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  • 书号:9787030543240
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  • 装帧:圆脊精装
  • 页数:311
  • 出版社:科学出版社
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  • 定价: ¥398.00元
    售价: ¥314.42元
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  • Contents
    1 Scientific Foundations and Theoretical Systems for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 1
    1.1 The Strategical Background and Urgency for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 2
    1.1.1 The Macro Background for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 2
    1.1.2 The Strategic Significance and Urgency for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 6
    1.2 The Theoretical Foundations and Framework Systems for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 10
    1.2.1 The Theoretical Foundations for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 11
    1.2.2 The Framework Systems for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 19
    1.3 The Techniques and Keys for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 25
    1.3.1 The Techniques and Technique Contents for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 25
    1.3.2 The Technique Viewpoints and Pathways for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 30
    1.3.3 The Technique Difficulties and Keys for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 33
    References 36
    2 The Dynamic Evolution and Moving Tracks of the Center of Gravity for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 37
    2.1 The Dynamic Evolution and Moving Tracks of the Center of Gravity for China’s Urban Size Structure 37
    2.1.1 The Basic Scenarios of China’s City Administrations Prior to 1980 38
    2.1.2 The Dynamic Evolution and Moving Tracks of the Center of Gravity for China’s Urban Population Since 1980 41
    2.1.3 The Dynamic Evolution and Moving Tracks of the Center of Gravity for China’s Urban Economy Since 1980 48
    2.1.4 The Dynamic Evolution and Moving Tracks of the Center of Gravity for China’s Urban Land Use Scale Since 1980 55
    2.2 The Dynamic Evolution Tracks for China’s Urban Spatial Form and Functional Structure 62
    2.2.1 The Dynamic Evolution Tracks for China’s Urban Spatial Form 63
    2.2.2 The Dynamic Evolution Tracks for China’s Urban Functional Structure 68
    2.3 The Stage Characteristics for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 75
    2.3.1 The Stage of Dispersed Layout and Low-Level Equilibrium Development (1949–1978) 75
    2.3.2 The Stage of Concentrated Layout and Non-equilibrium Development (1979–2000) 77
    2.3.3 The Stage of Networked Layout and Relative Equilibrium Development (2000–Present) 78
    References 80
    3 Rationality Diagnosis and Comprehensive Evaluation for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 83
    3.1 The Indicator System for Rationality Diagnosis for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 83
    3.1.1 The Basic Connotation of Rational Spatial Pattern of
    China’s Urban Development 84
    3.1.2 The Influential Mechanisms for Rational Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 85
    3.1.3 The Diagnosis Indicator System for Rational Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 90
    3.2 Evaluating the Rationality of China’s Urban Size Structure Pattern 92
    3.2.1 Rationality Diagnosis Model and Standards for China’s Urban Size Structure Pattern 93
    3.2.2 Characteristics and Spatial Distribution of Current China’s Urban Size Structure 97
    3.2.3 Rationality Diagnosis for China’s Urban Size Structure 107
    3.3 Rationality Evaluation for China’s Urban Spatial Structure Pattern 118
    3.3.1 Rationality Diagnosis Model for China’s Urban Spatial Structure Pattern 119
    3.3.2 Overall Diagnosis for China’s Urban Spatial Structure Pattern 120
    3.4 Rationality Diagnosis for China’s Urban Functional Structure Pattern 133
    3.4.1 The UFR Rationality Diagnosis Model for China’s Urban Functional Structure Pattern 138
    3.4.2 Current Distribution of China’s Urban Functional Structure Pattern 143
    3.4.3 Overall Rationality Diagnosis for China’s Urban Functional Structure Pattern 155
    3.5 Overall Rationality Diagnosis for China’s Urban Development Spatial Pattern 162
    3.5.1 Overall Rationality Diagnosis Model for China’s Urban Development Spatial Pattern 163
    3.5.2 Overall Rationality Diagnosis Results for the Spatial
    Pattern of China’s Urban Development 164
    References 170
    4 Optimization Goals and Keys for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 173
    4.1 The Principles for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 174
    4.1.1 Principle of Fairness and Justice 174
    4.1.2 Principle of Moderate Agglomeration 176
    4.1.3 Principle of Coordinated Development 177
    4.1.4 Principle of Innovation Driven 179
    4.1.5 Principle of Sustainable Development 181
    4.2 Optimization Goals for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 182
    4.2.1 Development of Urbanization Enters the Mature and Stable Stage, the Quality of Urbanization Development Improves Steadily 183
    4.2.2 Urban Hierarchical Structure Becomes More Reasonable, a New Pyramid-like Organizational Pattern Gradually Comes into Being 186
    4.2.3 Urban Spatial Organizational Structure Becomes More Optimized, an Axes-Agglomeration Connected Spatial Pattern Gradually Comes into Being 187
    4.2.4 Urban Functional Structure Becomes More Diversified, a Functional Pattern with Rational Division of Labor and Complementary Development Gradually Comes into Being 195
    4.2.5 Orderly Promoting the Establishment of City Administrative Units, a Highly Efficient and Operational Pattern for Establishing City Administrative Units Gradually Comes into Being 197
    4.3 Optimization Keys for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 200
    4.3.1 Implementing Economical and Intensive Development, Promoting a Compact and Smart Growth Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 200
    4.3.2 Improving Urban Operational Efficiency, Promoting a Convenient, Efficient, and Smooth Spatial Pattern for Urban Development 203
    4.3.3 Expediting the Upgrading of Urban Industrial Structure, Building a Modern Industrial Supported Spatial Pattern for Urban Development 206
    4.3.4 Optimizing the Urban System Structure, Promoting a Spatial Pattern for Urban Development with Orderly Scale and Rational Division of Labor 209
    4.3.5 Building a Green and Low-Carbon Human Habitat Environment, Promoting a Harmonic and Livable Spatial Pattern for Urban Development 213
    4.4 Optimization Modes for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 215
    4.4.1 Transportation Channel Guided Mode 216
    4.4.2 Industry Agglomeration Linked Mode 217
    4.4.3 Urban Rural Integration Mode 220
    4.4.4 Balanced Network Development Mode 224
    4.4.5 Ecological Progress Oriented Mode 227
    References 231
    5 Optimizing Simulation and Scientific Scenarios for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 233
    5.1 Simulative Approaches for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 234
    5.1.1 Indicator System for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 234
    5.1.2 Simulative Approaches for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 237
    5.2 Simulative Scenarios for Optimizing the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 245
    5.2.1 Trend Analysis of China’s Population and Overall Economy 246
    5.2.2 Simulative Optimizing Scenarios for Urban Economic Development 249
    5.2.3 Simulative Optimizing Scenarios for Urban Population Spatial Pattern 258
    5.2.4 Multiple Scenarios for Optimizing Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 277
    References 282
    6 Optimizing Measures and Policy Advices for the Spatial Pattern of China’s Urban Development 283
    6.1 The Main Optimizing Measures for the Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 284
    6.1.1 Implementing the Innovation-Driven Development Strategy, Building Innovative Cities to Create an Innovative and Networked Pattern 284
    6.1.2 Implementing the Globalization Strategy, Building Global Megalopolis to Create a New Globalized Development Pattern 287
    6.1.3 Implementing Ecology Priority Strategy, Building Ecological Cities to Create an Ecological Safe Urban Development Pattern 294
    6.1.4 Vigorously Developing Smart Industries, Building Smart Cities to Create a Smart Networked Urban Development Pattern 297
    6.1.5 Orderly Developing Low-Carbon Industries, Building Low-Carbon Cities to Create a Low-Carbon City Dominated Pattern 300
    6.1.6 Implementing Cultural Heritage Strategy, and Building Historical and Cultural Cities to Promote a Culture-Rich Urban Development Pattern 304
    6.2 Policy Advices for Optimizing Spatial Pattern of Urban Development 305
    6.2.1 Formulating Rational Migration and Household Registration System Policies, Optimizing the Urban Size Structure Pattern 306
    6.2.2 Formulating Orderly Urban Industry Transfer Policies, and Optimizing Urban Functional Structure Pattern 308
    6.2.3 Formulating Differentiated Urban Development Policies, and Optimizing Urban Spatial Structure Pattern 308
    6.2.4 Gradually Promoting the Establishment of City Administrative Units, and Creating a Fair and Inclusive, Balanced and Rational Administrative Pattern 309
    6.2.5 Attracting Private Investment, Lowering Urban Debt Risks, and Creating a Diversified Investment Pattern 310
    References 311