony bead 172
    Figure 4.58 Lenticular chalcedony bead 172
    Figure 4.59 Cylindrical chalcedony bead 172
    Figure 4.60 Saucer-shaped chalcedony beads 172
    Figure 4.61 Agate bead with white dark stripe 174
    Figure 4.62 Agate bead with white dark stripe 174
    Figure 4.63 Agate beads with brown-black-white stripes 174
    Figure 4.64 Brown agate beads with black-white stripes 174
    Figure 4.65 Tawny agate bead with white stripes 174
    Figure 4.66 Brown-red agate beads with white stripes 174
    Figure 4.67 Agate bead with brown-black-white stripes 174
    Figure 4.68 Detailed textures in the internal body of a bead 174
    Figure 4.69 Gray-brown agate bead with white stripes 174
    Figure 4.70 Agate bead with gray-brown-white stripes 175
    Figure 4.71 Agate bead with yellow-gray stripes 175
    Figure 4.72 Agate bead with brown-white stripes 175
    Figure 4.73 Gray agate bead with white spots 175
    Figure 4.74 Chrysoprase bead with a white stripe 175
    Figure 4.75 Agate beads with gray-white stripes.175
    Figure 4.76 Agate beads and pendants 176
    Figure 4.77 Olivary agate beads 178
    Figure 4.78 Olivary agate beads 178
    Figure 4.79 Olivary agate bead 178
    Figure 4.80 Olivary agate bead 178
    Figure 4.81 Agate bead with drop shape close to olive shape 178
    Figure 4.82 Agate bead with drop shape close to olive shape 178
    Figure 4.83 Agate bead with drop shape close to olive shape 178
    Figure 4.84 Cylindrical agate bead 179
    Figure 4.85 Cylindrical agate bead 179
    Figure 4.86 Cylindrical agate bead 179
    Figure 4.87 Short barrel agate bead 179
    Figure 4.88 Short barrel agate bead 179
    Figure 4.89 Short barrel agate bead 179
    Figure 4.90 Triangular agate bead 179
    Figure 4.91 Triangular mosaic glass bead 179
    Figure 4.92 Flat pentagonal agate bead 179
    Figure 4.93 Crystal beads and pendants 181
    Figure 4.94 Quadrangular irregular crystal bead 184
    Figure 4.95 Irregular quadrangular prismatic crystal bead 184
    Figure 4.96 Pentagonal prismatic crystal bead 184
    Figure 4.97 Irregular pentagonal prismatic crystal bead 184
    Figure 4.98 Hexagonal prismatic crystal bead 184
    Figure 4.99 Hexagonal prismatic amethyst beads 184
    Figure 4.100 Flat hexagonal prismatic amethyst bead 184
    Figure 4.101 Hexagonal biconical crystal beads 184
    Figure 4.102 Hexagonal biconical amethyst beads 185
    Figure 4.103 Hexagonal truncated bicone crystal bead 185
    Figure 4.104 Hexagonal truncated bicone crystal beads 185
    Figure 4.105 Flat diamond crystal beads 187
    Figure 4.106 Polyhedral crystal bead 187
    Figure 4.107 Saucer-shaped amethyst beads 187
    Figure 4.108 Spherical amethyst bead 187
    Figure 4.109 Lenticular amethyst beads 187
    Figure 4.110 Olivary crystal bead 187
    Figure 4.111 Olivary amethyst bead 187
    Figure 4.112 Cylindrical amethyst bead 189
    Figure 4.113 Irregular cylindrical crystal bead 189
    Figure 4.114 Collar amethyst bead 189
    Figure 4.115 Turtle-shaped amethyst bead ornament 189
    Figure 4.116 Lion-shaped citrine bead ornament 189
    Figure 4.117 Crystal Jue 189
    Figure 4.118 Crystal cone 189
    Figure 4.119 Irregular cuboid-shaped raw crystals 189
    Figure 4.120 Irregular quadrangular prismatic beryl bead 192
    Figure 4.121 Irregular quadrangular prismatic beryl beads 192
    Figure 4.122 Irregular quadrangular prismatic beryl bead 192
    Figure 4.123 Irregular quadrangular prismatic beryl bead 192
    Figure 4.124 Irregular hexagonal prismatic beryl bead 192
    Figure 4.125 Hexagonal prismatic beryl bead 192
    Figure 4.126 Hexagonal truncated bicone beryl bead 192
    Figure 4.127 Spherical garnet beads 194
    Figure 4.128 Irregular spherical garnet bead 194
    Figure 4.129 Spherical garnet beads 194
    Figure 4.130 Irregular spherical garnet beads 194
    Figure 4.131 Irregular spherical garnet beads 194
    Figure 4.132 Bottom perforation of the irregular spherical garnet bead 194
    Figure 4.133 Olivary garnet beads 194
    Figure 4.134 Collar garnet beads 194
    Figure 4.135 Short barrel turquoise bead 196
    Figure 4.136 Irregular triangular turquoise bead 196
    Figure 4.137 Turquoise bead 196
    Figure 4.138 Cylindrical jade tube 199
    Figure 4.139 Cylindrical jade tube 199
    Figure 4.140 Cylindrical jade tubes 199
    Figure 4.141 Cylindrical jade tube 199
    Figure 4.142 Cylindrical jade tubes 199
    Figure 4.143 Cylindrical jade tube 199
    Figure 4.144 Spherical jade bead 199
    Figure 4.145 Spherical jade bead 199
    Figure 4.146 Bi-shaped jade beads 200
    Figure 4.147 Circular plate shaped jade beads 200
    Figure 4.148 Olivary jade bead 200
    Figure 4.149 Double-Sheng-shaped jade bead 201
    Figure 4.150 Cuboid-shaped jade bead 201
    Figure 4.151 Bird-shaped jade bead 201
    Figure 4.152 Concave cylinder jade ear pendant 201
    Figure 4.153 Octagon prismatic jade nose stopple 201
    Figure 4.154 Octagon prismatic glass nose stopples 201
    Figure 4.155 Round tabular jet beads 203
    Figure 4.156 Round tabular shaped jet bead 203
    Figure 4.157 Spherical jet beads 203
    Figure 4.158 Melon jet bead 203
    Figure 4.159 Ellipse amber beads 206
    Figure 4.160 Irregular ellipse amber beads 206
    Figure 4.161 Regular and irregular oblate amber beads 206
    Figure 4.162 Oblate amber beads 206
    Figure 4.163 Quadrangular prismatic amber bead 206
    Figure 4.164 Quadrangular prismatic amber bead 206
    Figure 4.165 Irregular quadrangular prismatic amber bead 206
    Figure 4.166 Irregular prismatic amber bead 206
    Figure 4.167 Cylindrical amber bead 208
    Figure 4.168 Irregular cylindrical amber bead 208
    Figure 4.169 Hexagonal bicone amber beads 208
    Figure 4.170 Double-Sheng-shaped amber beads 208
    Figure 4.171 Double-Sheng-shaped amber beads 208
    Figure 4.172 Convex cone amber bead 209
    Figure 4.173 Lenticular amber bead 209
    Figure 4.174 Irregular spherical amber bead 209
    Figure 4.175 Annular amber bead 209
    Figure 4.176 Lion-shaped amber bead 212
    Figure 4.177 Lion-shaped amber bead 212
    Figure 4.178 Lion-shaped amber bead 212
    Figure 4.179 Lion-shaped amber bead. 212
    Figure 4.180 Lion-shaped amber bead 212
    Figure 4.181 Lion-shaped amber beads 212
    Figure 4.182 Lion-shaped amber bead 212
    Figure 4.183 Lion-shaped amber bead 212
    Figure 4.184 Lion-shaped amber bead 212
    Figure 4.185 Lion-shaped amber beads 212
    Figure 4.186 Frog-shaped amber bead 213
    Figure 4.187 Frog-shaped amber bead 213
    Figure 4.188 Animal-shaped amber bead 213
    Figure 4.189 Animal-shaped amber bead 213
    Figure 4.190 Animal-shaped amber bead 213
    Figure 4.191 Animal-shaped amber bead 213
    Figure 4.192 Animal-shaped amber bead 213
    Figure 4.193 Animal-shaped amber bead 213
    Figure 4.194 Concave cylinder amber ear pendants 215
    Figure 4.195 Concave cylinder amber ear pendants 215
    Figure 4.196 Cylindrical amber ear pendants 215
    Figure 4.197 Cylindrical amber ear pendant 215
    Figure 4.198 Suona-shaped amber ear pendant 215
    Figure 4.199 Stone pendant 215
    Figure 6.1 2D plots for chemical compositions of potash glasses of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 238
    Figure 6.2 Glass tubes 240
    Figure 6.3 Photos of typical glass samples for low lime-high alumina type potash glass 240
    Figure 6.4 Photos of typical glass samples for medium lime-alumina type potash glass 240
    Figure 6.5 Photos of typical glass samples for plant ash soda-alumina type glass 240
    Figure 6.6 Photos of typical glass samples for mineral alkali soda-alumina type glass 240
    Figure 6.7 Photos of typical glass samples for mineral alkali soda-lime type glass 243
    Figure 6.8 Photos of typical glass samples for plant ash soda-lime type glass 243
    Figure 6.9 Photos of typical glass samples for lead-barium type glass 243
    Figure 6.10 Photos of typical glass samples for potash-lead type glass243
    Figure 6.11 Photos of typical glass sample for mixed alkali type glass 243
    Figure 6.12 Photos of typical faience samples 243
    Figure 6.13 Bar graph of chemical systems for glasses dated to Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 245
    Figure 6.14 Raman spectras and photos of typical glass samples opacified by lead stannate and lead antimonate 246
    Figure 6.15 Raman spectra of typical copper red glass beads 247
    Figure 6.16 Brown glass bead with a white stripe 247
    Figure 6.17 Raman spectra of typical quartz beads 248
    Figure 6.18 Raman spectra of typical almandine beads 249
    Figure 6.19 Raman spectra of aquamarine bead 250
    Figure 6.20 Photos of typical amber beads dated to Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 251
    Figure 6.21 Qualitative spectra of the amber beads and pendants of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 251
    Figure 6.22 Photos for typical gold pendants 252
    Figure 6.23 Photo and OCT image of the segmented silver-glass bead 254
    Figure 6.24 OCT images and schematic diagram of the testing regions of the brown glass bead with a white stripe 254
    Figure 6.25 Dark blue glass bead with white stripes and the OCT images 254
    Figure 6.26 OCT images of the melon glass bead 255
    Figure 6.27 OCT images of the Indo-Pacific glass beads 255
    Figure 6.28 OCT images of the polyhedral glass beads 255
    Figure 6.29 OCT images of the glass ear pendants 256
    Figure 6.30 Eye glass bead and the OCT images 256
    Figure 6.31 OCT images of the faience beads 257
    Figure 6.32 OCT images of the agate beads 257
    Figure 6.33 OCT image of the crystal bead 258
    Figure 6.34 OCT images of the garnet beads 258
    Figure 6.35 OCT image of the aquamarine bead 259
    Figure 6.36 OCT image of the lion-shaped amber bead 259
    Figure 6.37 Surface and microscope images of a drawn glass bead 261
    Figure 6.38 Photos of typical Indo-Pacific glass beads 261
    Figure 6.39 Micrographs of drawning trace on the surface of the drawn glass beads 262
    Figure 6.40 Wound glass beads 262
    Figure 6.41 Photos of typical polyhedral glass beads 263
    Figure 6.42 Micrographs of polishing trace on the surface of polyhedral glass beads 263
    Figure 6.43 Photos of diamond-drill and micrographs of the processing traces 265
    Figure 6.44 Solid drill, tubular drill and sketch map of their perforations 265
    Figure 6.45 Shapes and micrographs of drilling hole of the beryl (aquamarine type) beads and pendants 266
    Figure 6.46 Micrographs of drilling hole of the crystal and chalcedony beads and pendants 267
    Figure 6.47 Different shapes of carnelian beads and pendants of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 269
    Figure 6.48 Micrographs of drilling trace of garnet beads and pendants 269
    Figure 6.49 Micrographs of drilling trace and the shapes of polyhedral glass beads 270
    Figure 6.50 Micrograph of drilling trace on the end surface of hexagonal truncated bicone glass bead 271
    Figure 7.1 Potash-lime glass tubes of Warring States Period unearthed from China 277
    Figure 7.2 String pendants unearthed from tomb of Yu State of Western Zhou Dynasty in Baoji 279
    Figure 7.3 Amber seal of middle Western Han Dynasty unearthed from Guangzhou and the impression 284
    Figure 7.4 Etched carnelian beads of Harappa civilization in ancient India 288
    Figure 7.5 Etched beads unearthed from Taxila site in ancient India 288
    Figure 7.6 Etched carnelian bead unearthed from the burial of Ur Dynasty (2500 BC) 289
    Figure 7.7 Etched beads unearthed from Southeast Asia 290
    Figure 7.8 Etched beads unearthed from Xinjiang, Henan, Yunnan and Guangxi, China 291
    Figure 7.9 Collar beads unearthed from South Asia and Southeast Asia 293
    Figure 7.10 Collar beads of Han Dynasty unearthed from Guangzhou 293
    Figure 7.11 Collar garnet beads unearthed from tomb of Han Dynasty in Hepu, Guangxi 293
    Figure 7.12 Lion-shaped beads unearthed from Southeast Asia 295
    Figure 7.13 Lion-shaped beads of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 295
    Figure 7.14 Lion-shaped beads unearthed from tombs of Han Dynasties in Hepu, Guangxi 296
    Figure 7.15 Triangular glass bead of Han Dynasty unearthed from Guangzhou 298
    Figure 7.16 Roman-Mediterranean style triangular glass beads 298
    Figure 7.17 Glass beads for imitating agate unearthed from West Asia 299
    Figure 7.18 Striped glass beads unearthed from Southeast Asia 301
    Figure 7.19 Fluted beads 301
    Figure 7.20 Gold beads and pendants unearthed from Iran, West Asia (1000 BC) 301
    Figure 7.21 Multifaceted hollow gold beads of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 303
    Figure 7.22 Multifaceted hollow gold beads unearthed from South Asia and Southeast Asia 303
    Figure 7.23 Olivary etched agate beads unearthed from India 303
    Figure 7.24 Etched beads unearthed from Khao Sam Kaeo site, Thailand 303
    Figure 7.25 Football-shaped etched beads unearthed from the No. 1 tomb in Fish nursery, Gui County, Guangxi 303
    Figure 7.26 Typical ear pendants of the Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 305
    Figure 7.27 Ear pendants made of different materials unearthed from tombs of Han Dynasties in Hepu, Guangxi 305
    Figure 7.28 Carnelian ear pendants unearthed from South Asia and Southeast Asia 305
    Figure 7.29 Sheng-shaped pendants of the Han Dynasty unearthed from Guangzhou 306
    Figure 7.30 Sheng-shaped pendants unearthed from tombs of Han Dynasties in Hepu, Guangxi 306
    Figure 7.31 Sheng-shaped pendant unearthed from Ta Chana port, Thailand 306
    Figure 7.32 Multifaceted glass beads and pendants of Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 307
    表1.1 布里尔对珠饰尺寸类型的划分标准 010
    表2.1 《广州汉墓》墓葬出土珠饰情况一览表 018
    表2.2 《广州汉墓》出土珠饰墓葬形制与随葬品数量对照表 037
    表2.3 《广州汉墓》珠饰种类统计表 040
    表2.4 《番禺汉墓》墓葬出土珠饰情况一览表 046
    表2.5 1970~2016年发掘的广州两汉墓葬珠饰出土情况一览表(广州市文物考古研究院收藏) 049
    表2.6 广州出土汉代珠饰种类统计表 098
    表3.1 单色玻璃珠饰颜色统计表 101
    表3.2 单色玻璃珠饰透明度统计表 102
    表3.3 玻璃珠形状统计表 103
    表5.1 广州出土汉代珠饰器形统计表 219
    表5.2 广州出土汉代珠饰形状一览表 220
    表6.1 不同玻璃体系及其亚类划分标准 237
    表6.2 广州出土汉代玻璃测试样品化学成分信息统计表 244
    表7.1 广州出土汉代玻璃珠测试样品化学成分统计表 274
    List of Tables
    Table 1.1 Classification criterions of the size for beads and pendants given by Brill 010
    Table 2.1 List of beads and pendants in Han tombs in Guangzhou 018
    Table 2.2 List of tomb shapes and the quantity of burial objects in Han tombs in Guangzhou 037
    Table 2.3 Statistical table of types of beads and pendants in Han tombs in Guangzhou 040
    Table 2.4 List of beads and pendants in Han tombs in Panyu 046
    Table 2.5 List of beads and pendants unearthed from tombs of the Han Dynasties in Guangzhou during 1970–2016 (collected in Guangzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology) 049
    Table 2.6 Statistical table of the types for beads and pendants dated to Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 098
    Table 3.1 Statistical table of colors for monochrome glass beads 101
    Table 3.2 Statistical table of transparency for monochrome glass beads 102
    Table 3.3 Statistical table of the shapes for glass beads 103
    Table 5.1 Statistical table of shapes of beads and pendants of the Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 219
    Table 5.2 List of the shapes of beads and pendants of the Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 220
    Table 6.1 Classification criterions of different glass systems and sub-types 237
    Table 6.2 Chemical compositions of the glass samples of the Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 244
    Table 7.1 Chemical compositions of the glass samples of the Han Dynasties unearthed from Guangzhou 274